SOC755 General Sociology

Classical Sociology I - Marx and Critical Theory

Obligatory Readings:“Introduction”, in: Appelrouth, Scott A. & Laura Desfor Edles (2012): Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1-18.
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From “Karl Marx (1818-1883)” in: Appelrouth, Scott A. & Laura Desfor Edles (2012): Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 20-76.
  • Biography, Core Ideas, Theoretical Orientation (20-30)
  • Excerpt from The German Ideology (1945-1846) + Introduction (32-41)
  • The Communist Manifesto (1848) + Introduction (50-66)
 Text below under additional readings!   From “Critical Theory” in: Appelrouth, Scott A. & Laura Desfor Edles (2012): Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory. Thousand Oaks.
  • Theodor Adorno: “The Culture Industry Reconsidered” (1975 [1963]) + Introduction (400-404)
  • Herbert Marcuse: Excerpt from One-dimensional Man (1964) + Introduction (404-412)
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Additional Readings:“Karl Marx (1818-1883)” in: Appelrouth, Scott A. & Laura Desfor Edles (2012): Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 20-76.
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“Critical Theory” in: Appelrouth, Scott A. & Laura Desfor Edles (2012): Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 375-412.
Marx, Karl (1973):  Grundrisse. Introduction to the Critique of Political Economy. London: Penguin Classics.
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