SOC755 General Sociology
Classical Sociology II - Durkheim and Durkheimian Sociology
Obligatory Readings:From “Émile Durkheim (1958-1917)” in: Appelrouth, Scott A. & Laura Desfor Edles (2012): Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
“Robert K. Merton (1910-2003)” in: Appelrouth, Scott A. & Laura Desfor Edles (2012): Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 355-373.
Alexander, Jeffrey C. (1988): “Culture and Political Crisis. ‘Watergate’ and Durkheimian Sociology”. In: Alexander, Jeffrey C. (ed.), Durkheimian Sociology. Cultural Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 187-224.
Collins, Randall (2004): Interaction Ritual Chains. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
- Biography, Core Ideas, Theoretical Orientation (78-84)
- Excerpt from The Division of Labor in Society + Introduction (92-100)
- Excerpt from Suicide: A Study in Sociology + Introduction (100-113)
- Excerpt from The Elementary Forms of Religious Life + Introduction (114-124)
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