COPY ID NUMBERS FROM SUMMARY CONTACT SHEET COUNTRY CODE SAMPLE POINT NUMBER ADDRESS NUMBER INTERVIEWER NAME & NUMBER ADDRESS: POSTAL CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER INTERVIEWER TO CODE AGE AND GENDER OF TARGET CHILD AGE GENDER Male 1 Female 2 EU KIDS ONLINE II Parent questionnaire – 31/03/2010 201 What is the age of your child? CODE THE AGE OF CHILD TO BE INTERVIEWED. AGE HAS TO MATCH THE INFORMATION FOR THE SELECTED CHILD CODED ON THE CONTACT SHEET Years-old 99 No answer 202 And can I just check, how many children aged 0-17 are there living in the household in total? WRITE IN NUMBER Children aged 0-17 years 99 No answer 203 And which of the age groups are the other children in the household? SEVERAL ANSWERS POSSIBLE - CODE ALL THAT APPLY SHOWCARD A A 0-4 years 1 B 5-8 years 2 C 9-16 years 3 D 17 years and more 4 No answer 99 204 What is your age? WRITE DOWN AGE Years-old 99 No Answer 205 INTERVIEWER CODE RESPONDENT GENDER SINGLE CODE Male 1 Female 2 206 What is your relationship to ? ONLY ONE ANSWER POSSIBLE SHOWCARD B A Father/Mother 1 B Step father/Step mother 2 C Foster parent 3 D Brother/sister (including adopted brother or sister) 4 E Step-brother/sister (including half brother/sister, adopted, fostered) 5 F Grand-parent 6 G Other relative 7 H Other non-relative (incl. lodgers) 8 No answer 99 207 How many adults aged 18+ are there living in the household in total? WRITE IN NUMBER Adults aged 18+ years 99 No Answer ASK ONLY IF MORE THAN 1 ADULT AGED 18+ AT 207 . OTHERS GO TO 209 208 Would you consider the household to be a 1 or a 2-parent family? ONLY ONE ANSWER POSSIBLE IF THE RESPONDENTS IS UNSURE (FOR EXAMPLE IT IS A RE-CONSTITUTED FAMILY), PLEASE PROBE AND ASK THE RESPONDENT TO CONSIDER IF THERE IS A SECOND ADULT AGED 18+ IN A PARENTAL/CARING ROLE: FOR EXAMPLE A STEP-PARENT/GRANDPARENT/LONG TERM PARTNER/OLDER SIBLING 1-Parent family 1 2-Parent family 2 Other 3 Don’t know 88 ASK ALL 209 And please can you tell me what is the highest level of education you have completed? ONLY ONE ANSWER POSSIBLE SHOWCARD C ASK ALL WHO LIVE IN A TWO-PARENT FAMILY (CODE 2 AT 208). OTHERS GO TO 211 210 And what is the highest level of education completed by the other parent/carer in the household? ONLY ONE ANSWER POSSIBLE SHOWCARD C AGAIN 209 (Respondent) 210 (2nd Parent/carer) A Not completed primary education 1 1 B Primary or first stage of basic 2 2 C Lower secondary or second stage of basic 3 3 D Upper secondary 4 4 E Post secondary, non tertiary 5 5 F First stage of tertiary 6 6 G Second stage of tertiary 7 7 Don’t know 88 88 ***INTERVIEWER CHECK! PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ASKED AND RECORDED RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS 209 AND 210 WHERE APPLICABLE*** ASK ALL 211 What are the main languages spoken at home? DO NOT READ OUT – PRECODES – CODE ALL THAT APPLY PRECODED LIST TO BE INSERTED BY EACH COUNTRY 212 Would you say that YOUR CHILD belongs to a group that is discriminated against in this country (for example, in terms of ethnicity, language, religion or other factors) or not really? ONLY ONE ANSWER POSSIBLE Yes 1 Partly 2 No 3 No Answer 99 213 Does your child have any of the following difficulties? SEVERAL ANSWERS POSSIBLE - CODE ALL THAT APPLY SHOWCARD D A Physical disability 1 B Physical illness 2 C Mental health difficulty 3 D Behavioural difficulty 4 E Learning difficulty 5 F Other disability 6 None of these 7 Don’t know 88 214 Thinking about your child, which of these things, if any, do you worry about a lot? SEVERAL ANSWERS POSSIBLE - CODE ALL THAT APPLY SHOWCARD E A How they are doing at school 1 B Being treated in a hurtful or nasty way by other children 2 C Drinking too much alcohol/taking drugs 3 E Seeing inappropriate material on the internet 4 F Being contacted by strangers on the internet 5 G Their sexual activities 6 H Being a victim of crime 7 I Getting into trouble with the police 8 J Being injured on the roads 9 None of these 10 Other 11 Don’t know 88 215 Do you personally use the internet? ONLY ONE ANSWER POSSIBLE Yes 1 No 2 No Answer 99 ASK ALL WHO PERSONALLY USE THE INTERNET (CODE 1 TO 215). OTHERS GO TO 219 216 Do you use the internet in any of these places? SEVERAL ANSWERS POSSIBLE - CODE ALL THAT APPLY SHOWCARD F A At home 1 B At work or college 2 C From your mobile phone 3 D Other 4 No Answer 99 217 How often do you use the internet? ONLY ONE ANSWER POSSIBLE SHOWCARD G A Every day or almost every day 1 B Once or twice a week 2 C Once or twice a month 3 D Less often 4 Don’t know 88 218 How confident are you in using the internet? ONLY ONE ANSWER POSSIBLE SHOWCARD H A Not at all confident 1 B Not very confident 2 C Fairly confident 3 D Very confident 4 No answer 99 ASK ALL Now we would like to ask about s use of the internet. 