COPY ID NUMBERS FROM SUMMARY CONTACT SHEET COUNTRY CODE SAMPLE POINT NUMBER ADDRESS NUMBER INTERVIEWER NAME & NUMBER ADDRESS: POSTAL CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER EU Kids Online II (08/04/2010) 9-10 YEARS-OLD HOW TO FILL IN THIS PART OF THE SURVEY · Please read each question carefully and take your time to answer. · Answer simply by putting a tick ü in the boxes next to the answers you want to give. · PAPER ONLY: You may not need to answer all of the questions. Instructions in ”WORDS WRITTEN IN BOLD LIKE THIS” are instructions to tell you which questions to answer. · Please make sure you read all the bits written in grey boxes, these are really important in helping you to understand the questions. · If you see a question that you can’t answer or don’t want to answer, just tick “don’t know” or “prefer not to say” and go to the next question. · Just ask the interviewer if you have any questions as you fill in the survey, however small. This survey is all about you so it is really important that you are as honest as possible. Please don’t worry about other people you know seeing your answers – that won’t happen. PRACTICE QUESTIONS PLEASE READ: Here are some practice questions. The interviewer will help you understand what to do. EVERYONE ANSWER THIS QUESTION 1. Have you ever played internet games (on your own or against the computer?) PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Yes c See question below B No c C Don’t know c Answer question on next page D Prefer not to say c 2. If you answered yes, how often have you played internet games in the PAST 12 MONTHS? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Every day or almost every day c B Once or twice a week c C Once or twice a month c D Less often c Don’t know c 3. How true are these of you? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ON EVERY LINE Not true A bit true Very true A I know more about the internet than my parents………………………………………….. c c c B I know lots of things about using the internet… c c c C There are lots of things on the internet that are good for children of my age……………………. c c c End of practice questions SECTION A About you EVERYONE ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS PLEASE READ: Here are some questions about what kind of a person you are 4. How true is this of you? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ON EVERY LINE Not true A bit true Very true A I am confident that I can deal with unexpected problems c c c C I get a lot of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness c c c D I get very angry and often lose my temper c c c E I am usually on my own, I generally play alone or keep to myself c c c F I usually do as I am told c c c G I worry a lot c c c H It’s easy for me to stick to my aims and achieve my goals c c c 5. How true is this of you? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ON EVERY LINE Not true A bit true Very true A I have at least one good friend c c c B I fight a lot, I can make other people do what I want c c c C I am often unhappy, sad or tearful c c c D Other people my age generally like me c c c F I am nervous in new situations, I easily lose confidence c c c G I am often accused of lying or cheating c c c H Other children or young people pick on me c c c 6.. How true is this of you? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ON EVERY LINE Not true A bit true Very true A I am easily distracted and find it difficult to concentrate c c c B Other people my age often treat me as if I wasn’t there. c c c C If I am in trouble I can usually think of something to do c c c D I take things that are not mine from home, school or elsewhere c c c E I get on better with adults than with people my own age c c c F I can generally work out how to handle new situations c c c G I have many fears, and I am easily scared c c c 7. How true is this of you? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ON EVERY LINE Not true A bit true Very true A I do dangerous things for fun c c c B I do exciting things, even if they are dangerous c c c 8. In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you done any of these things? PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED B Missed school lessons without your parents knowing (playing truant, bunking off, skiving or wagging school) c D Been in trouble with my teachers for bad behaviour c E Been in trouble with the police c F None of these things c G Prefer not to say c 9. When I am bothered about something, I talk to … PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED A My mother or father c B My brother or sister c C A friend c D A teacher c E Some one whose job it is to help children (e.g “police”, “social worker”, “adviser”) c F Another adult I trust c G Someone else c H No one c I Don’t know c 10. In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you seen or experienced something on the internet that has bothered you in some way? For example, made you feel uncomfortable, upset, or feel that you shouldn’t have seen it. PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Yes c See question below B No c C Don’t know c Please go straight to the backpage D Prefer not to say c 11. If you answered yes, how often have you seen or experienced something on the internet that has bothered you in the PAST 12 MONTHS? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Every day or almost every day c B Once or twice a week c C Once or twice a month c D Less often c E Don’t know c WELL DONE, YOU HAVE FINISHED THIS SECTION. PLEASE TELL THE INTERVIEWER COPY ID NUMBERS FROM SUMMARY CONTACT SHEET COUNTRY CODE SAMPLE POINT NUMBER ADDRESS NUMBER INTERVIEWER NUMBER SECTION B EVERYONE ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS PLEASE READ: Sometimes children or teenagers say or do hurtful or nasty things to someone. When people are hurtful or nasty to someone in this way, it can happen: · face to face (in person) · by mobile phones (texts, calls, video clips) · Popisek se šipkou dolů: No, don’t know or Prefer not to say, GO TO Section D on the internet (e-mail, instant messaging, social networking, chatrooms) 12. Has someone acted in this kind of hurtful or nasty way to you in the PAST 12 MONTHS? