THE SPIRITUAL DIMENSION OF LANDSCAPE AND NATURE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH SPIELBERG 25TH OF NOVEMBER 2012 PHILOSOPHICAL IDENTITY IS CALLED SAMENESS OR WHATEVER MAKES AN ENTITY DEFINABLE AND RECOGNIZABLE – MANY CHALLENGES WITH THE CONCEPT SUCH AS CHANGING PERSONAL IDENTITY OVER TIME, HOW TO SEPARATE BETWEEN INDIVIDUALS ( IF TWO PERSONS SHARE IDENTITY ARE THEY THE SAME) SOCIOLOGICAL IDENTITY HAS TO DO WITH SELFCONCEPTION, SOCIAL PRESENTATION AND THE ASPECTS THAT MAKES AN INDIVIDUAL UNIQUE AND DIFFERS FROM OTHERS (CULTURAL IDENTITY, GENDER IDENTITY, NATIONAL IDENTITY, RELIGIOUS IDENTITY AND SON ON) PSYCOLOGICAL IDENTITY INCLUDES THE SOCIOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS AS WELL AS INDIVIDUAL DIMESIONS. DEPENDING UPON THE PSYCOLOGICAL TRADITION THE CONSCIOUS, SUB CONSCIOUS AND SOCIAL DIMENSIONS WILL BE EMPHASIZED RELIGIOUS IDENTITY WILL FROM THE POINT OF THE RELIGION OR RELIGIOUS TRADITION BE UNDERSTOOD AS THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE SPIRITUAL AND THE IDENTIFICATION WITH THE RELIGIOUS TRADTION AND THE SPIRITUAL REALM NATIONAL IDENTITY CULTURAL IDENTITY IS THE IDENTITY OF A GROUP OR OF AN INDIVIDUAL AS FAR AS ONE IS INFLENCED BY ONE’S BELONING TO A GROUP OR A CULTURE (CULTURAL IDENTIFIERS: LOCATION, GENDER, HISTORY, NATIONALITY, LANGUAGE/DIALECT, SEXUALITY, RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, ETHNICITY AND AESTHETICS, COMMON SOCIAL VALUES AND BELIFES, OTHER TRADITIONS AND IMPORTANT POINTS OF IDENTIFICATION LIKE MYTHS/ HISTORY, LITERATURE AND SO ON) INDIVIDUAL IDENTITY GENDER IDENTITY PSYCHOLOGICAL IDENTITY THE SOGNEFJORD NORWAY 1 OF SEPTEMBER 2012 KINSARVIK CHURCH THE SOGNEFJORD 1ST OF SEPTEMBER 2012 THE SOGNEFJORD 1ST OF SEPTEMBER 2012 THE SOGNEFJORD 1ST OF SEPTEMBER 2012 THE SOGNEFJORD 1ST OF SEPTEMBER 2012 PSYCOLOGICAL THEORIES FROM INDIA THE INDIAN RESEACHER AND PHILOSOPHER Jadunath Sing (1892 – 1978) PUBLISHED IN 1933 A SERIES OF BOOK ON IDIAN PHILOSOPHY EMPHASIZING THAT IT INCLUDED AN INTEGRATED THINKING ON; - PHILOSOPHY/ THE SPIRITUAL - ETHICS - LOGICS - PSYCHOLOGY Caroline Augusta Foley Rhys David (1857 – 1942) Buddhist psychology (1914) SANSKRIT TRADITIONS IMPORTANT BOTH IN BUDDHIST AND HINDU TRADITIONS CONFLICTING EMOTIONS ABOUT AN OBJECT/SITUATION – CONSIDERED TO BE INTELLECTUAL DISTURBANCES (Sing, 1996: Bind II: 94). SANSKRIT GRIEF (sóka) HYPOTETICAL THINKING (tarka) FEAR (bhaya) DOUBT DELUSIVE FEELINGS ( THE JAINA TRADITION) (Sing, 1996: Bind II: 99). ATTACHMENT ( WHAT CONNECTS US) (RAGA) AVERSION (DVESA) BASIC FEELINGS BEHIND ALL HUMAN ACTION AND ALSO THE SAME FEELINGS THAT MAKES SLAVES WE HAVE TO DISTANCE OR BECOME INDEPENT OF STRONG FEELINGS, SUCH AS GRIEF, IN ORDER TO BE FREE ( PHILOSOPHICAL EXISTENTIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT) Buddhagosa GRIEF A CONSUMING FEELING BEING A MENTAL SUPPRESSION OF ALL OTHER FEELINGS (Sing, 1996: Bind II: 114 - 115). Bhagavad Gita the body might die, but the self cannot die. The consciousness is from before the body and will remain after the body. A person in control of his sensory can control his body in that way influence sickness and mental reactions Sanskrit traditions were very important for early European and American psychology. HUMANS PART OF NATURE IN THE