COPY ID NUMBERS FROM SUMMARY CONTACT SHEET COUNTRY CODE SAMPLE POINT NUMBER ADDRESS NUMBER INTERVIEWER NAME & NUMBER ADDRESS: POSTAL CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER INTERVIEWER TO CODE AGE AND GENDER OF TARGET CHILD AGE GENDER Male 1 Female 2 EU KIDS ONLINE II Child questionnaire draft new master 08/04/2010 ASK ALL Here are some questions about using different kinds of technology. This could be either at home or in other places, such as at school or friends’ houses 300 Which of these devices do you use for the internet THESE DAYS? Please say yes or no to each of the following... READ OUT. A-H - ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD A YES NO No Answer A Your own PC (desktop computer) 1 2 99 B Your own laptop or laptop that you mainly use and can take to your own room 1 2 99 C A PC shared with other members of your family 1 2 99 D A laptop shared with other members of your family and that you cannot take to your own room 1 2 99 E A mobile phone 1 2 99 F A Games console such as a PlayStation 1 2 99 G A Television set (TV) 1 2 99 H Other handheld portable devices (e.g. iPod Touch, iPhone or Blackberry) 1 2 99 Here are some questions about where and when you use the internet. By using the internet I include all the different things you might do when you use it i.e. emailing, visiting websites as well as chatting with your friends or other people by using MSN (ADD COUNTRY EXAMPLE) 301 Looking at this card, please tell me WHERE you use the internet these days? Please say yes or no to each of the following... READ OUT A-H – ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD B YES NO No Answer A Your bedroom (or other private room) at home 1 2 99 B Living room (or other public room) at home 1 2 99 C At school or college 1 2 99 D In an internet café (cybercafé) 1 2 99 E In a public library or other public place 1 2 99 F At a friend’s home 1 2 99 G At a relative’s home 1 2 99 H When ‘out and about’ (eg via a mobile phone, iPod Touch, Blackberry, etc.) 1 2 99 Now I am going to ask you some questions about HOW you use the internet. Again, by using the internet I include all the different things you might do when you use it i.e. emailing, visiting websites as well as chatting with your friends or other people by using MSN (ADD COUNTRY EXAMPLE) When answering these questions I’d like you to think about ALL THE WAYS and ALL THE PLACES you use the internet - as we have just discussed in the questions so far. 302 How old were you when you first used the internet? IF CAN’T REMEMBER, PROBE FOR BEST ESTIMATE RECORD ANSWER IN YEARS Years Can’t remember 88 303 How often do you use the internet? READ OUT – ONLY ONE ANSWER Every day or almost every day 1 Once or twice a week 2 Once or twice a month 3 Less than once a month 4 Don’t know 88 NO SHOWCARD. DO NOT READ OUT Now I am going to ask you some questions about HOW LONG you use the internet for (not counting when you leave it on while you do something else). 304 About how long do you spend using the internet ON A NORMAL SCHOOL DAY? OPEN ENDED RESPONSE. INTERVIEWER TO CODE INTO PRE-SELECTED CODES BELOW – ONE ANSWER ONLY 305 About how long do you spend using the internet ON A NORMAL NON-SCHOOL DAY (EXAMPLES TO BE ADAPTED TO COUNTRY: weekend, holidays)? INTERVIEWER TO CODE INTO PRE-SELECTED CODES BELOW – ONE ANSWER ONLY 304 On a normal school day 305 On a normal non-school day (e.g. TO BE ADAPTED TO COUNTRY: weekend, holidays) Just a few minutes 1 1 About half an hour 2 2 About an hour 3 3 About an hour and a half 4 4 About two hours 5 5 About two hours and a half 6 6 About three hours 7 7 About three hours and a half 8 8 About four hours 9 9 More than four hours 10 10 None at all 11 11 Don’t know 88 88 ***INTERVIEWER CHECK! PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ASKED AND RECORDED RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS 304 & 305 ABOVE*** More internet ASK ALL People do lots of different things on the internet. I am going to ask you some questions about things that you may or may not do on the internet. 306 For each of the things I read out, please tell me if you have done them in the PAST MONTH on the internet. If you don’t know what something is, don’t worry about it – just say you don’t know or can’t remember. READ OUT A-D - ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD C IF NECESSARY CLARIFY: by past month I mean since (INSERT DATE ONE MONTH AGO) . ONLY TO CHILDREN AGED 11+ OTHERS GO TO 308 ASK 307 FOR EACH ITEM CODED “YES” AT 306 307 For each of the things you have done, please tell me how often you have done it in the past month: every day or almost every day, once or twice a week, or once or twice. READ OUT EACH STATEMENT CODED 1 AT 306 ONE ANSWER PER ROW FOR EACH OF THE THINGS DONE 306 – TO ALL 307 – TO 11+ ONLY YES NO Don’t know/ can’t remember Every day or almost every day Once or twice a week Once or twice Don’t know/ can’t remember A Used the internet for school work 1 2 88 1 2 3 88 B Watched video clips (e.g. on YouTube) 1 2 88 1 2 3 88 C Downloaded music or films 1 2 88 1 2 