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Yes c Answer question on next page B No c C Don’t know c Please go straight to section C D Prefer not to say c How did it happen… ONLY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON THIS PAGE IF SOMEONE HAS DONE HURTFUL OR NASTY THINGS TO YOU IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS EVERYONE ELSE GO STRAIGHT TO SECTION C 13. How often has someone acted in this kind of way towards you in the PAST 12 MONTHS? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Every day or almost every day c B Once or twice a week c C Once or twice a month c D Less often c E Don’t know c 14. At any time during the last 12 months, has this happened … ? PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED A In person face to face c B By mobile phone calls, texts or image/video texts c C Some other way c D Don’t know c 15. At any time during the last 12 months has this happen on the internet? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Yes c Answer questions on next page B No c Please go straight to section C C Don’t know c What happened when on the internet… ONLY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON THIS PAGE IF SOMEONE HAS DONE NASTY OR HURTFUL THINGS TO YOU ON THE INTERNET IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS EVERYONE ELSE GO STRAIGHT TO THE BACKPAGE 16. And in which ways has this happened to you in the LAST 12 MONTHS? PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED A On a social networking site c B By instant messaging c C In a chatroom c D By email c E In a gaming website c F Some other way on the internet c G Don’t know c 17. Thinking now about the LAST TIME this happened to you, how upset were you about what happened (if at all)? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Very upset c B Fairly upset c C A bit upset c D Not at all upset c E Don’t know c 18.. Did you talk to anyone about what happened? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Yes c B No c C Prefer not to say c 19. If you answered yes, who did you talk to about it? PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED A My mother or father c B My brother or sister c C A friend c D A teacher c E Some one whose job it is to help children (e.g. “police”, “social worker”, “adviser”) c F Another adult I trust c G Someone else c H Don’t know c 20. Still thinking about that time, did you do any of these things? PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED 21. And which, if any, of the things you did helped you? PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED A I stopped using the internet for a while c c B I deleted any messages from the other person c c C I changed my privacy/contact settings c c D I blocked the person from contacting me c c E I reported the problem (eg clicked on a ‘report abuse’ button, contact an internet advisor or “Internet service provider (ISP)”) c c F None of these things c c G Don’t know c c *Please go back through the above question and double check that you have entered a response for 21. in the right hand column* WELL DONE, YOU HAVE FINISHED THIS SECTION. PLEASE MOVE ON TO SECTION C COPY ID NUMBERS FROM SUMMARY CONTACT SHEET COUNTRY CODE SAMPLE POINT NUMBER ADDRESS NUMBER INTERVIEWER NUMBER SECTION C EVERYONE ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS 22. Have you acted in a way that might have felt hurtful or nasty to someone else in the PAST 12 MONTHS? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Yes c Answer questions on next page B No c C Don’t know c Go straight to the backpage D Prefer not to say c How did it happen… ONLY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION IF YOU MIGHT HAVE DONE SOMETHING HURTFUL OR NASTY TO SOMEONE IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS EVERYONE ELSE GO STRAIGHT TO THE BACKPAGE 23. If you answered yes, how often have you acted in this kind of way in the PAST 12 MONTHS? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Every day or almost every day c B Once or twice a week c C Once or twice a month c D Less often c E Don’t know c 24. In which of the following ways have you acted like this in the PAST 12 MONTHS? … PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED A In person face to face c B By mobile phone calls, texts or image/video texts c C On the internet c D Other way(s) c E Don’t know c WELL DONE, YOU HAVE FINISHED THIS SECTION. PLEASE TELL THE INTERVIEWER. COPY ID NUMBERS FROM SUMMARY CONTACT SHEET COUNTRY CODE SAMPLE POINT NUMBER ADDRESS NUMBER INTERVIEWER NUMBER SECTION D EVERYONE ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS PLEASE READ: In the past year, you will have seen lots of different images – pictures, photos, videos. Sometimes, these might be obviously sexual – for example, showing people naked or people having sex. You might never have seen anything like this, or you may have seen something like this on a mobile phone, in a magazine, on the TV, on a DVD or on the internet. 25. Have you seen ANYTHING of this kind in the PAST 12 MONTHS? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Yes c Answer questions on next page B No c C Don’t know c Please go straight to the backpage D Prefer not to say c How did it happen… ONLY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON THIS PAGE IF YOU HAVE SEEN ANY KIND OF SEXUAL IMAGE IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS EVERYONE ELSE GO STRAIGHT TO THE BACKPAGE 26. How often have you seen these things in the PAST 12 MONTHS? