Childhood and Adult Political Development 61 3 J David 0. Sears and Sheri Levy Childhood and Adult Political Development If the study of history revolves centrally around rime as an independent variable, the study of childhood and adult development revolves most centrally around life history, the study of time within the human life span. "Taking time seriously," as Alwin (1995) puts it. This chapter examines political orientations as they evolve through the life history from early childhood through old age. Why should we care about the life histories of social and political orientations? At the most basic level, it is because the constant tension between continuity and change is played out throughout an individual's life span. This is a piece of the broader question for psychological theory about the lasting effects of formative early experiences on adult behavior. This historical emphasis contrasts markedly with that of the more ahistorical rational choice theories drawn from the field of economics, or even the more psychological behavioral decision theories. Both emphasize the appraisal of available information at decision points in adulthood, even if they less obtrusively also incorporate provisions for "preferences" with unexamined origins and inertia] power in adult decision-making. A second motive is also theoretical but more political, to understand the origins of orientations that are politically consequential among adults, whether concerning politics specifically (see chapters 13 and 14) or intergroup relations (see chapters 15 and 16). Perhaps understanding the trajectory of party identification or prejudice or basic values through the life course will give us leverage on understanding their antecedents and consequences. A third motive has been more purely political, often stemming from liberal social scientists' idealistic hopes that social and political evils might be ptevented by better early socialization experiences. They have thought that tolerance and good citizenship, if taught early, might dampen ethnocentrism (see chapter 15) and prejudice (sec chapter 16), so mass oppression and even genocide (see chapter 20) might thereby be reduced or even avoided. k Thinking about Time and the Political Life History From a psychological point of view, there are three genera! ways of thinkrng about time and the political life history. The first concerns the persisting effrrrs of earlv exneriences. Early theories about political socialization saw those effects as lasting indeed, with research on the origins of racial pfeju- dice, national identity, and hostility toward other countries in children (Har-diiiff, Proshansky, Kurner, &,.Chein, 1969; Lambert & Klineberg, 1967), on the lasting stigma associated with minority identity among black children (Ciatk H Clark, 1939), and on the youthful origins of party identification and ideology (Hyman, 1959) or diffuse support for a democratic political system (Easton & Dennis, 1969; Greenstein, 1965). The lasting influence of such early attitudes was largely assumed rather than tested directly, perhaps sustained by the then-widespread conviction, derived from psychoanalytic and learning theories, that "great oaks from little acorns grow." This assumption soon encountered robust criticism, however (e.g., Marsh, 1971; Searing, Schwartz, & Lind, 1973; Searing, Wright, & Rabinowitz, 1976; Vaillancourt, 1973), along with considerable research (e.g., Jennings & Mar-kus, 1984; for reviews see D. Sears, 1975, 1990). A contrasting focus is on "the times." They may change or stay the same, and with them, individuals' orientations. What happens within individuals' life histories is inextricably connected to what happens in the broader environment, which is a product of "the times." American children ' reported considerable increases in anxiety during the last half of the twentieth century (Twenge, 2000). Support for Jim Crow racism dropped precipitously during the same period (Schuman, Steeh, Bobo, & Krysan, 1997). Political systems change with time, and within them party systems change as well (Converse, 1969), as has been shown most dramatically by the abrupt collapse of the Soviet Union and more subtly by the partisan realignment of the white South and the Mountain states in the United States since the 1960s (Carmines & Stimson, 1989; Marchant-Shapiro & Patterson, 1995). A third general approach looks for politically distinctive features of different life stages. Young children may have difficulty interlinking various aspects of events (Newcombe, Drummey, Fox, Lie, &c Ottinger-Alberrs, :: 2000); the concreteness of their thinking may delay their appreciation of ; abstract concepts such as Congress or the Supreme Court (Hess & Torney, 1967); and their thinking about moral choices may progress in turn through hedonic, authoritarian, and more principled stages (Adelson, 1972; Tapp & Kohlberg, 1971). Adolescents may be especially vulnerable to "storm and i.stress" (Arnett, 1999), and drawn to unconventional behavior (Watts, 1999) a I'd political rebellion (Fetier, 1969). Young adults may be.especially concerned about their own independent identity (Erikson, 1968) and somewhat unmoored in society (Arnett, 2000; Cailsson & Karlsson, 1970) and so ■ nwre open to influ ~ more open to influence. The elderly may flag in mental and physical energy Sfk.