Ústavní spory u ESD
Praktické problémy českých soudů ve vztahu k evropskému právu (Šipulová) 27. 11. 2018
- LENAERTS, Koen. How the ECJ thinks: a study on judicial legitimacy. Fordham Int'l LJ, 2013, 36: 1302.
- BOBEK, Michal. Of Feasibility and Silent Elephants: The Legitimacy of the Court of Justice Through the Eyes of National Courts. 2012.
- Elke Cloots. National Identity in EU Law . Paper neskor pretaveny na knihu v Oxford University Press, 2015
- Gerhard van der Schyff. EU Member State Constitutional Identity: A Comparison of Germany and the Netherlands as Polar Opposites. ZAOERV 2016.
- Sadurski, W. European Constitutional Identity? EUI Working Papers 33/2006.
- Pietro Faraguna. Constitutional Identity in the EU—A Shield or a Sword? German Law Journal 2017
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