Vztahy Velké Británie a Evropské unie
Týden 2: Postoj Velké Británie k počátkům evropských integračních snah a proces přistoupení k ES (24. 9. 2018)
Povinná četba
Doporučená četba
- Geddes, Andrew (2004) The European Union and British Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 57-73.
- Daddow, Oliver a Oliver, Tim (2016) A not so awkward partner: the UK has been a champion of many causes in the EU. LSE Blog, 15 April (http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexit/2016/04/15/a-not-so-awkward-partner-the-uk-has-been-a-champion-of-many-causes-in-the-eu/)
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- Chochia, Archil et al. (2018) The First European Community and the British Position. In: Troitiño, David et al. (eds) Brexit: History, Reasoning and Perspectives. Cham: Springer, pp. 59-81.
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