Introduction to IR and EP
Week 6: Globalization and its Manifestations
Globalization as major force in the contemporary world, its pros and cons, emergence and evolution of globalization as a universal phenomenon. Development, poverty, climate change, and human rights as examples of typical processes constituting globalization.
Essay topics/questions:
Since when can globalization be considered major phenomenon in contemporary world, and which factors contributed to its emergence? Which problems and issue areas are most susceptible to globalization? And in what way(s) can globalization help alleviate (or, to the contrary, further aggravate) problems like poverty or climate change?
Essay topics/questions:
Since when can globalization be considered major phenomenon in contemporary world, and which factors contributed to its emergence? Which problems and issue areas are most susceptible to globalization? And in what way(s) can globalization help alleviate (or, to the contrary, further aggravate) problems like poverty or climate change?
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Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.