1 With a partner describe the infographic, then answer the following questions: 1 Who are Advocates General? 2 How many judges are there? 3 What are infringement proceedings? 4 What are preliminary rulings? 5 What are actions for annulment? 6 Find recent examples of actions for failure to act against EU bodies. 2 Skim the text in the link and answer the following questions: https://goo.gl/cWr2nF 1 What member states are involved and why was the infringement procedure started? 2 What is the main counterargument of the member states? 3 Why is the position of the EU not an easy one? 3 Think about arguments/counterarguments on this issue. Then discuss it with your partner. 4 Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words below. Then fill in the gaps in brackets with the terms referring to the respective rulings. applied against infringed interprets settles The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ___________ (1) EU law to make sure it is ___________ (2) in the same way in all EU countries, and ___________ (3) legal disputes between national governments and EU institutions. It can also, in certain circumstances, be used by individuals, companies or organisations to take action ___________ (4) an EU institution, if they feel it has somehow ___________ (5) their rights. annul violate determine gives harmed make take concerns complain doubt put comply What does the CJEU do? The CJEU ___________ (1) rulings on cases brought before it. The most common types of case are: * annulling EU legal acts (__________________________) – if an EU act is believed to ___________ (2) EU treaties or fundamental rights, the Court can be asked to ___________ (3) it – by an EU government, the Council of the EU, the European Commission or (in some cases) the European Parliament. Private individuals can also ask the Court to annul an EU act that directly ___________ (4) them. * interpreting the law (__________________________) – national courts of EU countries are required to ensure EU law is properly applied, but courts in different countries might interpret it differently. If a national court is in ___________ (5) about the interpretation or validity of an EU law, it can ask the Court for clarification. The same mechanism can be used to ___________ (6) whether a national law or practice is compatible with EU law. * ensuring the EU takes action (__________________________) – the Parliament, Council and Commission must ___________ (7) certain decisions under certain circumstances. If they don't, EU governments, other EU institutions or (under certain conditions) individuals or companies can ___________ (8) to the Court. * sanctioning EU institutions (actions for damages) – any person or company who has had their interests ___________ (9) as a result of the action or inaction of the EU or its staff can ___________ (10) action against them through the Court. * enforcing the law (__________________________) – this type of case is taken against a national government for failing to ___________ (11) with EU law. Can be started by the European Commission or another EU country. If the country is found to be at fault, it must ___________ (12) things right at once, or risk a second case being brought, which may result in a fine. http://www.bmas.de/SharedDocs/Bilder/EN/Topics/Social-Europe-and-international-Affairs/european-cou rt-of-justice.jpg;jsessionid=0C314CDE30AD794D64183821B760F069?__blob=poster&v=3 http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-17-1935_en.htm