IRE 103 Academic skills. Essay assignment. Terrorist attacks are becoming a more serious threat in many countries of the world. As a result of this threat, countries have been tightening security measures. For example, according to leaked information, the National Security Agency in the United States had been monitoring private emails and other electronic communication for information about potential terrorist activity. In France, there has been a state of emergency since November 2015. The state of emergency gives special powers to the executive branch. The executive can impose a curfew, forbid gathering in some areas, do searches and seizures in private homes without a court order, censor newspapers and the radio. Some argue that these security measures are encroaching on citizens' civil liberties and that the security gained is not worth sacrificing so much freedom. Others argue that security is more important and that taking away some citizens' freedoms is worth it. What do you think? Which value should we prioritize? Security or freedom? Write an essay on this topic. The essay should be 2-3 double-spaced pages long (approx. 600-900 words). Please note that keeping the assignment within this length limit is an important part of the task. Why does the syllabus give deadlines for multiple drafts of the essay? Short answer: To help you write a better essay. The first draft of your essay is due in Week 6. The first draft is optional. Don't worry, the first draft will not be graded. It is just a tool to help you work on your essay gradually by writing a draft and then editing it multiple times. Only the final draft will be graded. The second draft of your essay is due in Week 7. The second draft is compulsory. You will be put in pairs with one of your classmates. You will read each other's second draft and give feedback to each other. Then you will discuss the feedback in Week 8 in class. The final draft is due on November 20, 11:59pm.