3 88 D Read/watched the news on the internet 1 2 88 1 2 3 88 ***INTERVIEWER CHECK! FOR CHILDREN 11+ PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ASKED AND RECORDED RESPONSES TO BOTH 306 AND 307 ABOVE*** ASK ALL 308 And which of the following things you have done in the PAST MONTH on the internet? READ OUT A-F - ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD D ONLY TO CHILDREN AGED 11+ . OTHERS GO TO 311 ASK 309 FOR EACH ITEM CODED “YES” AT 308 309 For each of the things you have done, please tell me how often you have done it in the past month: every day or almost every day, once or twice a week, or once or twice. READ OUT EACH STATEMENT CODED 1 AT 308 ONE ANSWER PER ROW FOR EACH OF THE THINGS DONE 308 - TO ALL 309 – TO 11+ ONLY YES NO Don’t know/ can’t remember Every day or almost every day Once or twice a week Once or twice Don’t know/ can’t remember A Sent/received email 1 2 88 1 2 3 88 B Visited a social networking profile (yours or somebody else’s), for example (ADD COUNTRY EXAMPLES). IF CHILD ASKS: By social network I mean a site where you have a profile and can meet other people or post message on your and their profiles 1 2 88 1 2 3 88 C Visited a chatroom, i.e. a place on the internet where you can chat with people you may not know 1 2 88 1 2 3 88 D Used instant messaging, i.e. exchanged messages on the internet with online friends or contacts (ADD COUNTRY EXAMPLE) 1 2 88 1 2 3 88 E Played games with other people on the internet 1 2 88 1 2 3 88 F Spent time in a virtual world (e.g. Habbo, Neopets, Teen Second Life – ADAPT EXAMPLES TO COUNTRY) 1 2 88 1 2 3 88 ***INTERVIEWER CHECK! FOR CHILDREN 11+ PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ASKED AND RECORDED RESPONSES TO BOTH 308 AND 309 ABOVE*** ONLY TO CHILDREN AGED 11+. OTHERS GO TO 311 ASK FOR EACH OF THE THINGS DONE (CODE 1: ‘Yes’) IN 308. 310 I am going to read out each of the things you have just told me you do (eg email or whatever). And for each one, I’d like you to tell me the types of people you have had contact with when doing each of these things. SEVERAL ANSWERS POSSIBLE SHOWCARD E ASK a) IF CHILD USES EMAIL AT 308a a) So first, what about on the email, which of the following types of people on this CARD are you in contact with on the email: READ out A)-C) A) People who you first met in person face-to-face B) People who you first met on the internet, but who are friends or family of other people you know in person C) People who you first met on the internet, but who have no other connection to your life outside of the internet REPEAT FOR b)-f) WHERE CHILD USES THEM AT 308 IF YOUNGER CHILDREN CAN’T UNDERSTAND, IT’S FINE TO CODE AS DON’T KNOW 310 – TO 11+ ONLY A) People who you first met in person face-to-face B) People who you first met on the internet, but who are friends or family of other people you know in person C) People who you first met on the internet, but who have no other connection to your life outside of the internet Don’t know/can’t remember A On email 1 2 3 88 B On a social networking site IF CHILD ASKS: By social network I mean a site where you have a profile and can meet other people or post message on your and their profiles 1 2 3 88 B In a chatrooms ( i.e. a place on the internet where you can chat with people you may not know) 1 2 3 88 D When instant messaging, (i.e. exchanging messages on the internet with online friends or contacts (ADD COUNTRY EXAMPLE) 1 2 3 88 E When playing games with other people on the internet 1 2 3 88 F When in a virtual world (e.g. Habbo, Neopets, Teen Second Life – ADAPT EXAMPLES TO COUNTRY) 1 2 3 88 ASK ALL 311 Here are some more things you might do on the internet. Again, for each one, please tell me if you have done them in the PAST MONTH on the internet. READ OUT A-F – SEVERAL ANSWERS POSSIBLE SHOWCARD F IF NECESSARY CLARIFY: by past month I mean since If you don’t know what something is, it’s fine to say don’t know. ONLY TO CHILDREN AGED 11+ OTHERS GO TO 313 ASK FOR EACH OF THE THINGS DONE IN 311. 312 For each of the things you have done, please tell me how often you have done it in the past month: every day or almost every day, once or twice a week, or once or twice. . READ OUT EACH STATEMENT CODED 1 AT 311 ONE ANSWER PER ROW FOR EACH OF THE THINGS DONE 311 - TO ALL 312 – TO 11+ ONLY YES NO Don’t know/ can’t remember Every day or almost every day Once or twice a week Once or twice Don’t know/ can’t remember A Used a webcam (a camera that lets other people see you on the internet 1 2 88 1 2 3 88 B Put (or posted) a message on a website 1 2 88 1 2 3 88 C Written a blog or online diary (e.g. Blogger or Twitter 1 2 88 1 2 3 88 D Put (or posted) photos, videos or music to share with others (including social networking or instant messaging) 1 2 88 1 2 3 88 E Created a character, pet or avatar 1 2 88 1 2 3 88 F Used file sharing sites (peer-to-peer) (e.g. Limewire, Kazaa - 1 2 88 1 2 3 88 ***INTERVIEWER CHECK! FOR CHILDREN 11+ PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ASKED AND RECORDED RESPONSES TO BOTH 311 AND 312 ABOVE*** Social networking ASK ALL Now I would like to ask you about social networking. By this we mean sites like Facebook or Myspace where you can have a profile (i.e a page or place where you put things about yourself that others see) and where you can keep in touch with people and share things with them. We do not mean gaming or media sites (such as Youtube or World of Warcraft) where you can also have your own profile and get in touch with other users. 