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Every day or almost every day c B Once or twice a week c C Once or twice a month c D Less often c E Don’t know c 27. In which, if any, of these places have you seen these kinds of things in the PAST 12 MONTHS? PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED A In a magazine or book c B On television, film or video/DVD c C By text (SMS), images (MMS) or otherwise on my mobile phone c D By Bluetooth c E Other c F Don’t know c 28. Have you seen these kind of things on any websites in the PAST 12 MONTHS? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Yes c Answer questions on next page B No c C Don’t know c Please go straight to the backpage D Prefer not to say c What happened when on the internet… ONLY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON THIS PAGE IF YOU HAVE SEEN ANY KIND OF SEXUAL IMAGES ON WEBSITES IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS EVERYONE ELSE GO STRAIGHT TO THE BACKPAGE 29. Which types of website have you seen things like this on in the LAST 12 MONTHS? PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED A On a social networking site c B By images that pop-up accidentally c C On a video-hosting site (e.g. YouTube) c D On an adult/X-rated website c E In a gaming website c F On a peer to peer file-sharing website (e.g Limewire) c G Some other type of website c H Don’t know c 30. Seeing sexual images on the internet may be fine or may not be fine. In the LAST 12 MONTHS, have you seen any things like this that have bothered you in any way? For example, made you feel uncomfortable, upset, or feel that you shouldn’t have seen them. PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Yes c Answer questions on next page B No c C Don’t know c Please go straight to the backpage D Prefer not to say c What happened when you were bothered by the things you saw… ONLY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION IF YOU HAVE SEEN ANY KIND OF SEXUAL IMAGES THAT BOTHERED YOU ON THE INTERNET IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS EVERYONE ELSE GO STRAIGHT TO THE BACKPAGE 31. Thinking about the LAST TIME you were bothered by something like this, how upset did you feel about it (if at all)? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Very upset c B Fairly upset c C A bit upset c D Not at all upset c E Don’t know c 32.. Again, thinking about this time, did you talk to anyone about what happened? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Yes c B No c C Don’t know c 33. If you answered yes, who did you talk to about it? PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED A My mother or father c B My brother or sister c C A friend c D A teacher c E Some one whose job it is to help children (e.g. “police”, “social worker”, “adviser”) c F Another adult I trust c G None of these c H Don’t know c 34. Again, thinking about this time, did you do any of these things? PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED 35. And which, if any, of the things you did helped you? PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED A I stopped using the internet for a while c c B I deleted any messages from the person who sent it to me c c C I changed my filter/contact settings c c D I blocked the person who has sent it to me c c E I reported the problem (eg clicked on a ‘report abuse’ button, contact an internet advisor or “Internet service provider (ISP)”) c c F None of these things c c G Don’t know c c *Please go back through the above question and double check that you have entered a response for 35. in the right hand column* WELL DONE, YOU HAVE FINISHED THIS SECTION. PLEASE TELL THE INTERVIEWER. SECTION E THERE ARE NO QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED FOR THAT SECTION COPY ID NUMBERS FROM SUMMARY CONTACT SHEET COUNTRY CODE SAMPLE POINT NUMBER ADDRESS NUMBER INTERVIEWER NUMBER SECTION F EVERYONE ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS PLEASE READ: Here are some questions about the way you use the internet. 36. Have you done any of the following things in the PAST 12 MONTHS; if yes how often have you done each of these things? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ON EVERY LINE Yes No Every day or almost every day Once or twice a week Once or twice a month Less often Never/ not in the past year Don’t know Prefer not to say A Looked for new friends on the internet............... c c c c c c c B Sent personal information (e.g. my full name, address or phone number) to someone that I have never met face to face........ c c c c c c c C Added people to my friends list or address book that I have never met face to face c c c c c c c 37. Have you done any of the following things in the PAST 12 MONTHS; if yes how often have you done each of these things? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ON EVERY LINE Yes No Every day or almost every day Once or twice a week Once or twice a month Less often Never/ not in the past year Don’t know Prefer not to say A Pretended to be a different kind of person on the internet from what I really am.......... c c c c c c c B Sent a photo or video of myself to someone that I have never met face to face........ c c c c c c c EVERYONE ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS PLEASE READ: Next are some questions about the contact you might have had with people you have met online. Remember to think about ANY WAY of using the internet (e.g. on a computer or mobile phone) and ANY PLACE where you use the internet (e.g. at home or school or somewhere else). When we talk about ‘face to face’ we mean talking to someone in person at the same place rather than through the internet, on a phone or a webcam. 