SAME WAY AS ALL OTHER LIVING BEINGS WE ARE PART OF NATURE AND THE VERY CONCEPT OF NATURE IS IN A WAY MEANINGLESS WHAT HAPPENS TO OTHER LIVING BEINGS WILL THEN HAVE THE SAME POSSIBLE EMOTIONAL IMPACT COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY BUDDHIST AND INDIAN PSYCHOLOGY AS INSPIRATION AND MODEL FOR TRAINING OF EMPATHIC PRESENCE AND MEDIATIVE TECHNIQUES MINDFULLNESS TRAINING (Segal, William og Teasdale, 2002 og Kabat-Zinn med flere, 1993) SELF – EMPATHY / SELF SENSITIVITY (Kabat-Zinn, 2003). PSYCHOANALYSIS BUDDHISM UNDERSTOOD AS A MENTAL WAY OF UNDERSTANDING OR RELATING TO ERICH FROMM (1900 – 1980) CONNESTS PSYCHOANALYSIS TO ZEN BUDDHISM THE SOGNEFJORD 1ST OF SEPTEMBER 2012 THE SOGNEFJORD 1ST OF SEPTEMBER 2012 AUGUST 2012 THE TIME OF CLOUDBERRY PICKING SAKSUMDAL NORWAY 27th OF JUNE 2012 SAMSØ DENMARK 27th OF JUNE 2012 SAMSØ DENMARK STAUNS CHURCH 27th OF JUNE 2012 SAMSØ DENMARK ETHICS, VALUES, ACTION AND IN-ACTION THE VALUES AND MORALS BEHIND DESCISIONS AND ACTION IVOLVING THE ENVIRONMENT IN PSYCHOLOGY EMPATHY IS OF CRUCIAL IMPORTANCE IN ORDER TO DEVELOPE GOOD COMMUNICATON LACK OF EMPATHY IS THOUGHT OF AS A PROBLEM FOR A THERAPIST EMPATHY IS OF CRUCIAL IMPORTANCE 1. In daily life empathy is necessary to understand and interact with others. Empathy can be; - cognitive and/or affective - automatic and/or controlled by the cognitive 2. Empathy can be understand as part of the personality 3. Empathy can be used as part of the professional work of a therapist and can be regarded as a sophisticated skill Empathy altruistic or egocentric self interest? - Obviously speaking doing something towards other gives some kind of emotional reward - The presence of altruistic motives are heatedly discussed - There are many examples of people doing deeds towards others and the environment that seem to be against their material self interest. EMPATHY FROM A RELIGIOUS PERSPECTIVE - DO TOWARDS OTHERS LIKETHE SAME AS YOU WANT THEM TO DO TOWARDS YOU - CARE OF THE OTHER IS A MORAL OBLIGATION - THE THOUGHT OF HUMANS AS CUSTODIAN OF NATURE - THE THOUGHT OF RESPONSIBILITY EMPATHY AS PART OF THE HUMAN BIOLOGY – AS A PART OF BEING HUMAN EMPATHY AS PART OF DEVELOPMENT / PART OF GROWING UP (DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY) Hoffman (1990) : - Global empathy - Egocentric empathy (from about one year) - Empathy for the emotions of others ( 2 – 3 years of age) Part of role taking - Empathy for the living conditions of others . INTERSUBJECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS Daniel N. Stern (1934 (Stern i Sameroff og Emde 1989 - AFFECTIVE - SYNCRONIZING AND DEPENDENT OF THE INTERSUBJECTIVE INTERACTION Questions 1. Can we and do we interact with the environment in the way that we develop empathy for the environment, other living species and even physical landscape? 