CJVA302: Week 4 Health care reform & race relations in the United States Agenda - Course organization - Health care reform in the United States - The Affordable Care Act and Republican efforts to repeal and replace it - Race relations in America - BLM, mass incarceration Leads 3  Mark Szabo – Hurricane Maria & Puerto Rico Health care reform 4  The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act:  March 23, 2010  Gradual phasing in of major provisions  Key provisions:  Insurers’ obligations  Individual mandate  Subsidies Repeal efforts 5  Why the Republican backlash?  Traditional conservative values  Partisan politics  Racism/classism? Religion (e.g. anti-abortion)?  The Republican senators standing in the way:  John McCain (R, Arizona)  Susan Collins (R, Maine)  Lisa Murkowski (R, Alaska) American health care reform 6  Compared to the situations in your countries, what do you think of the situation in the U.S.?  Questions? Race relations in the U.S. 7  The legacy of Slavery & the Civil War  Was the Civil War about slavery?  Reconstruction Era: Reconstruction Amendments 13th: abolishment of slavery 14th: citizenship 15th: voting rights Jim Crow laws – “separate but equal” Pop quiz 8  Can you name these people? Pop quiz 9  What about these people? Pop quiz 10  Or these people? Race in America 11  Civil Rights Movement – 1960s movement to end segregation and create greater racial equality  Black Lives Matter – recent movement started in response to police brutality  Treyvon Martin, Michael Brown Leads 12  Aigerim Nurseitova – Race in the States Video & discussion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CK7f8A4tPU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u51_pzax4M0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V66F3WU2CKk 13Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office