219 As far as you are aware, in which of these places does your child use the internet these days? Please say yes or no to each of the following READ OUT A-H – ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD I Yes No Don’t know A His or her own bedroom (or other private room) at home 1 2 88 B Living room (or other public room) at home 1 2 88 C At school or college 1 2 88 D In an internet café (cybercafé) 1 2 88 E In a public library or other public place 1 2 88 F At a friend’s home 1 2 88 G At a relative’s home 1 2 88 H When ‘out and about’ (e.g. via a mobile phone, iPod Touch, Blackberry) 1 2 88 Parents take different approaches to how their child uses the internet, and this depends on lots of things. We are interested in what you do in your family, thinking specifically about (INSERT NAME OF CHILD). When answering these questions please think about ALL THE WAYS and ALL THE PLACES [INSERT NAME OF CHILD] uses the internet and tell us about what you (or your partner/other carer) do personally with your child. INTERVIEWER NOTE, THAT FOR THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS, FOR RESPONDENTS WHERE THERE ARE TWO PARENTS/CARERS IN THE HOUSEHOLD, PLEASE ASK THE RESPONDENT TO ANSWER IN RELATION TO BOTH THEMSELVES AND THE OTHER CARER (IE READ OUT THE WORDS IN BRACKETS EG “YOU (OR YOUR PARTNER/OTHER CARER)” 220 Which of the following things, if any, do you (or your partner/other carer) sometimes do with your child? …. Just read out the letters that apply. Remember, please just tell us about the things that you personally do with your child. READ OUT A-E – ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD J Yes No Don’t know A Talk to him/her about what he/she does on the internet 1 2 88 B Sit with him/her while s/he uses the internet (watching what s/he is doing but not really joining in) 1 2 88 C Stay nearby when s/he uses the internet 1 2 88 D Encourage your child to explore and learn things on the internet on their own. 1 2 88 E Do shared activities together with your child on the internet 1 2 88 221 For each of these things, please tell me if your child is CURRENTLY allowed to do them all of the time, allowed to do them but only with your (or your partner’s/other carers’) permission or supervision, or never allowed to do them. READ OUT A-F - ONLY ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD K Can do this anytime Can only do this with permission or supervision Can never do this Don’t know A Use instant messaging B Download music or films on the internet 1 2 3 88 C Watch video clips on the internet (e.g. on YouTube) 1 2 3 88 D Have his/her own social networking profile 1 2 3 88 E Give out personal information to others on the internet (e.g. my/his/her full name, address or phone number) 1 2 3 88 F Upload photos, videos or music to share with others 1 2 3 88 222 Have you (or your partner/other carer) ever done any of these things with your child? READ OUT A-F - ONLY ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD L Yes No Don’t know A Helped him/her when s/he found something difficult to do or find on the internet 1 2 88 B Explained why some websites are good or bad 1 2 88 C Suggested ways to use the internet safely 1 2 88 D Suggested ways to behave towards other people on the internet 1 2 88 E Helped him/her in the past when something has bothered him/her on the internet 1 2 88 F In general, talked to him/her about what s/he would does if something on the internet ever bothered him/her 1 2 88 ASK ONLY if target child uses the internet at home I.E. CODE 1 IN ITEM A OR B OF 219 . OTHERS go to 225 223 When your child uses the internet at home, do you (or your partner/other carer) sometimes check any of the following things afterwards? READ OUT A-D -ONLY ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD M Yes No Don’t know Not applicable A Which websites s/he visited 1 2 88 99 B The messages in his/her email or instant messaging account 1 2 88 99 C His/her profile on a social network or online community 1 2 88 99 D Which friends or contacts s/he adds to their social