Zemědělství a hospodářský rozvoj – historická lekce Rozvoj 2018 Ireland England 1841 ??? 13.66 1961 2.82 41.16 2017 4.79 55.62 Výsledek obrázku pro potatoes yield ireland famine Výsledek obrázku pro potatoes blight ireland famine C:\Users\vespalcova\Desktop\005dfddb94b05b5a3bb7a1c45daf58ab_XL.jpg Výsledek obrázku pro late blight potato Extremely rare artifact on display at St Mary’s Famine Museum in Thurles. Exporty HNP Průmysl Zemědělství Populace Obchodní politiky – Evropa Protekcionizmus: 1830-1844/1846 3,5 1,7 2,7 0,8 0,6 Britský liberalizmus: 1844/1846-1858/1860 6,0 1,5 2,3 0,9 0,7 Evropský liberalizmus: 1858/1860-1877/1879 3,8 1,7 1,8 0,5 0,8 Nástup protekcionizmu: 1877/1879–1890/1892 2,9 1,2 2,2 0,9 0,9 Protekcionizmus: 1890/1892-1913 3,5 2,4 3,2 1,8 1,0 Hospodářská období - kontinentální Evropa Období růstu: 1829/1831–1868/1870 4,3 1,8 2,0 1,0 0,7 Deprese: 1868/1870–1891/1893 2,9 1,0 2,0 0,8 0,9 Období rychlého růstu: 1891/1893-1911/1913 4,0 2,6 3,8 1,5 1,1 Wheat - world price (1996 GBP) tons/ha CS 1.50 Europe 1.26 US 0.98 Canada 1.34 Australia 0.80 Argentina 0.66 Poland 1.24 Hungary 1.26 Romania 1.29 Bulgaria 1.06 Serbia 0.88 Wheat production – average yield employed 1920 (%) GDP 1920 (%) GDP 1938 (%) exports 1938 (%) 1930s yields as % of E land per tractor surplus labor WE tech CSR 28 33 23.2 72in 113 920 +5 POL 72 - 39.0 28.5 74 8400 51 HUN 56 41.8 36.5 55.3 85 830 22 BUL 80 71.4 63.3 31.4 74 1430 53 YUG 79 58 53.6 49.7 70 3430 61 ROM 78 60.2 53.2 33.8 63 2490 51 Agriculture in EE http://radio1.hr/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/170123059.1_mn.jpg http://radio1.hr/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Screen-Shot-2017-01-25-at-9.43.45.png https://i.redd.it/5xj7187cctu01.jpg https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-C1Ua1X-ahec/UNBF62_TgnI/AAAAAAACIJI/cLNMwV_mcso/s1600/Beautiful+Color+Ph otos+of+Hungary+in+The+Early+of+1930s+(1).jpg https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-IZSapJB-0EY/UNBGM0M-9II/AAAAAAACIKw/WrXqrsEeFIo/s1600/Beautiful+Color+Ph otos+of+Hungary+in+The+Early+of+1930s+(15).jpg https://catalogue.millsarchive.org/uploads/r/null/a/f/7/af7e16b6835a9e4edd1712c4e25ec31195325f556be 8eb618da02adcc9030337/FQ2C_Roller_1_Walzm__hle-Budapest-Hungary-TheMiller-05May1890_141.jpg Westminster Bridge Mill, 1885, showing the arrangement of the roller mill with th different sets of machinery on each floor (The Miller, 5 April 1886) (MWAT-026) 1924 1926 1927 1929 domestic producers´ revenue (bil. CSK) (without tariff in parentes) 1.949 2.390 (2.063) 2.549 (2.202) 2.083 (0.897) foreign producer´s revenue (bil. CSK) 1.082 0.703 (1.091) 1.361 (1.220) 0.126 (1.615) consumption (thous.tons) 1,562,322 1,412,362 1,649,783 1.598.236 consumers expenses (bil. CSK) 3.031 3.093 3.910 2.829 extra producers´ surplus (mil. CSK) - 319.8 320.9 268.0 consumers´ loss (mil. CSK) - 454.5 495.4 496.2 government revenue (mil. CSK) - 96.3 172.3 126.4 dead weight loss (mil. CSK) - 38.5 2.2 101.6 Redistribution as a result of CSR 1925-26 tariff – wheat and wheat flour (bill. mill. of CSK; thous. of tons) http://www.zse-2.krakow.pl/leonardo/hungary/magyar/history/pictures/10-31nyomor.jpg http://peel.library.ualberta.ca/pcimages/PC/009/web/PC009823.jpg http://www.agbioforum.org/v18n3/v18n3a06-f34.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e4/Crops_Kansas_AST_20010624.jpg