38. Can I just check, have you ever had contact on the internet with someone you have not met face to face before? (This could have been by email, chat rooms, social networking sites, instant messaging or gaming sites) PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Yes c Answer 39. B No c Please go straight to the backpage C Don’t know c 39. If you answered yes And have you ever gone on to meet anyone face to face that you first met on the internet in this way? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Yes c Answer 40. B No c C Don’t know c Please go straight to the backpage D Prefer not to say c How did it happen… ONLY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION IF YOU HAVE MET SOMEONE FACE-TO-FACE THAT YOU FIRST MET ON THE INTERNET IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS EVERYONE ELSE GO STRAIGHT TO THE BACKPAGE 40. And how many new people have you met in this way in the LAST 12 MONTHS, (if any)? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A 1-2 c B 3-4 c C 5-10 c D More than 10 c E Don’t Know c 41. In the LAST 12 MONTHS, which of these types of people have you met face to face that you first met on the internet? PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED A Someone who is a friend or family member of someone else I know in person face to face c B Someone who had no connection with my life before I met them on the internet c C Neither c How did it happen… ONLY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION IF YOU HAVE MET SOMEONE FACE-TO-FACE THAT YOU FIRST MET ON THE INTERNET IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS EVERYONE ELSE GO STRAIGHT TO THE BACKPAGE 42. And thinking about any people you have gone to a meeting with in the LAST 12 MONTHS who you first met on the internet, in what ways did you first get in contact with them? PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED A On a social networking site c B By instant messaging c C In a chatroom c D By email c E In a gaming website c F Some other way on the internet c G Don’t know c 43. Face to face meetings with people that you first meet on the internet may be fine or not fine. In the LAST 12 MONTHS have you gone to a meeting with someone you met in this way that has bothered you? For example, made you feel uncomfortable, upset, or feel that you shouldn’t have been there? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Yes c Answer question on next page B No c C Don’t know c Please go straight to the backpage D Prefer not to say c What happened when you felt bothered… ONLY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION IF YOU HAVE GONE TO A MEETING WITH SOMEONE FROM THE INTERNET THAT MADE YOU FEEL BOTHERED IN SOME WAY IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS EVERYONE ELSE GO STRAIGHT TO THE BACKPAGE 44. Thinking about THE LAST TIME you were bothered by meeting someone in this way, how old was the person you actually met? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A I met with someone about my age c B I met with someone younger than me c C I met with an older teenager (younger than 20 years old) c D I met with an adult (aged 20 years or older) c E Don’t Know c 45. And was that person male or female? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Male – a boy or man c B Female – a girl or women c 46. And still thinking about that LAST TIME, did you talk to anyone about where you were going? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Yes c B No c C Don’t know c 47. If you answered yes, who did you talk to about it? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A I told someone my age c B I told an older teenager (aged under 18) c C I told an adult I trust (aged 18 or over) c D I told someone else c E Don’t know c 48. Did you take somebody with you when you went to that meeting? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Yes c B No c C Don’t know c 49. If you answered yes,, who did you take with you? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A I went with someone about my age c B I went with an older teenager (aged under 18) c C I went with an adult I trust (aged 18 or over) c D Don’t know c 50. How upset did you feel about what happened (if at all)? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Very upset c B Fairly upset c C A bit upset c D Not at all upset c E Don’t know c 51. Again, still thinking about this time, did you talk to anyone about what happened? PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY A Yes c B No c C Don’t know c 52. If you answered yes, who did you talk to? PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED A My mother or father c B My brother or sister c C A friend c D A teacher c E Some one whose job it is to help children (e.g. “police”, “social worker”, “adviser”) c F Another adult I trust c G Someone else c H Don’t know c 53. Again, thinking about this time, did you do any of these things? PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED 54. And which, if any, of the things you did helped you? PLEASE TICK AS MANY BOXES AS NEEDED A I stopped using the internet for a while c c B I deleted any messages from the other person c c C I changed my privacy/contact settings c c D I blocked the person from contacting me c c E I reported the problem (eg clicked on a ‘report abuse’ button, contact an internet advisor or “Internet service provider (ISP)”) c c F None of these things c c G Don’t know c c *Please go back through the above question and double check that you have entered a response for 54. in the right hand column* WELL DONE, YOU HAVE FINISHED THIS PART OF THE SURVEY. THERE ARE NO MORE QUESTIONS THAT YOU NEED TO FILL IN YOURSELF. PLEASE TELL THE INTERVIEWER THAT YOU HAVE FINISHED AND THEY WILL HAVE JUST A FEW MORE QUESTIONS THAT THEY WOULD LIKE TO ASK YOU.