networking profile or instant messaging service 1 2 88 99 224 Do you (or your partner/carer) make use of any of the following for the computer that your child uses MOST OFTEN at home? Please say yes or no to each of the following… READ OUT A-D - ONLY ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD N Yes No Don’t know A Parental controls or other means of blocking or filtering some types of website By this we mean something that stops your child visiting certain websites or that stops some kinds of activities on the internet 1 2 88 B Parental controls or other means of keeping track of the websites they visit By this we mean something that keeps a record of the websites your child visits so you can check later what s/he did on the internet 1 2 88 C A service or contract that limits the time your child spends on the internet 1 2 88 D Software to prevent spam or junk mail or viruses 1 2 88 ASK ALL Again, when answering these questions I’d like you to think about ALL THE WAYS and ALL THE PLACES that your [INSERT NAME OF CHILD] uses the internet. 225 Do the things that you (and your partner/other carer) do relating to how your child uses the internet help to make his/her internet experience better, or not really? IF NECESSARY, PROBE “Is that a little or a lot?” YES, a lot 1 YES, a little 2 NO 3 Don’t know 88 226 Speaking of things you (and your partner/other carer) do in relation to your child’s internet use, do you think you should do more, or not really? IF NECESSARY, PROBE “Is that a little or a lot?” YES, a lot more 1 YES, a little more 2 NO 3 Don’t know 88 227 Do you (or your partner/other carer) do anything different these days because your child has been bothered by something on the internet in the past, or not really? YES, a lot 1 YES, a little 2 NO 3 Don’t know 88 Children can have different kinds of experiences on the internet, for lots of different reasons. Sometimes these experiences are very positive. Sometimes they might be negative. The next questions ask about possible negative experiences. Remember, when we ask about ‘the internet’, we include any technology (e.g. computer or mobile phone) or place (e.g. home or school or friend’s house) where your child uses the internet. 228 As far as you are aware, in the past year, has your child seen or experienced something on the internet that has bothered them in some way? For example, made them feel uncomfortable, upset, or feel that they shouldn’t have seen it? ONLY ONE ANSWER POSSIBLE IF ASKED TO CLARIFY ‘BOTHERED’.. BY THIS WE MEAN INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT OR BEHAVIOUR: FOR EXAMPLE, SOMETHING THAT MIGHT MAKE THEM FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE, UPSET OR FEEL THAT THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE SEEN IT. BEING ‘BOTHERED’ DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN THAT THEY WERE NOT ABLE TO ‘COPE’ WITH THE SITUATION; NOR DOES IT MEAN THAT THE CHILD SHOULD FEEL GUILT OR BLAME TOWARDS THEMSELVES. FURTHERMORE WE DO NOT MEAN “BAD NEWS” FOR EXAMPLE. FOR EXAMPLE, IF THE CHILD’S FAVORITE FOOTBALL TEAM HAD LOST A GAME AND THEY READ THIS ON THE INTERNET THEY MIGHT BE UPSET ABOUT THAT, BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT WE MEAN. Yes 1 No 2 Prefer not to say 3 Don’t know 88 ASK ALL WHOSE CHILD HAS BEEN BOTHERED (CODE 1 AT 228). OTHERS GO TO 232 229 How often has your child seen or experienced something on the internet that has bothered in the past 12 months? ONLY ONE ANSWER POSSIBLE SHOWCARD O A Every day or almost every day 1 B Once or twice a week 2 C Once or twice a month 3 D Less often 4 Don’t know 88 230 Can you tell us about an event that was particularly bothering to your child? OPEN-ENDED QUESTION …….. JUST RECORD VERBATIM No Answer 99 231 Thinking about that time, how upset do you think your child felt about it (if at all)? ONLY ONE ANSWER POSSIBLE SHOWCARD P A Very upset 1 B Fairly upset 2 C A bit upset 3 D Not at all upset 4 Don’t know 88 ASK ALL 232 In the NEXT six months, how likely, if at all, do you think it is that your child will experience something on the internet that will bother them? This could be things they may see, be sent or do on line. ONLY ONE ANSWER POSSIBLE SHOWCARD Q A Not at all likely 1 B Not very likely 2 C Fairly likely 3 D Very likely 4 Don’t know 88 233 To what extent, if at all, do you feel you are able to help your child to deal with anything on the internet that