Evropská sousedská politika a Východní partnerství EU
5. 12. Moldavsko a Východní partnerství + diskuse nad PP4 (U35)
Danii, O., Mascauteanu, M. (2012): Moldova Under the European Neighbourhood Policy: „Falling Between Stools“. In: Korosteleva (ed.; 2012): s. 101 – 121. (Total 20 pages)
Korosteleva, E. (2012): The European Union and its Eastern Neighbours. Towards a more ambitious partnership? London: Routledge, s. 104 – 124. (Total 25 pages)
Nodia, G. (2017): Democracy and its Deficits: The path towards becoming European-style democracies in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. CEPS Working Document, No 2017/12, December 2017.
Texty pro Position paper č. 4:
John Beyer & Stefan Wolff (2016) Linkage and leverage effects on Moldova's Transnistria problem, East European Politics, 32:3, 335-354.
Danii, O., Mascauteanu, M. (2012): Moldova Under the European Neighbourhood Policy: „Falling Between Stools“. In: Korosteleva (ed.; 2012): s. 101 – 121. (Total 20 pages)
Korosteleva, E. (2012): The European Union and its Eastern Neighbours. Towards a more ambitious partnership? London: Routledge, s. 104 – 124. (Total 25 pages)
Nodia, G. (2017): Democracy and its Deficits: The path towards becoming European-style democracies in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. CEPS Working Document, No 2017/12, December 2017.
Texty pro Position paper č. 4:
John Beyer & Stefan Wolff (2016) Linkage and leverage effects on Moldova's Transnistria problem, East European Politics, 32:3, 335-354.
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