™,™,,....... t.. j... ________■__ i , .,. f , . .' , °' !981)" 1 ""K"*lcut>' iUia slaunuy oi mar attitudes (Sears, Early research on the political life history also grew out of all the major theories of political behavior, though sometimes only implicitly (Merelman, i.'JSysleIns tlleory Save rise t0 a concern with how people become -"*vi!«\r-'iu meir political system and developed trust in political authority, 60 62 T H K O RET1CA1. A P 1' It O A CUES especially in mature democracies (Easton & Dennis, 1969; Grcenstein, 1965). Hegemonic or Marxist theories gave rise to an interest in how schools and the media produce a compliant citizenry, especially in the lower and working classes (Hochschild, 1981). Theories of democratic pluralism assumed that stable democracies are built on a foundation of public attachments to political patties, a sense of citizen duty, support for "the rules of the game," and political tolerance (Campbell, Converse, Miller, & Stokes, 1960; Sullivan, Piereson, & Marcus, 1982). Sociological conflict theories focus on class and other versions of group consciousness (Miller, Gurin, Gurin, & Malanchuk, 1981). Review essays in the previous handbooks of political psychology have been titled "political socialization" and have focused largely on the childhood acquisition of specifically political orientations (Merelman, 1986; Niemi, 1973). We broaden our scope to the full life span and to a broader array of political and social orientations. We begin with a discussion of the acquisition of basic dispositions in preadult life, with particulat focus on moral and cognitive development, ethnic and racial identity, ethnic and tacial prejudices, and basic partisanship. We then consider the later life history of such dispositions, with particular attention to their persistence, as well as susceptibility to change in an "impressionable" period lasting up through early adulthood. Finally we take up applications of these ideas to the question of political generations and to the case of immigrants to another country. Preadult Acquisition Moral and Cognitive Development Children construct principles of morality through interactions with parents, teachers, siblings, and peers. Researchers have conceptualized morality in terms of justice ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"), fairness, rights, and interpersonal reciprocity ("Love thy neighbor as thyself; see Gilligan, 1982; Kohlberg & Candee, 1984). Two predominant orientations to the study of moral judgment and moral decision-making by developmental psychologists have generated most of the empirical research over the past four decades. The first model was reflected by rhe pioneering stage models of moral development, first formulated by Piaget (1932/1965) and then elaborated by American psychologists, most notably by Kohiberg (1969, 1984; see also Damon, 19//; Selman, i960). The stage approach characterized children's moral understanding as a series of progressively more advanced stages of moral thinking and behavior. The second model, referred to as a social-cognitive domain model, was first formulated by Tunel (1983, 1998) and expanded on by his colleagues (for reviews, see Smetana, 1995; Tisak, 1995; Turiel, Killen, & Helwig, 1987). The domain mocicr Childfiood and Adult Political Development 63 characterized moral reasoning as one of several domains of knowledge that emerge in early social development.. We will first discuss the stage model, which set the foundation for a srructural-developmental approach to moral thinking, and then describe more current work, which has made use of the domain-specific model of social knowledge. Stage Theories Piaget (1932/1965) proposed a two-stage model of moral development in which children move from heteronomy, or relying entirely on externally imposed rules, in early childhood to a more autonomous and flexible moral orientation in middle childhood. Elaborating on Piaget's model, Kohlberg (1969, 1976) offered a three-stage model of development from early to middle childhood, extending the model with three additional stages to account for moral reasoning into adolescence and adulthood (also see Kohlberg, 1984, and Tapp & Kofilberg's 1971 model of legal reasoning). Like Piaget, Kohlberg suggested that children in early and middle childhood moved from a hereronomous orientation to one more flexible, although Kohlberg outlined rules or goals governing the "flexibility" of the moral principles (e.g., avoid punishment, gain approval). The later stages proposed by Kohlberg stressed moving from a focus on the utility of laws for societal functioning to a recognition that universal ethical principles transcend and may contradict laws. Kohlberg's methodology for studying moral reasoning was' novel, as he asked children about mora! dilemmas that were concrete, dramatic, and engaging, which addressed abstract moral issues (e.g., whether a husband should steal the medication he cannot afford to save his dying wife). Studies show that some children regress in their development or skip a stage (e.g., Kuhn, 1976; Kurtines & Grief, 1974) and few adolescents achieve the final stages (Colby & Kohlberg, 1984; Colby, Kohlberg, Gibbs, & Liebermart, 1983). Kohlberg's theory has been criticized for its inability : to .demonstrate relations berween hypothetical reasoning about moral dilemmas and actual moral behavior (Rest, 1983), for being male-centered (Gil-:ligan 1977, 1982), and for being culture-specific (e.g., Schweder, 1982). in contrast to Kohlberg's approach, which characterized all forms of moral reasoning as decisions about the value of human life, Damon (1975, 1977, 1980) proposed, a stage theory ..of ..positive, justice, which, delineates children's decisions to divide resources or distribute rewards fairly. In studies in the United States, Israel, Puerto Rico, and Europe, Damon (1983) found that children's positive justice reasoning, demonstrated through their choices Oj avocations, progressed dirough six stages in which choices were first based on wishes and desires (age 4-5), then on equality and reciprocity of actions (age 5-9), and finally on demands of persons and situations (age 8 and older). Subsequent research showed that even children as young as 6 years old can weigh relevant person and situation factors when the judgment wiuexi iv familiar to them (ihorkiidsen, 1989V. Addressing a criticism of 64 T HEORE I I C A L A V P R CACHES Kohlberg's theory, Damon (1977) showed thai children's hypothetical reasoning related to their behavior in a real situation (e.g., dividing rewards on the basis of their performance in an activity). Also departing from Kohlberg's focus on reasoning about law violations, Adelson and colleagues (Adelson, Green, & O'Neil, 1969; Adelson & O'Neil, 1966) studied children's thoughts about rule development. Consistent with cognitive-developmental stage theories, Adelson and colleagues showed that children and adolescents progress from understanding society in terms of concrete people and events to an understanding based on abstract principles (also see Tapp & Levine, 1972). They examined reasoning about laws in situations that involved conflicts between individual autonomy and community benefits. This work showed that, with age, children move from thinking about laws as social control (deciding to increase punishment for laws that are not wotking) to an increased awareness of the social benefits of law (suggesting that if a law is not working, the law itself should be altered). Contemporary Models of Morality Contemporary work has departed from the aforementioned work in rwo ways. First, contemporary researchers have shown that even very young children are capable of making moral judgments about fairness (unlike Pia-get's and Kohlberg's theories, which found that young children reasoned in terms of authority or avoiding punishment) and, second, chat children's reasoning varies with the context, referred to as a domain-specificity approach. In the domain model, moral reasoning is distinct from, but coordinated with, social-conventional reasoning and personal reasoning (Nucci, 1981; Turiel, 1983, 1998; Turiel, Killen, & Helwig, 1987). Contrary to Piaget's theorizing, researchers found that young children do not merely show a heteronomous orientation toward authority; rather, their reasoning is complex and context-specific; children consider variables such as status, experience, and knowledge as important for determining when to obey someone (Laupa, 1991, Laupa, Turiel, & Cowan, 1995). In addition, contrary to Kohlberg's theorizing (Tapp & Kohlberg, 1971), researchers found that young children believe law violation is acceptable under certain circumstances. For example, Helwig and Jasiobedzka (2001) presented Canadian children (age 6-11) with real and fictitious laws that either had social benefits (mandatory vaccinations), but could infringe on personal rights, or were unjust (discriminatory) and clearly infringed on personal rights. Children were provided with examples of law violations and their reasons (e.g., religion dictates familial control over education). Rather than mandating a strict adherence to laws, or even only allowing exceptions in extreme (e.g., life threatening) circumstances, even young children recognized that minor infringements on people's rights (e.g., being forced to stand on a bus because of age) sometimes justified breaking the law.In" Childhood and Adult Political Development 65 another study, Helwig and Prencipe (1999) asked Canadian children 6 to i J years old to evaluate several vignettes concerning flag burning. Younger children were more likely to focus on the functional, as opposed to symbolic, importance of the flag (e.g., marking the location of the country as opposed to representing shared values) and also to be less responsive to social context changes that might altet the meaning of the burning (e.g., the country has unfair practices). However, young children were sensitive to the intentions oř the burner and to the potential consequences of the acts, as they disapproved of accidental and private transgressions than symbolic and public burning. Turiel and colleagues' social-cognitive domain model has been a highly influential developmental model of reasoning (e.g., Nucci & Lee, 1993; Smetana, 1995; Turiel, 1983, Í998; Turiel & Davidson, 1986; Turiel, Killen, & Helwig, 1987). By age 3-4, children can differentiate moral rules and social conventions (Turiel, 1983). By middle childhood, children can make explicit judgments about the importance of different kinds of rules (Nucci & Killen, 1991). Turiel and colleagues' model specifies that children conceptualize their world in three structured domains or subsystems: (1) social conventions (e.g., traditions, customs, and rituals; alterable and