313 Do you have your OWN profile on a social networking site that you currently use, nor not? Yes 1 No 2 Don’t know 88 IF YES AT 313. OTHERS GO TO 319 314 Do you have one profile, or more than one? One profile 1 More than one profile 2 No answer 99 315 Which social networking site do you use? If you use more than one, please name the one you use most often? DO NOT READ OUT – ONE ANSWER ONLY Arto (DK) 1 Yahoo Europe 13 Bebo 2 Banzai (IT) 14 Daily Motion 3 Hyves (NL) 15 Facebook 4 One.It (Lithuania) 16 Microsoft SNS 5 Rate (Estonia) 17 MySpace 6 Tuenti (Spain) 18 Nasza-Klasa 7 Yonce (Turkey) 20 Netlog 8 Hi5 (Greece) 21 Piczo 9 Other (SPECIFY) _____________________ 22 Skyrock 10 Don’t know 88 SchülerVZ 11 Sulake 12 For the next few questions I’d like you to think about the social networking profile that you use most often, you said that this was [INSERT RESPONSE GIVEN IN 315]. 316 Roughly how many people are you in contact with when using [INSERT RESPONSE GIVEN IN 315]? DO NOT READ OUT. SINGLE CODE. PROBE FOR BEST ESTIMATE. SHOWCARD G A Up to 10 1 B 11-50 2 C 51-100 3 D 101-300 4 E More than 300 5 Don’t know/can’t remember 88 317 Is your profile set to …? READ OUT - ONE ANSWER ONLY IF THE CHILD DOESN’T UNDERSTAND, PLEASE CODE AS DON’T KNOW Public, so that everyone can see 1 Partially private, so that friends of friends or your networks can see 2 Private so that only your friends can see 3 Don’t know 88 318 Which of the bits of information on this card does your profile include about you? READ OUT A-G – PROMPT IF NECESSARY - SEVERAL ANSWERS POSSIBLE - CODE ALL THAT APPLY SHOWCARD H. A A photo that clearly shows your face 1 B Your last name 2 C Your address 3 D Your phone number 4 E Your school 5 F Your correct age 6 G An age that is not your real age 7 None of these 8 Don’t know 88 Competencies ASK 11+ only – others Go TO 322 Some people are good at doing all kinds of things on the internet. Other people find it a bit harder to use the internet. I am going to ask you some questions about what you are able to do when using the internet. 319. How true are these of you? READ OUT A-C – ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD I Not true A bit true Very true No Answer A I know more about the internet than my parents 1 2 3 99 B I know lots of things about using the internet 1 2 3 99 C There are lots of things on the internet that are good for children of my age 1 2 3 99 320 Which of these things do you know how to do on the internet? Please say yes or no to each of the following... If you don’t know what something is or what it means, don’t worry, just say you don’t know. READ OUT A-D – ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD J Yes No Don’t know A Compare different websites to decide if information is true 1 2 88 B Change filter preferences (by this we mean change the way that your computer or internet browser filters or selects which websites you can or cannot see) 1 2 88 C Bookmark a website (add to Favourites) 1 2 88 D Block unwanted adverts or junk mail/spam 1 2 88 321 And which of these things do you know how to do on the internet? Please say yes or no to each of the following... If you don’t know what something is or what it means, don’t worry, just say you don’t know. READ OUT A-D - ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD K Yes No Don’t know A Delete the record of which sites you have visited 1 2 88 B Change privacy settings on a social networking profile. By this I mean the settings that decide which of your information can be seen by other people on the internet. 1 2 88 C Block messages from someone you don't want to hear from By this I mean, use the settings that let you stop someone else getting in touch with you on the internet. 1 2 88 D Find information on how to use the internet safely 1 2 88 Risks ASK ALL 322. Do you think there are things on the internet that people about your age will be bothered by in any way? INTERVIEWER NOTE: WE WANT TO ENSURE THAT THE CHILD UNDERSTANDS WHAT WE MEAN BY “THINGS THAT BOTHER THEM”. BY THIS WE MEAN INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT OR BEHAVIOUR: FOR EXAMPLE, SOMETHING THAT MIGHT MAKE THEM FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE, UPSET OR FEEL THAT THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE SEEN OR EXPERIENCED IT. BEING ‘BOTHERED’ DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN THAT THEY WERE NOT ABLE TO ‘COPE’ WITH THE SITUATION; NOR DOES IT MEAN THAT THE CHILD SHOULD FEEL GUILT OR BLAME TOWARDS THEMSELVES. FURTHERMORE WE DO NOT MEAN “BAD NEWS”. FOR EXAMPLE, IF THE CHILD’S FAVORITE FOOTBALL TEAM HAD LOST A GAME AND THEY READ THIS