How to better understand social inclusion and exclusion? § poverty as only one of the indicators of social exclusion § nature and stability of work playing the most important role -> precariat § towards broader definition - work as a basic indicator of social well-being § super rich facing the risk of social exclusion (gated communities) § culture of poverty – often mistaken for an ethnic feature § Equal treatment (ET) – often understood to be a guiding principle of antidiscrimination laws BUT inherent conflict between ET and social inclusion § 1. some groups need different treatment (e.g. pregnant women, disabled, etc.) § 2. ET might cause “indirect discrimination” (e.g. starting position of some groups is already different) § 3. preferential treatment is sometimes needed to redress a prior history of disadvantage (e.g. quotas for African-American Students in the ’70s) § 2 utopias: equal opportunity vs. equality of outcome § -> social inclusion as a guiding principle of anti-discrimination laws § -> in justifiable cases positive discrimination/redistribution/provision of specific help is acceptable § cultural sociological approach (Jeffrey C. Alexander) § solidarity as "subjective feelings of integration that individuals experience for the members of their social groups" (Alexander 1988:78). § an attempt to capture horizontal dimension of social exclusion core group/terminal group/out-group § culture specific notion of social inclusion/exclusion § Two axis of integration: 1. the structure of society; 2. the relationship between internal characteristics § dilemma of nation building - what kind of groups can be included so that we still remain one nation? § civil vs. primordial definition of a state (France, Canada vs. Central Europe) § jus sanguinis vs. jus soli § who can be a member of the particular society? § citizenship as a key precondition of social inclusion § Alexander: assimilative movements vs. nationalist movements vs. ethnic secession § Idea of different form of capitals (social, economic, cultural) - Bourdieu § Social capital & economic capital = unclear relation § Amartya Sen idea of minimal income to “live a life one has a reason to value” (Sen 2000) § Example of inclusive education