2. In case will that empathy enable us to altruistic deeds ? THE COMPLEXITY OF EMPATHY THE SWEDISH PSYCHOLOGIST ULLA HOLM (1995) DIVIDES THE USE OF THE CONCEPT EMPATHY IN; A. THE PROCESS OF EMPATHY (COGNITIVE AND EMOTIONAL) B. PREDICTIVE EMPATHY C. SITUATIONAL EMPATHY D. ” TRAIT EMPATHY” THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EMPATHY AND SYMPATHY Empathy is sometimes used as equivalent to sympathy However those who separate define empathy as the ability to understand from the others point of view and sympathy with how to feel like the other. In Clara Hill (2004) understanding sympathy means feeling pity for the other and thus will always be from a superior powerful point of view. A SIMPLIFIED PRACTICAL UNDERSTANDING OF EMPATHY 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE FEELINGS AND REACTIONS OF THE OTHER 2. AFFECTIVE UNDERSTANDING 3. COGNITIVE UNDERSTANDING COGNITIVE AND EMOTIONAL EMPATHY Hoffman (1978 og 1990) 1. COGNITIVE EMPATHY 2. EMOTIONAL EMPATHY Piaget (1995) AFFECTIVE THINKING COGNITIVE THINKING AFFECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS COGNITIVE CONSCIOUSNESS RIG – REPEATED INTERACTIONS THAT ARE REPEATED OVER TIME (Daniel N. Stern) INTERACTIONS WITH HUMANS AND THE TERRAIN, NATURE OR OTHER LIVING THINGS WILL HAVE IMPORTANCE IN DEVELOPING OVER PERSONALITY AND OUR SENSITIVITY STRATEGIC AND ALTURISTIC EMPATHY INTUITIVE CARING Nel Noddings (1929 -) SYMPATHY RATHER THAN EMPATHY ETHICAL CARING Nel Noddings (1929 -) INTUITIVE EMPATHY ETHICAL EMPATHY ACCURATE EMPATHY Truax og Carkuff (1967) - IN RELATION TO HUMANS IT MEANS THAT WE ARE ACCURATE IN OUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE OTHER OR TO OUT IT LIKE THAT WE UNDERSTAND THE OTHER AS THE OTHER ONE UNDERSTAND HIM/HER SELF CONGRUENCE THE STATE ACHIEVED BY COMING TOGETHER, THE STATE OF AGREEMENT. IF COMMUNICATION IS CONGRUENT PARA VERBAL SIGNALS THE SAME. THE UNEASINESS WE SIGNAL – THE LACK OF CONGRUNCE SIGNALS CONFLICTING VALUES OR EVEN IDENTIFICATION RECORDED EMPATHY – SIGNS OF EMPATHY Hall og Bernieri (2001) ”Interpersonal Sensitivity - Theory and Measurement” - VERBAL SIGNALS - NON VERBAL SIGNALS - PRACTICAL ACTION THE FEELINGS OF GOOD WILL AS DISTURBANCE AND AS NOISE - EMPATHY CAN DISTORT COMMUNICATION IN THE SENSE THAT WE ARE NOT ABLE TO BE ANALYTICAL (Preben Berthelsen Aarhus University Denmark) THE PSYCHOTERAPIST Heinz Kohut (1913 – 1981) CLAIM THAT ALL COMMUNICATION WILL HAVE TO INCLUDE EMPATHY OTHERWISE COMMUNICATION WILL BE DISTSTORTED (Kohut 1959). SELECTIVE EMPATHY Peschel og Peschel (Spiro 1993) EMPATHIC ANGER John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873) - WE HAVE TO ACT OR FEEL THE URGE TO REACT - IN MILLS UNDERSTANDING POLITICAL ACTION IS OFTEN MOTIVATED BY A SENSE OM EMPATHIC ANGER THE AMERICAN PSYCOLOGIST Martin L. Hoffman (1990 USE EMPATHIC DISCOMFORT TO DESCRIBE THE SAME. HIS RESEARCH TOUCHES AREAS AS - EMPATHIC AVERSION - ANGER - SYMPATHY - FEELING OF INJUSTICE - GUILT CHANGED LANDSCAPE MODERN MONOCULTURE REPLACES PREWAR MULTI CULTURE AGRICULTURE Hájek, Pavel (2008). Jde Prevně kupřredu naše zem. Praha: Malá Skalá Page 20 and 21 TO DESCRIBE THE SITUATION OF THE OTHER FROM THE IMAGINED PERSPECTIVE OF THE OTHER IS OBVIOUSLY DIFFERENT FROM BEING IN THEIR POSITION Adam Smith (1723 – 1790) THE POLITICAL DIMENSIONS OF IDENTITY OR IDENTIFYING WITH George Herbert Mead (1863 – 1931) SYMBOLIC INTERACTION – TO TAKE THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE OTHER WHAT WE CHOOSE TOO SEEE AND WHAT WE CHOOSE NOT TO SEEE – OR RATHER NOT TO RELATE Lipsky (1980) emphasize the power among people working on street – level in making priorities, choosing to see or ignore . 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