ON THE INTERNET THEY MIGHT BE UPSET ABOUT THAT, BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT WE MEAN. PLEASE ENSURE THE CHILD UNDERSTANDS THIS AND EXPLAIN THAT THE SAME TERM AND CONCEPT IS USED IN SEVERAL LATER QUESTIONS YES 1 NO 2 No answer 99 IF YES, ASK THE FOLLOWING QUESTION. NOTE THAT THE CHILD SHOULD COMPLETE THIS ANSWER ON THEIR OWN – THEY SHOULD NOT SPEAK IT ALOUD TO THE INTERVIEWER. PLEASE HAND THE PAPER/CAPI MACHINE TO THE CHILD. PLEASE ASK THE CHILD TO TURN OVER THE PAGE/CLICK THE ‘NEXT’ BUTTON WHEN THEY HAVE FINISHED SO THAT THE INTERVIEWER CAN NOT SEE THEIR ANSWER. ONCE COMPLETED, THE PIECE OF PAPER/CAPI MACHINE SHOULD BE RETURNED TO THE INTERVIEWER READ OUT: I’d like you to write down for me the sorts of things on the internet that you feel might bother people about your age. I am asking you to write it down rather than tell me because it is a more private question. I won’t look at your answer and no one else will know that it was you who wrote it. INTERVIEWER NOTE: IF THE CHILD IS NOT SURE AND WOULD LIKE TO CODE ‘DON’T KNOW’, PLEASE ASK THEM TO WRITE THIS IN THE COMMENT BOX BELOW. 323 What things on the internet would bother people about your age? PLEASE TELL THE INTERVIEWER WHEN YOU HAVE FINISHED TO BE COMPLETED IN SELF COMPLETION ASK ALL 324 We asked you a similar question a littler earlier, but please can I just check, which of these things you have done at all in the LAST 12 MONTHS? If you don’t know what any of them are, that’s fine, just say you don’t know. READ OUT. A-H ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD L YES NO Don’t Know/Can’t remember A Sent/received email 1 2 88 B Visited a social networking profile (yours or somebody else’s), for example (ADD COUNTRY EXAMPLES GIVEN IN ATTACHED SPREADSHEET). IF CHILD ASKS: By social network I mean a site where you have a profile and can meet other people or post message on your and their profiles 1 2 88 C Visited a chatroom, i.e. a place on the internet where you can chat with people you may not know 1 2 88 D Used instant messaging, i.e. exchanged messages on the internet with online friends or 1contacts (ADD COUNTRY EXAMPLE) 1 2 88 E Made/received phone calls (e.g. Skype) 1 2 88 F Played games with other people on the internet 1 2 88 G Spent time in a virtual world (e.g. Habbo, Neopets, Teen Second Life – ADAPT EXAMPLES TO COUNTRY) 1 2 88 H Put (or posted) a message on a website, ie on a messageboard, or forum 1 2 88 INTERVIEWER NOTE: SECTIONS F, G AND H OF THE SELF-COMPLETION MODULES SHOULD ONLY BE ADMINISTERED IF CHILD IS CODED “YES” TO ANY OF CODES A-H. IF THE CHILD IS AGED 9-10, PLEASE TURN THE PAGE IF THE CHILD IS AGED 11+, PLEASE TURN TO THE SUBSEQUENT SECTION ON PAGE 19 SELF-COMPLETION INSTRUCTIONS FOR CHILDREN AGED 9-10 INTERVIEWER TO READ OUT GENERAL INTRODUCTION: For the next part of the interview I am going to give you some questions to fill in yourself . This is because we would like to ask you about some more private things about what you might have seen on the internet. There are lots of great things to do on the internet which many children and young people enjoy but there are also some things on the internet that are less nice and sometimes upsetting for some children or young people. It is important for us to learn about these so we can help children and young people avoid them. We would really like it if you could help us by filling in some questions on these things if that would be OK. The answers that you fill in will be completely private. If anything bothers you, though, don’t worry, you can just ask me about it. Also, if there is any question that you really don’t like you don’t have to answer it and can skip it. But it will really help children in the future if you could fill in as many as you can. And it will also really help us if you could answer all the questions as honestly as possible. As mentioned, the answers that you fill in will be completely private, i.e. we will not know that it was you who put the answer down. No one else outside the research team will see your answers at all, so you really don’t need to worry about that. PAPER: When you have finished the form, we will put it straight in this envelope and it will go straight back to the research team without anyone else seeing what you have said, not even me. CAPI: When you have finished the questions they will get sent privately over the internet straight to the research team without anyone else seeing what you have said, not even me. INTERVIEWER NOTE: Ensure child is happy to proceed with self completion section before continuing. Provide further reassurance on any point if necessary before continuing FINALLY READ OUT: There are quite a few questions, but I am going to give you a few at a time so I can explain them to you as we are go along and check you are happy with what we are doing. Is that OK? Do you have any questions about this before we start? I am here to help you if you get stuck with anything. There are also a couple of practice questions at the start so that you can get the hang of it and we will look at