Modern Technologies and Conflicts 1.11. 2017 JAKUB DRMOLA AI and autonomy at war Related image Some basics what is intelligence and consciousness? types of AI? ◦strong/general AI ◦ vs ◦ weak/narrow AI what about physical form? History of autonomy mechanical automata since middle ages ◦Digesting Duck, Leonardo's mechanical knight, Karakuri biological automata since 19th cent. ◦Frankenstein, R.U.R. accelerated progression after WW2 ◦Turing, von Neumann, Minsky, … exponential since 90s History of autonomy in warfare before WW1: hot-air balloons ◦observation and bombing interwar: aerial practice targets during WW2: remote control of all types ◦both wired and wirelss ◦air, land and sea -based ◦V1 and V2? Image result for ww2 japan fire balloon and rones/TenStories23.jpg Cold War target practice, decoys and reconnaissance ◦with jet engines too modern era of drones/UAVs began during the 80s, in the Middle Sast Image result for Ryan Model 147 Lightning Bug Present remote control is commonplace growing autonomy ◦locomotion a sensors „human in the loop“ principle still not true intelligence Image result for Super aEgis II Image result for predator uav Image result for platforma m Problems? lower conflict-threshold collateral damage „gamification“ dehumanization psychological impacts political and cultural fallout Image result for drone screen Non-state actors terrorists, guerillas etc. ◦reconnaissance, targeting, smuggling ◦direct attacks commercial drones are cheap, available and easily modified perfect example of horizontal proliferation of dual-use tech ◦ ◦ Image result for isis drone Near future growing autonomy across the board closer integration and mixed units autonomous swarms first autonomous kill? arrival of true AI? Image result for future combat robot dog Related image