non-generalizable acts); (2) morality (e.g., fairness, rights, and equal treatment; unalterable and generalizable acts); and (3) psychological factors (e.g., autonomy, personal goals, and personal prerogatives; acts of personal choice). Evidence for reasoning in these three domains comes from studies in different cultures (e.g., Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Nigeria, Turkey), different settings (urban, rural), and different socioeconomic status levels (high, low; see Killen, McGlothlin, & Lee-Kim, 2002, for a recent review). To investigate children's underlying reasoning and judgment, these researchers have used individually administered interviews, similar to Piaget's and Kohlberg's, but have improved them by adding closed-ended formats and more straightforward vignettes (e.g., Helwig, 1998). They have examined numerous multifaceted and controversial issues (e.g., abortion, incest, pornography, drug use; see Killen, Leviton, & Cahill, 1991; Turiel, Hilde-i-brandt, & Wainryb, 1985). Recently, Killen and her colleagues (Killen et al., 2002) have used the social-cognitive domain model co examine children's evaluations of intergroup inclusion and exclusion, in the context of situations that involve stereotypes and fairness considerations. In one study, Killen and Stangor (2001) evaluated children' and adolescents' (age 7-13) decisions whether to exclude an individual from a race-typed after-school -;„„- .j-.i. /. . i. i ■ » , .i. i «i i i ,. > , , „ , , , ■fiuuuu ic.g., wuiic main ciuu, oiacic DasicetDan team; on me oasis or the individual's race, as well as on exclusion from a gender-typed after-school peer club (e.g., ballet for girls, baseball for boys) on the basis of gender. When the scenario was a straightforward exclusion scenario (e.g., decide whether to include child), the vast majority of participants (all grade •,eK that it was morally wroni; to exclude the basis of race. Children THE O R E T i C A L A P P R O A C 111 S Childhood and Adult Political Development also were presented with more complex scenarios in which wo children wanted to join a group with one opening. When presented wir.h equally qualified children, fourth- and seventh-graders picked the child who did not fit the stereotype, providing equal treatment reasons. When qualifications differed (e.g., the black child had more experience in playing basketball than the white child), seventh-graders tended to pick the better-qualified (stereotypic) child, giving group functioning reasons, whereas fourth-graders continued to choose the nonstereocypical child. Mote research is needed to understand the prodiversity selections of the children, how group functioning, opposed to individual merit, justifications are weighed, and how members of traditionally excluded groups respond to such dilemmas (see Killer, et a!., 2002). Future Directions Future work is needed to investigate how children's reasoning relates to their actual behavior. For example, contemporary theorizing could be enriched by a greater focus on on-line behavior (e.g., unobtrusive observations of children's moral-relevant behavior on the playground) in addition to the current focus on reports of retrospective and intended behavior. In addition, we anticipate that social-cognitive domain researchers will increasingly put their growing body of findings into action by developing reasoning-based interventions that improve social relations and tolerance (Aboud & Levy, 2000; Helwig & Jasiobedzka, 2001). Development of Ethnic and Racial Identity In a diverse society, ethnicity and race are important components of people's identities and greatly influence social and academic opportunities. In this section, we consider the development of racial and ethnic identification among different groups and how this identification relates to the attitudes children and adolescents develop toward themselves, their group, and other groups. Although there are distinctions between race and ethnicity (e.g., see Ocampo, Bernal, & Knight, 1993; Qtiintana, 1998), racial and ethnic identities appear to have similar implications; thus we will discuss the findings of research on racial and ethnic identities together. Racial/ethnic identity and its consequences were brought to public attention by the work of Clark and Clark (1939, 1940), who found that young U.S. black children preferred white dolls to black dolls (e.g., wanting to play with them and liking them), suggesting that identification with a low-status ethnic group could reduce one's self-esteem. Preference for the race-majority group was replicated in studies with Native Americans (Annis & Corenblum, 1987) and Bantu in South Africa (Gregor & McPherson, 1966). Subsequent research showed that preference for the majority group does not necessarily ttanslate into low self-esteem (Cross, 1991;'Spencer, 1984). Work by Beuf (1977) with Native American children, for example, suggests that minority children's preferences for the majority group may have more to do with desiring the majority group's wealth and power and less to do with having a negative self-concept. Contemporary Research Children's ethnic cognitions seem to begin with an understanding of race, or the physical features that diffetenriate groups (Aboud, 1987). Racial awareness then leads to ethnic identity (Rotheram & Phinney, 1987). Children's understanding of ethnicity and race