this together. INTERVIEW INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRACTICE QUESTIONS: Ask the child to read the front page of instructions and complete the practice questions. Allow them to do this themselves on their own if they can, but give us much help as needed to ensure the child understands what to do. Younger children in particular may need you to talk through the key points in the instructions and work through the practice with them. Please ensure they understand the key points about what to do, including · The importance of reading questions in full · Putting ticks in the answer boxes · Understanding routing · Asking you as the interviewer if there is anything they don’t understand Please ensure that the child has a full understanding before you start with the main survey. FURTHER INTERVIEWER INSTRUCTIONS There are several short sections which you will need to give to the child one at a time. You will need to explain a bit about each section (see further below) before handing them the form/laptop. PAPER: When they have finished each section, give them an envelope and ask them to put the completed form into it (explaining/reassuring again that this ensures that it is private). CAPI: At the end of each section, the child will be prompted to inform the interviewer that they have completed the section, so that the interviewer can explain the next section to them. SECTION BY SECTION FURTHER EXPLANATION TO BE READ OUT TO THE CHILD: SECTION A PLEASE READ TO THE CHILD: This first section is just a few questions about you. Please try to answer all the questions putting a tick in the boxes as we’ve just practice. Just ask me if you don’t understand anything. SECTION B AND C (GIVE BOTH TO THE CHILD TOGETHER) PLEASE READ TO THE CHILD: OK now I’m going to explain a bit about what the next section is about. Sometimes children or teenagers say or do hurtful or nasty things to someone and this can often be quite a few times on different days over a period of time, for example. This can include: · teasing someone repeatedly in a way this person does not like · hitting, kicking or pushing someone around · leaving someone out of things When people are hurtful or nasty to someone in this way, it can happen: · face to face (in person) · by mobile phones (texts, calls, video clips) · Popisek se šipkou dolů: No, don’t know or don’t want to say, GO TO Section D on the internet (e-mail, instant messaging, social networking, chatrooms) This next sets of questions asks you a bit about this. Remember your answers are private and no one else will see anything that you put (not even me), so please fill it in as best you can. You can skip any questions that you don’t like, or just ask me if you don’t understand something. SECTION D PLEASE READ TO THE CHILD: OK now I’m going to explain a bit about what the next section is about. In the past year, you will have seen lots of different images – pictures, photos, videos. Sometimes, these images might be obviously sexual – for example, they may show people naked or people having sex. You might never have seen anything like this, or you may have seen something like this on a mobile phone, in a magazine, on the TV, on a DVD or on the internet. The next few questions ask you about things like this. Remember your answers are private, so no one else will see anything that you put (not even me), so please fill it in as best you can. You can skip any questions that you don’t like, or just ask me if you don’t understand something. SECTION E PLEASE READ TO THE CHILD: On some websites, people discuss things that may not be good for you. The next few questions ask you about things like this. Remember your answers are private, so no one else will see anything that you put (not even me), so please fill it in as best you can. You can skip any questions that you don’t like, or just ask me if you don’t understand something. SECTION F INTERVIEWER NOTE: Sections F is only asked to children who have interacted with others online in some way in the PAST 12 MONTHS (eg email, social networking etc). Please only give the child this section of the questionnaire if they coded ‘yes’ to any of the behaviours at Question 324. READ TO THE CHILD: I have just one more short set of questions for you to fill in yourself. This bit won’t take long and then there is no more writing that you need to do. These questions are about the way you use the internet. Children and young people use the internet in lots of different ways. Please think about all the different ways you use the internet, and the different places you may use it in. Some of the questions ask about things you do ‘face to face.’ By this we mean talking to someone in person at the same place rather than on the internet, phone or webcam. ASK THE CHILD TO LET YOU KNOW WHEN THEY HAVE FINISHED. PAPER: WHEN FINISHED, ASK THE CHILD TO PLACE THE FINAL FORM IN THE ENVELOPE FINALLY: CONTINUE WITH THE FINAL FACE TO FACE ADMINISTERED QUESTIONNAIRE SECTION. SELF-COMPLETION INSTRUCTIONS FOR CHILDREN AGED 11+ TO READ OUT GENERAL INTRODUCTION: For the next part of the interview I am going to give you some questions to fill in yourself . This is because we would like to ask you about some more private things about what you might have seen on the internet. There are lots of great things to do on the internet which many children and young people enjoy but there are also some things on the internet that are less nice and sometimes upsetting for some children or young people. It is important for us to learn about these so we can help children and young people avoid them. We would really like it if you could help us by filling in some questions on these things if that would be OK. The answers that you fill in will be completely private. If anything bothers you, though, don’t worry, you can just ask me about it. Also, if there is any question that you really don’t like you don’t have to answer it and can skip it. But it will really help children in the future if you could fill in as many as you can. And it will also really help us if you could answer all the questions as honestly as possible. As mentioned, the answers that you fill in will be completely private. No one else outside the research team will see your answers at all, so you really don’t need to worry about that. PAPER: When you have finished the form, we will put it straight in this envelope and it will go straight back to the research team without anyone else seeing what you have said, not even me. CAPI: When you have finished the questions they will get sent privately over the internet straight to the research team without anyone else seeing what you have said, not even me. INTERVIEWER NOTE: Ensure child is happy to proceed with self completion section before continuing. Provide further reassurance on any point if necessary before continuing FINALLY READ OUT: Do you have any questions about this before we start? Some writing at the start will tell you a bit more about how to fill it all in, but I am here to help you if you get stuck with anything. There are also a couple of practice questions at the start so that you can get the hang of it. INTERVIEW INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRACTICE QUESTIONS: Ask the child to read the front page of instructions and complete the practice questions. Allow them to do this themselves on their own if they can, but give us much help as needed to ensure the child understands what to do. Younger children in particular may need you to talk through the key points in the instructions and work through the practice with them. Please ensure they understand the key points about what to do, including · The importance of reading questions in full · Putting ticks in the answer boxes · Understanding routing · Asking you as the interviewer if there is anything they don’t understand FURTHER INTERVIEWER INSTRUCTIONS When the child has successfully completed the practice questions ask them to complete the first half of the self-completion section and let you know when you they are finished. PAPER: When they have finished the first section, give them an envelope and ask them to put the completed form into it (explaining/reassuring again that this ensures that it is private). CAPI: AT THE END OF SECTION E, THE CHILD WILL BE PROMPTED TO GIVE THE CAPI MACHINE BACK TO THE INTERVIEWER TO ALLOW A FILTER QUESTION TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE INTERVIWER FOR SECTION F. INTERVIEWER INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SECOND SECTION (F-H) Sections F G and H are only asked to children who have interacted with others online in some way in the PAST 12 MONTHS (eg email, social networking etc). Please use Question 324 to check if this applies for routing purposes. IF ANY CODED “YES” CODES A-G, HAND CHILD THE 2^nd SELF-COMPLETION SECTION. ENSURE THE CHILD KNOWS WHAT TO DO AND REPEAT THE FOLLOWING: · Reassurances that answers are private and no one else outside the research team will know what they’ve said · They don’t have to answer anything that they don’t want to · However, we would like them to fill in as many answers as possible and be as honest as possible because the survey will be used to help other children · They should just ask if there is anything that they don’t understand ASK THE CHILD TO LET YOU KNOW WHEN THEY HAVE FINISHED. PAPER: WHEN FINISHED, ASK THE CHILD TO PLACE THE FORM IN THE ENVELOPE FINALLY: CONTINUE WITH THE FINAL FACE TO FACE ADMINISTERED QUESTIONNAIRE SECTION. Mediation NOTE TO INTERVIEWER: this section asks the child to CONSIDER parental mediation of the internet. please be sensitive to whether the household is a one or two parent family, or if the child lives with carers rather than their birth parent(s) ASK ALL As you know, parents take different approaches to how their child uses the internet, and this depends on lots of things. I would like you to think about the interest that your parent(s)/carer(s) take in your use of the internet. When answering these questions I’d like you to think about ALL THE WAYS and ALL THE PLACES you use the internet - as we discussed at the start. 