ACADEMIC SKILLS Session II Mgr. Martin Jirušek, Ph.D. Research paper  Non-normative & objective  Presentation of research outcomes and how they were collected  Informs about the research and the proces leading to the result  Presents the whole research process - the reader must be able to replicate the research with the same results – reliability!  Does NOT need to contain description of all research steps in a detail - Focuses on WHATs, WHYs & HOWs of the research  Stressing what is important  Coherent and easy to follow  Published in academic journals Research paper II 1) introduction - description of the issue - purpose statement - literature review (can be added as a separate section in more extensive papers) - theoretical foundations (or separately as a following chapter) - objectives 2) methodology (i.e. nature of the text and methods) 3) results 4) interpretation/discussion  Keep the WHAT/WHY/HOW structure Research paper III  Take a look at the content again - What is missing? - Why?  Guide your readers through the research – be transparent! BUT!  Don´t describe everything that happened during the process  The reader has to know the tools, sources and the result, not the actual proces and trivia surrounding the subject matter Research paper IV  Replicability = reliability  Applies to sources, methods, outcomes as well as referencing  Although not every part of the research process is thoroughly described in the actual text, everything has to be reflected and clear guidance must be provided  The reader should be able to find out: - Which sources were used? - Which actors were interviewed? - Are those interviews available? Where? - Are the weblinks still accessible? When were they accessed? - ... Research paper V Research paper VI  Try to think of your own research topic  In-class work of the Week 13  Use the top-down process - should also work vice versa  Start with a broad area  Narrow down the topic  Mind the ‘doability’ of the research  Let´s give it a try  Poster  Non-normative&objective  Used at conferences, conventions, exhibitions,...  Presentation of actual research/research plan in brief and comprehensive manner  Similar to fact sheet in the way information is presented (tables, graphs, pictures,...)  Should be understandable in a multi-disciplinary (multinational) environment  Follows the process of research paper in concentrated form (objective, purpose, methods, results, discussion/further work)  Should be self-contained Poster II  Should be comprehensive - but also easy-to-digest and understand (even for people from outside the field) - visitors should not be forced to spend long time trying to figure out what is going on  Should be attractive (but not overly glaring)  Structure should be simple and understandable  Be ready to explain your research when necessary - stressing main points and outcomes - if the visitor is interested, a detailed description may follow  Should contain references to the employer/sponsor/university (acknowledgements) and contact to the author SWOT analysis  Subjective & normative (if recommendations are included)  Structured way of assessing particular issue - not an actual method, rather a way of structuring a broader analysis  Presents Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in comprehensive and understandable manner  Uses precise and verifiable statements  Prioritizes influencing factors  Recommendations should be derived from clear outcomes Your own SWOT analysis  Choose an issue...  Identify its strengths, weaknessesses, opportunity, threats Thesis  Similar to writing an article/research paper, only much worse   Keep that WHAT-WHY-HOW structure  Complex description of the research process including purpose, motivation, literature review, methodology, the research process, all underlying information and data, conclusion, dicussion, ...  Thesis is the record of the WHOLE research process - Paper: info about the research - Thesis: research itself  Research papers are usually derived from such records (i.e. theses) Research paper Thesis Writing style  Only a question of self-confidence...?  Use The study shows..., It was proved that... instead of The outcomes might show that..., It is likely that the evidence might point to... where possible  Avoid shortened forms (e.g. use are not instead of aren´t)  Try to be concise and NOT wordy  Keep the text coherent (should make sense) and cohesive (should be interlinked) Content & some mixed advices  A word of advice: what is it you want to tell the reader? - Focus on the message, surround it with the context later - Use (mind) maps, graphs, networks, etc. when necessary  If not sure, always ask yourself: - Is this getting me closer to the conclusion? - What is this good for? - Is this making the thing easier to understand or not?  Put the issue first - Methodology should serve the purpose, not the other way around Probably the most important thing to remember...  Research paper & thesis should not only present outcomes of the research but should also serve as description of the research process  The aim is to provide a description enabling reader to replicate the research and come up with the same conclusions  This enhances reliability of the research Assignment  Submit a poster presenting a research project - For this purpose students can use some of their earlier work (bachelor/master thesis)  Research topic with description of a procedure and outcome (if available)  Students can consult their project with the lecturer  Must be uploaded into the Information System by 10th November 23:59 Thank you for attention