Theories of Propaganda,
 and Information Warfare vol. II CDS445 November 6, 2018 Miloš Gregor ‣differences between propaganda and political marketing ‣components of propaganda ‣manipulative techniques today’s lecture Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ propaganda vs. political marketing part one: Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ commercialized approach refers to consumer approach only in democracy public everyone knows the message replace education tries to convince no matter what (usually) in authoritarian regimes secret true purpose is hidden political marketingpropaganda X Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ propaganda vs. political marketing you know it when you face ityou do not know it when you face it spinning & spin-doctoring? Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ propaganda vs. political marketing ‣term spin-doctor was created in the U.S. in 1980’s ‣management of how political messages are going to be interpreted ‣to ‘spin’ = to give the policy, personality or event a favorable gloss ‣sinister connotation (manipulator, propagandist, conspirator) (for more info: McNair 2000, 2005; Maloney 2000) Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ propaganda vs. political marketing ‣unscientific neologism coined by journalists ‣neither scientific concept
 nor the self-labeling of a branch ‣demonization of spin as a journalistic
 counterstrategy Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ propaganda vs. political marketing components of propaganda Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ part two: ‣modern propaganda draws upon techniques
 and strategies used in advertising ‣simplifies ‣always biased ‣geared to achieving a particular end ‣emploies symbols ‣employed by governmental and private
 organizations how does propaganda work Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ ‣weapon in the arsenal of mass persuasion
 & information warfare ‣replace education, but … ! ‣danger when competing voices are silenced Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ how does propaganda work ‣effectiveness depends upon receptivity of an audience ‣propaganda alone cannot win wars
 or transform humans into mindless automatons when is effective Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ ‣rhetoric is emotional persuasion ‣form of reasoning ‣pseudo arguments ‣undergoing revival ‣metaphor role of lies? Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ components of propaganda – rhetoric Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ components of propaganda propaganda then and now? ‣importance of the myth ‣a story with key values ‣myth, nation, race and martyrdom ‣symbol – first emotional value ‣cheap form of propaganda ‣do not underestimate symbols ‣attractive to people with lesser capacity of abstract thought Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ components of propaganda – symbolism Symbols are not universally decoded. Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ components of propaganda – symbolism Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ components of propaganda – symbolism Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ components of propaganda – symbolism ‣visual receptors ‣emotional connections ‣short clear message ‣image is always stronger efficient propaganda Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ efficient propaganda Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ UNITED we are stronger, UNITED we will win efficient propaganda Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ efficient propaganda Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ Syria Deeply spoke to Syrians as refugees flee the ongoing civil war in droves with the hope of gaining asylum in Europe. Often paying smugglers their life savings, the refugees risk their lives along the way. efficient propaganda Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ ‣emotions ‣ideology ‣values ‣hyperbole key foundations of propaganda Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ manipulative techniques part three: Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ 1. assertion 2. bandwagon 3. blaming 4. fabrication 5. false dilemma, lesser of two evils 6. labelling / name calling 7. fear appeal 8. card stacking 9. transfer 10. plain folk manipulative techniques Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ The Middle East will never be at peace. A record number of hurricanes have
 been caused by global warming this year. 1. assertion ‣simplest form of propaganda ‣simply stating a debatable idea as a fact ‣no explanation or justification examples: Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ manipulative techniques Five million members and growing! Everybody’s doing it! ‣people like to belong to a group ‣especially to a successful
 & popular group examples: Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ manipulative techniques 2. bandwagon Migrant crisis started when Merkel
 invited all illegal immigrants. 3. blaming ‣people don’t want to be responsible ‣better to say someone else is cause example: Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ manipulative techniques There are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. 4. fabrication ‣fiction, fabulation ‣lies people tend to believe ‣mainstream media lie to you,
 we are telling truth example: Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ manipulative techniques You are either an ally or an enemy. 5. false dilemma / lesser of two evils ‣black’n'white thinking, false dichotomy,
 false choice, etc. ‣reducing a complex of argument ‣only one point is appropriate ‣a simple matter of either / or example: Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ manipulative techniques Clearly, my opponent’s bleeding-heart liberalism will not help to solve the current crisis. 6. labelling / name calling example: ‣negative words to disparage an enemy ‣used to replace of logical arguments ‣appealing to emotions ‣personal level Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ manipulative techniques Those who do not participate will burn in hell. Big brother is watching you! 7. fear appeal ‣attempts to create support for an idea ‣prejudice ‣disaster element examples: Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ manipulative techniques Our program to solve the economic crisis is much more effective than the opponents’ ones. 8. card stacking ‣author’s opinion ‣problem especially in news ‣unfair advantage to one point of view example: Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ manipulative techniques A candidate for office addresses allegations of wrongdoing in front of a house of worship while wearing a religious symbol on his lapel pin. A dove signals peace. 9. transfer ‣association, false connection ‣transfer of feeling and association examples: Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ manipulative techniques 10. plain folk ‣regular people’s values
 (family, patriotism, etc.) ‣insider view ‣words such as home, children, dinner table Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ manipulative techniques Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ manipulative techniques Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ manipulative techniques Propaganda and the Seven Techniques Research report:
 Analysis of Manipulation Techniques on Selected Czech Websites. Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ Thank you. Miloš Gregor AnselmoCZ