325 How much do you think your parent(s) knows about what you do on the internet? Would you say a lot, quite a bit, just a little, or nothing? INTERVIEWER NOTE: IF AWARENESS DIFFERS BETWEEN PARENTS. PLEASE ASK THE CHILD TO CONSIDER THE PARENT WHO KNOWS THE MOST ONE ANSWER ONLY SHOWCARD M A A lot 1 B Quite a bit 2 C Just a litte 3 D Nothing 4 Don’t know 88 326 Overall, would you like your parent(s) to take more or less interest in what you do on the internet, or to stay about the same? And is that a lot/little more/less? INTERVIEWER NOTE: IF ANSWER DIFFERS BY PARENT, PLEASE ASK THE CHILD TO CONSIDER WHAT IS ALLOWED BY AT LEAST ONE OF THEIR PARENTS ONE ANSWER ONLY SHOWCARD N A lot more 1 A little more 2 Stay the same 3 A little less 4 A lot less 5 Don’t know 88 327 sometimes… READ OUT A-E – ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD O IF CHILD ASKS WHAT “SOMETIMES” MEANS, SAY – AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH. APPLIES TO REST OF SECTION Yes No Don’t know A Talk to you about what you do on the internet 1 2 88 B Sit with you while you use the internet (watching what you are doing but not really joining in) 2 2 88 C Stay nearby when you use the internet 3 2 88 D Encourage you to explore and learn things on the internet on your own. 4 2 88 E Do shared activities together with you on the internet 5 2 88 328 For each of these things, please tell me if your parents CURRENTLY let you do them whenever you want, or let you do them but only with your parent’s permission or supervision, or NEVER let you do them. READ OUT A-F – ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD P INTERVIEWER NOTE: IF ANSWER DIFFERS BY PARENT, PLEASE ASK THE CHILD TO CONSIDER THE OVERALL INTEREST TAKEN BY BOTH PARENTS Can do this anytime Can only do with permission or supervision Can never do this Don’t know A Use instant messaging 1 2 3 88 B Download music or films on the internet 1 2 3 88 C Watch video clips on the internet (e.g. on YouTube) 1 2 3 88 D Have your own social networking profile 1 2 3 88 E Give out personal information to others on the internet (e.g. my/his/her full name, address or phone number) 1 2 3 88 F Upload photos, videos or music to share with others 1 2 3 88 Again, when answering these questions I’d like you to think about ALL THE WAYS and ALL THE PLACES you use the internet 329 ever done any of the following things with you? INTERVIEWER NOTE: IF THERE IS MORE THAN ONE PARENT, WE WANT TO KNOW IF EITHER PARENT HAS DONE ANY OF THESE THINGS READ OUT A-F – ONE ANSWER PER ROW - CODE ALL THAT APPLY SHOWCARD Q Yes No Don’t know A Helped you when something is difficult to do or find on the internet 1 2 88 B Explained why some websites are good or bad 1 2 88 C Suggested ways to use the internet safely 1 2 88 D Suggested ways to behave towards other people online 1 2 88 E Helped you in the past when something has bothered you on the internet 1 2 88 F In general, talked to you about what you would do if something on the internet ever bothered you 1 2 88 ASK ONLY THOSE WHO USE THE INTERNET AT HOME, IF SELECTED ITEMS A OR B IN 301. OTHERS GO TO 332 I’d now like you to just think about when you use the internet at home. 330 When you use the internet at home, sometimes check any of the following things? INTERVIEWER NOTE: IF THERE IS MORE THAN ONE PARENT, WE WANT TO KNOW IF EITHER PARENT HAS DONE ANY OF THESE THINGS READ OUT A-D –ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD R. Yes No Don’t know Not applicable A Which websites you visited 1 2 88 99 B DO NOT ASK IF CODE 2 IN 308 item A. CODE NOT APPLICABLE The messages in your email or instant messaging account 1 2 88 99 C DO NOT ASK IF CODE 2 IN 308 item B. CODE NOT APPLICABLE Your profile on a social network or online community 1 2 88 99 D DO NOT ASK IF CODE 2 IN 308 item B or D. CODE NOT APPLICABLE Which friends or contacts you add to your social networking profile or instant messaging service 1 2 88 99 ONLY TO 11+ AND ASK ONLY THOSE WHO USE THE INTERNET AT HOME, IF SELECTED ITEMS A OR B IN 301. OTHERS GO TO 332 331 As far as you know, make use of any of the following for the computer that you use MOST OFTEN at home? Please just say yes or no to each of the following. If you don’t know what something is, just say don’t know READ OUT A-D – ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD S INTERVIEWER NOTE: IF THERE IS MORE THAN ONE PARENT, WE WANT TO KNOW IF EITHER PARENT HAS DONE ANY OF THESE THINGS Yes No Don’t know A Parental controls or other means of blocking or filtering some types of websites. By this we mean something that stops you visiting certain websites or that stops some kinds of activities on the internet 1 2 88 B Parental controls or other means of keeping track of the websites you visit By this we mean something that keeps a record of the websites you visit so your parents can check later what you did on the internet 1 2 88 C A service or contract that limits the time you spend on the internet 1 2 88 D Software to prevent spam/junk mail or viruses 1 2 88 ASK ALL Again, when answering these questions I’d like you to think about ALL THE WAYS and ALL THE PLACES you use the internet – and all the different ways your parents take an interest in what you do on the internet. 