bothers them? ONLY ONE ANSWER POSSIBLE SHOWCARD R A Not at all 1 B Not very much 2 C A fair amount 3 D A lot 4 Don’t know 88 234 To what extent, if at all, do you think your child is able to deal with things on the internet that bothers them? ONLY ONE ANSWER POSSIBLE SHOWCARD R AGAIN A Not at all 1 B Not very much 2 C A fair amount 3 D A lot 4 Don’t know 88 235 For the following things I read out, please tell me whether or not your child has done them in the PAST YEAR, as far as you are aware … READ OUT A)-G) – ONLY ONE ANSWER PER ROW Yes No Don’t know A Gone to a meeting with someone face to face (in person) that he or she first met on the internet 1 2 88 B Seen images on the internet that are obviously sexual – for example, showing people naked or people having sex 1 2 88 C Been treated in a hurtful or nasty way on the internet by another child or teenager. (This includes being teased repeatedly in a way he/she did not like, or being deliberately excluded or left out of things.) 1 2 88 D Treated another child or teenager in a hurtful or nasty way on the internet (This includes having teased someone repeatedly in a way he/she did not like, or threatened, or deliberately excluded or left them out of things.) 1 2 88 E Seen or been sent sexual messages (e.g. words, pictures or videos) on the internet. By this we mean images of people naked or having sex 1 2 88 F Sent someone else sexual messages (eg words, pictures or videos) on the internet. By this we mean images of people naked or having sex 1 2 88 G Seen aggressive or violent images of people attacking or killing each other on the internet. This could include characters in cartoons or games as well as “real” people, for example 1 2 88 FOR PARENTS OF 9-10 YEAR OLDS. PLEASE BEGIN THE QUESTION BY STATING – ‘we won’t ask your child about these things, but we would like to know your view’. ASK ALL 236 As far as you are aware, in the past year, has your child seen a website with any of these things are discussed or encouraged? Do not include sites with positive health or educational advice, just tell us about sites which seem to encourage or help people do these types of damaging things… READ OUT A-E - ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD S Yes No Don’t know A People talking about ways of physically harming or hurting themselves 1 2 88 B People talking about ways of committing suicide 1 2 88 C People talking about ways to be very thin (such as anorexic or bulimic) 1 2 88 D People posting hateful messages that attack certain groups or individuals 1 2 88 E People talking about their experiences of taking drugs 1 2 88 237 As far as you are aware, in the past year, which of the things on this card, if any, have happened to your child on the internet? READ OUT A-D - ONE ANSWER PER ROW SHOWCARD T Yes No Don’t know A Somebody used his or her personal information in a way he or she didn’t like 1 2 88 B The computer got a virus 1 2 88 C S/he lost money by being cheated on the internet (we mean real money, rather than money in a computer game, for example) 1 2 88 D Somebody used his/her password to get their information, or to pretend to be them 1 2 88 238 In general where do you get information and advice on safety tools and safe use of the internet from? SEVERAL ANSWERS POSSIBLE - CODE ALL THAT APPLY SHOWCARD U A Your child’s school 1 B Television, radio, newspapers or magazines 2 C Internet service providers 3 D Government, local authorities 4 E Children’s welfare organisations/charities 5 F Websites with safety information 6 G Manufacturers and retailers selling the products 7 H Family and friends 8 I From my child 9 J Other sources 10 None, I don’t get any information about this 11 Don’t know 88 239 And where would you like to get information and advice from in the future? SEVERAL ANSWERS POSSIBLE - CODE ALL THAT APPLY SHOWCARD U AGAIN A Your child’s school 1 B Television, radio, newspapers or magazines 2 C Internet service providers 3 D Government, local authorities 4 E Children’s welfare organisations/charities 5 F Websites with safety information 6 G Manufacturers and retailers selling the products 7 H Family and friends 8 I From my child 9 J Other sources 10 None, I don’t want more information about this 11 Don’t know 88 *END OF PARENT INTERVIEW* INTERVIEWER NOTE: CHECK TO ENSURE SAMPLE NUMBER AND ADDRESS NUMBERS HAVE BEEN COPIED ON TO THE FRONT PAGE FROM THE CONTACT SHEET NOW GO ON TO THE CHILD INTERVIEW