This data was collected through an interactive online test, the Nerdy Personality Attributes Scale Data collection occured over several months in 2015. The following items were rated on a five point scale where 1=Disagree, 3=Neutral and 5=Agree. Q1 I am interested in science. Q2 I was in advanced classes. Q3 I like to play RPGs. (Ex. D&D) Q4 My appearance is not as important as my intelligence. Q5 I collect books. Q6 I prefer academic success to social success. Q7 I watch science related shows. Q8 I spend recreational time researching topics others might find dry or overly rigorous. Q9 I like science fiction. Q10 I would rather read a book than go to a party. Q11 I am more comfortable with my hobbies than I am with other people. Q12 I spend more time at the library than any other public place. Q13 I would describe my smarts as bookish. Q14 I like to read technology news reports. Q15 I have started writing a novel. Q16 I gravitate towards introspection. Q17 I am more comfortable interacting online than in person. Q18 I love to read challenging material. Q19 I have played a lot of video games. Q20 I was a very odd child. Q21 I sometimes prefer fictional people to real ones. Q22 I enjoy learning more than I need to. Q23 I get excited about my ideas and research. Q24 I am a strange person. Q25 I care about super heroes. Q26 I can be socially awkward at times. The other following time elapses were also recorded: introelapse The time spent on the introduction/landing page (in seconds) testelapse The time spent on the RWAS questions surveyelapse The time spent answering the rest of the demographic and survey questions The Ten Item Personality Inventory was administered (see Gosling, S. D., Rentfrow, P. J., & Swann, W. B., Jr. (2003). A Very Brief Measure of the Big Five Personality Domains. Journal of Research in Personality, 37, 504-528.): TIPI1 Extraverted, enthusiastic. TIPI2 Critical, quarrelsome. TIPI3 Dependable, self-disciplined. TIPI4 Anxious, easily upset. TIPI5 Open to new experiences, complex. TIPI6 Reserved, quiet. TIPI7 Sympathetic, warm. TIPI8 Disorganized, careless. TIPI9 Calm, emotionally stable. TIPI10 Conventional, uncreative. The TIPI items were rated "I see myself as:" _____ such that 1 = Disagree strongly 2 = Disagree moderately 3 = Disagree a little 4 = Neither agree nor disagree 5 = Agree a little 6 = Agree moderately 7 = Agree strongly The following item was also supplemented into the TIPI: nerdy Nerdy The following items were presented as a check-list and subjects were instructed "In the grid below, check all the words whose definitions you are sure you know": VCL1 boat VCL2 incoherent VCL3 pallid VCL4 robot VCL5 audible VCL6 cuivocal VCL7 paucity VCL8 epistemology VCL9 florted VCL10 decide VCL11 pastiche VCL12 verdid VCL13 abysmal VCL14 lucid VCL15 betray VCL16 funny A value of 1 is checked, 0 means unchecked. The words at VCL6, VCL9, and VCL12 are not real words and can be used as a validity check. A bunch more questions were then asked: education "How much education have you completed?", 1=Less than high school, 2=High school, 3=University degree, 4=Graduate degree urban "What type of area did you live when you were a child?", 1=Rural (country side), 2=Suburban, 3=Urban (town, city) gender "What is your gender?", 1=Male, 2=Female, 3=Other engnat "Is English your native language?", 1=Yes, 2=No age "How many years old are you?" hand "What hand do you use to write with?", 1=Right, 2=Left, 3=Both religion "What is your religion?", 1=Agnostic, 2=Atheist, 3=Buddhist, 4=Christian (Catholic), 5=Christian (Mormon), 6=Christian (Protestant), 7=Christian (Other), 8=Hindu, 9=Jewish, 10=Muslim, 11=Sikh, 12=Other orientation "What is your sexual orientation?", 1=Heterosexual, 2=Bisexual, 3=Homosexual, 4=Asexual, 5=Other voted "Have you voted in a national election in the past year?", 1=Yes, 2=No married "What is your marital status?", 1=Never married, 2=Currently married, 3=Previously married familysize "Including you, how many children did your mother have?" major "If you attended a university, what was your major (e.g. "psychology", "English", "civil engineering")?" ASD " Have you even been diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder? " 1=yes, 2=no The user was provided with multiple choice race identification (1=selected, 0=not selected): race_arab race_asian race_black race_white race_hispanic race_nativeam race_nativeau race_other The dimensions of the user's screen were also recorded: screenw Obtained from javascript:screen.width screenh Obtained from javascript:screen.height