Energy Policy of the Czech Republic Filip Černoch Key data (2015) • TPES (production + imports - exports): 40,7 Mtoe. Coal 39.2%, oil 20.8%, nuclear 17.2%, natural gas 15.9%, biofuels and waste 8.6%, solar 0.5%, hydro 0.2%, wind 0.1%. -9.4% since 2005. • TPES per capita: 3.9 toe (IEA average 4.5 toe) • TPES per GDP: 0.13 toe/USD 1000 PPP (IEA average 0.11 toe/USD 1000 PPP). • Electricity generation: 82,6 TWh. Coal 54%, nuclear 32.5%, biofuels and waste 6.3%, solar 2.7%, natural gas 2.7%, hydro 1%, wind 0.7%, oil 0.1%. + 0.8% since 2005. TPES Future electricity production mix Target structure of gross electricity production in 2040, according to the SEPU. 2016 data in brackets Nuclear 46-58% (29%) RES and waste 18-25% (13%) Natural gas 5-15% (9%) Hard and brown coal 11-21% (55%) 1) Nuclear development • Demanded by 2004 State Energy Strategy, Paces Commission report (2008), State Energy Strategy from 2010, SEPU 2015. • ČEZ tender of 2009 for 2 blocks in Temelín. Areva Company (EPR reactor), Westinghouse (AP1000), Atomstrojexport + Škoda Jaderné strojírenství (VVER-1000). • „Reactors will be profitable, constructed with resources of ČEZ only“…“We don´t have a problem with financing“…“Joining with a partner is common throughouth the world“…“Nowhere in the world has a nuclear project been undertaken without some type of state involvement“…“I cannot imagine to sign a contract without CfD or other scheme“ • 2014 tender cancelled. Now discussed again. (Division of ČEZ?) 2) Future of coal 3) Role of renewables EU Accession Agreement (based on Directives 2007/71/EC and 2003/30/EC) A greater renewable energy share in gross final consumption, reaching a level of 8% by 2010 and a level of 15% by 2030. A goal of a 5.75% share of biofuels in transportation fuel by 2010. Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 2009/28/EC A greater renewable energy share in gross final consumption, reaching a level of 13% by 2020. Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council 2009/28/EC A renewable energy share of 10% in all forms of transportation according to gross final energy consumption in transportation in the Czech Republic by 2020. A policy framework for climate and energy in the period from 2020 to 2030 (2030 Strategy) At least a 27% share of renewable energy consumption (a target obliging EU as a whole, not binding Member States individually). Development of installed capacity of RES in the Czech electrical grid, December 31, 2016, MW 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Hydropower 1029 1045 1037 1056 1055 1069 1083 1081 1088 1090 Pumped storage 1147 1147 1147 1147 1147 1147 1147 1172 1172 1172 Wind 113 150 193 218 219 263 270 278 281 282 Photovoltaic 3 40 465 1959 1971 2086 2132 2067 2075 2068 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 MW Years Gross electricity generation from RES and its share of national gross consumption (TWh) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Biologically degradable municipal waste 11 12 11 36 90 87 84 87 87 99 Biomass 993 1231 1437 1512 1683 1803 1670 3007 3092 2067 Biogas 183 214 414 598 933 1471 2241 2567 2614 2601 Photovoltaic 2 13 89 616 2118 2173 2070 2123 2264 2132 Wind 125 245 288 336 397 417 478 477 573 497 Pumped storage 434 352 553 591 701 731 905 1052 1276 1202 Hydropower 2090 2024 2430 2789 2134 2132 2856 1909 1795 2001 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 TWh 4) Natural gas and energy security • 15.9% of TPES, 2.7% of electricity generation. • Domestic production 0.3 bcm, net imports 7.5bcm. • Transit of 30.5 bcm a year of Russian gas 4) Natural gas and energy security • 15.9% of TPES, 2.7% of electricity generation. • Domestic production 0.3 bcm, net imports 7.5bcm. • Transit of 30.5 bcm a year of Russian gas 13 2010 14 2015 15 2020 Sources • IEA (2017): Global EV Outlook 2017 • OECD/IEA (2017): Technology Roadmap: Biofuels for Transport