Conversation 2 a b Do Tom and Ricardo do a deal? What expression docs Torn use to switch from discussing motor racing to discussing business? T_o_races, how's the South African bid going? Complete the expressions below. They were all in the conversation you just listened to. Contractions (J'd, wouldn't, who's, etc.) count as one word. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Glad I make it. There's Can't _ So, _ missed it for the world. _like vou to meet. _ standing there with an empty glass, person you wanted me to meet? I'll two know each olher already. _ two to chat. See yon later. | Lexis link tor rrv*e on conversation see page 101 d What do the following remarks tell you about Ricardo and Elise's relationship? f.vtig rime no see. You baven't changed a hit. Neither have you. Charming as ever. Ricardo and I go hack a long way. I'll hare whatever you're having. Fluency 4 Work with a partner. Practise paying and receiving compliments. Useful expressions • You're looking as ... as ever/usual today! • What a brilliant/fantastic/fabulous • You know, that/those... really suit(s) you! • I (really) like your...! Where did you get it/them? • By the way, you did a great job in the meeting/presentation the other day. • In Fact, I must say you're one of the ...est people I've ever met. And I'm not just saying that. I (really) mean it! Spend a few minutes thinking of compliments you could pay your partner. Use the expressions opposite to help you. When you are ready, start exchanging compliments with your partner. Respond to each compliment you receive in an appreciative but modest way. See who can give the most compliments in under two minutes! Join the rest of your group and report some of the compliments you've been giving, e.g. / was just saying how nice Alain's new haircut looks. I was just telling Yvonne what a mar/ellous tan she's got. JSSion ^ 'iTiey say 'Flattery- will get you everywhere.' How important is it in your culture to a pay people personal compliments? b compliment them on their work? Docs it depend on how well you know each other? Is it different for men and women? 8 1 Business or pleasure?