332 Do the things that your relating to how you use the internet help to make your internet experience better, or not really? IF NECESSARY, PROBE “Is that a little or a lot?” INTERVIEWER NOTE: IF ANSWER DIFFERS BY PARENT, PLEASE ASK THE CHILD TO CONSIDER ALL THE THINGS DONE BY BOTH PARENTS YES, a lot 1 YES, a little 2 NO 3 Don’t know 88 333 Do the things that your relating to how you use the internet limit what you can do on the internet, or not really? IF NECESSARY, PROBE “Is that a little or a lot?” INTERVIEWER NOTE: IF ANSWER DIFFERS BY PARENT, PLEASE ASK THE CHILD TO CONSIDER ALL THE THINGS DONE BY BOTH PARENTS YES, a lot 1 YES, a little 2 NO 3 Don’t know 88 334 And do you ever ignore what your parent(s) tell you when use the internet, or not really? IF NECESSARY, PROBE “Is that a little or a lot?” INTERVIEWER NOTE: IF ANSWER DIFFERS BY PARENT, PLEASE ASK THE CHILD TO CONSIDER ALL THE THINGS DONE BY BOTH PARENTS YES, a lot 1 YES, a little 2 NO 3 Don’t know 88 335 do anything new or different these days because you have been bothered by something on the internet in the past, or not really? INTERVIEWER NOTE: IF ANSWER DIFFERS BY PARENT, PLEASE ASK THE CHILD TO CONSIDER ALL THE THINGS DONE BY BOTH PARENTS Yes 1 No 2 Don’t know 88 336 Have your friends ever done any of these things? Please say yes or no to each of the following... READ OUT A-E – ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD T Yes No Don’t know A Helped you when you found something difficult to do or find on the internet 1 2 88 B Explained why some websites are good or bad 1 2 88 C Suggested ways to use the internet safely 1 2 88 D Suggested ways to behave towards other people on the internet 1 2 88 E Helped you in the past when something has bothered you on the internet 1 2 88 337 Have YOU ever suggested ways to use the internet safely for your friends? Yes 1 No 2 Don’t know 88 338 Have any teachers at your school ever done any of these things? Please say yes or no to each of the following... READ OUT A-H – ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD U Yes No Don’t know A Talked to you about what you do on the internet 1 2 88 B Helped you when you found something difficult to do or find on the internet 1 2 88 C Explained why some websites are good or bad 1 2 88 D Suggested ways to use the internet safely 1 2 88 E Suggested ways to behave towards other people online 1 2 88 F Made rules about what you can do on the internet at school 1 2 88 G Helped you in the past when something has bothered you on the internet 1 2 88 H In general, talked to you about what you would do if something on the internet ever bothered you 1 2 88 339 Have you EVER received advice about how to use the internet safely from any of these people or places? PROBE: Anyone else? SEVERAL ANSWERS POSSIBLE - CODE ALL THAT APPLY SHOWCARD V PROMPT – READ OUT IF NECESSARY A Youth or church or social worker 1 B Librarian 2 C Other relative (e.g brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandparent etc) 3 D Someone whose job it is to give advice over the internet 4 E Websites 5 F Television, radio, newspapers or magazines 6 G Internet service provider i.e. the company that provides the internet to your home or school (ADD NATIONAL EXAMPLES) 7 H I haven’t received any advice from any of these people or places 8 Don’t know / Can’t remember 88 Interview feedback INTERVIEWER: FILL IN AT THE END OF INTERVIEW 340 Date of interview (DD/MM/YYYY) : 341 Time (HH/MM): 342 Length of interview (in minutes): MINS 343 INTERVIEWER CODE – DO NOT ASK RESPONDENT Who was in the room when the PARENT interview took place? MULTICODE OK The named child 1 Another child(ren) 2 Another adult 3 No one else 4 344 INTERVIEWER CODE – DO NOT ASK RESPONDENT Who was in the room when the CHILD FACE TO FACE interview took place? MULTICODE OK The parent respondent 1 Another adult 3 Another child(ren) 2 No one else 4 345 INTERVIEWER CODE – DO NOT ASK RESPONDENT Who was in the room when the CHILD COMPLETED THE SELF COMPLETION SECTIONS? MULTICODE OK The parent respondent 1 Another adult 2 Another child(ren) 3 No one else 4 346 INTERVIEWER CODE – DO NOT ASK RESPONDENT How much, if at all, did the parent try to involve themselves with the child’s interview? MULTICODE OK A great deal 1 A fair amount 2 Not very much 3 Not at all 4 347 INTERVIEWER CODE – DO NOT ASK RESPONDENT Was anyone involved in helping the respondent(s) to communicate with you during the interview? MULTICODE OK Parent respondent had language help from another household member 1 Parent respondent had communication help from another household member 2 Child respondent had language help from another household member 3 Child respondent had communication help from another household member 4 No one 5 348 INTERVIEWER CODE – DO NOT ASK RESPONDENT How well do you think the child understood the survey questions? Very well 1 Fairly well 2 Not very well 3 Not at all well 4