SOC 585 MIGRATION, TRASNATIONALISM AND THE CITY Fall 2017 Session 5 November 28th Radka Klvaňová E-mail: Lenka Šafránková Pavlíčková E-mail: Outline of the session •Framing migration policy making in the city •Discussion on readings •Pexeso game •Lunch •Migration policy making in Brno •Group assignment • Globalization and the city as a political arena •Saskia Sassen – Whose city is it? •Denationalization of urban space •Formation of new claims due to immigration (global capital/immigrant workforce) •New solidarities and notions of membership Urban citizenship, citizenship from below •Rise of nation states – disempowerement of cities •Globalization – strenghtening of the role of cities •Presence of non-national residents in cities claiming rights •„Right to the city“ •Baubock - strengthening municipal polities - multiple local citizenship and voting rights within and across national borders Migration policy making •European context vs. context of immigration countries •Ad hoc policy measures vs. more systematic adaptation of institutions to immigration •European Union (esp. European Commission) – promoting more systematic and pro-active approach to migration policymaking •State policies vs. city policies •Security perspective vs. Inclusive perspective •Control, coercion vs. empowerment of immigrants •Walls vs. Bridges (?) •The problem of coordination btn. state and local administration • “Integration of immigrants” •Fuzzy concept, uclear definition •Who integrates into what? •False dualism btn. „host society“ and „immigrants“ – plurality of actors – individuals, social groups and institutions •Integrated vs. unintegrated (immigrants) – stigmatizing •Umbrella term for great variety of measures • •European website of integration • • Integration policies in cities - examples •Access to services •Language access •Partnerships, mentoring – long settled residents vs. newcomers •Community work in neighbourhoods, block parties •Increasing representation of immigrants in local governments and administration (Advisory boards, commissions for immigrants) •Welcoming culture •Participation, local voting rights • Literature •Sassen, Saskia. 1996. „Whose City Is It? Globalization and the Formation of New Claims.“ Public Culture Winter 1996 8 (2): 205-223. •Baubock, R. 2003. „Reinventing Urban Citizenship“. Citizenship Studies, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2003 •Penninx, R. et al. 2004. Citizenship in European Cities. Immigrants, Local Politics and Integration Policies. Routledge. •Anthias, Floya, Maria Kontos, Mirjana Morokvasic-Müller. 2012. "Introduction:Paradoxes of Integration". In Paradoxes of Integration: Female Migrants in Europe,in Floya Anthias, Maria Kontos, a Mirjana Morokvasic-Müller (eds.), 1–16. Springer Science & Business Media. •Gebhardt, D. 2014. Building Inclusive Cities: Challenges in the Multilevel Governance of Immigrant Integration in Europe. MPI Report: immigrant-integration-europe •Margie McHugh. 2014. Immigrant Civic Integration and Service Access Initiatives: City-Sized Solutions for City-Sized Needs. MPI Report: city-sized-solutions-city-sized