also is thought to derive from their families (Knight, Bernal, Garza, Cota, & Ocampo, 1993), naive theories of biology (e.g., Hirschfeld, 1995), and the linguistic negative connotation of "black" and positive connotation of "white" (e.g., Williams & MorLuid, 1976). Recently, Quintana (1994, 1998) proposed a five-stage model of ethnic development and found support for it by studying Mexican-American, African-American, white, Latino, and Quiche and La-dion Guatemalan children. Quintana's early childhood stages (stages 0 and 1) integrate findings from other researchers and thus serve as an excellent otganizational framework in which to broadly summarize findings in the field. In level 0, "integration of affective and perceptual understandings of ethnicity" (age 3-6), children's awareness of race is based on observable, biological features; thus children learn and use terms that are both descriptive and racial (e.g., white, black) before terms that only have racial or ethnic meaning (e.g., African-American, Hispanic; see Alejandro-Wright, 1985; Quintana, 1994). Also during rhis stage, children's affective differentiation of races tends to be promainstteam culture (e.g., prowhite), probably because early understanding of race derives from mainstream cultute, where the majority is represented more often and more positively (e.g., Aboud, 1988). In level 1, "literal understanding of ethnicity" (age 6—10), children understand more subtle aspects of ethnicity (language, customs, food preferences; Alejandro-Wright, 1985; Bernal et al., 1990). : To understand children's identity development from middle childhood to adolescence, we turn to Phinney's (1989) and Cross's (1978) classic three-stage models of ethnic identity, which are similar to each other and to Quintana's later stages and derive from work on ego-identity theory (Erikson, 1968; Marcia, 1980). In the first stage, "unexamined ethnic identity" (Phinney) or "preencounter" (Cross), children have not explored their ethnic identity. Phinney (1989) found that about one half of Asian- m...-1. —i t_t:-------■„ ^________1_..... _ ■ i /—'1 'i i i k.^wv,,,,,, ,J>ctL1v, [luu i ii^pttjiic LciiLii-giaueo vvete ill ai.a^c jl. v^iiiiQren WilO have not examined their ethnic identity might have negative feelings toward their own group (Cross, 1978; see Phinney, 1989). In the second stage, ethnic identity search" (Phinney) or "encounter and immersion," young persons seek out information abour their group (e.g., reading books on yttmiLiiy, visiting ethnic museums). This stage is considered a turning point 68 1" H h O R h I 1 C A I A 1' P R O A (.H^ Childhood and Aduk Political Development 69 akin to an "identity crisis" (Erikson, 1968). Active identity exploration often begins in high school or college but may begin in middle school or even younger as children express idenrrty through joining ethnicity-based peer groups (Rotheram-Borus, 1993). Phinney (1989) found that over one fifth of Asian-American, black, and Hispanic tenth-graders were in stage 2. During this stage, minority-ethnic and immigrant youth often grapple with contradictory norms of mainstream and nonmainstream cultures as well as with the mainstream's ethnic group stereotypes (Berry, 1980; Phinney, 1990). In fieldwork in central California, Matute-Bianchi (1986) found that Mexican-descent students seemed to identify more with their ethnic heritage than Japanese-descent studenrs, presumably because collective group identity helped combat the relatively negative stereotypes about their group in that environment. However, even though in the United Stares there is seemingly a positive steteotype of Asian Americans as the "model minority, Asian Americans also strongly identify with their ethnic group for protection from mainstream racism (Chan & Hune, 1995). Clashes between one's native ethnicity and mainstream cultute can, alternatively, instigate immei sion in the mainstream culture. For example, in research with Cambodian adolescent girls in the United States, Lee (1999) found that some embraced the mainstream culture to avoid their native group's limiting gender roles. In stage 3, "achieved ethnic identity (Phinney) or "internalization" (Cross), adolescents have developed positive self-concepts as members of their group. Phinney (1989) found rhat about one-fourth of the Asian-American, black, and Hispanic tenth-graders were in stage 3. With acceptance of one's own ethnicity, adolescents may develop a greater acceptance of and respecr for other groups. That is, contrary to traditional views, contemporary researchers suggest that having a secure erhnic identity can undermine prejudice (Aboud & Doyle, 1993; Gonzales & Cauce, 1995). Social context is an important variable in children's acquisition of racial and ethnic identities. "Encultutation refers to the cultural teaching that parents, families, peers, and the rest of the ethnic community provide to children during the childhood years" (Bernal Sc Knight, 1993, p. 3). Parenrs were identified as an important variable, beginning with the followup studies of Clark and Clark's classic doll study (Beuf, 1977; Spencer & Horowitz, 1973). Beuf (1977) found, for example, that Native American children whose parents were more active in cultural and civil rights were more likely to prefer a Native American doll to a white doll. Large-scale sociocultural changes across ethnic communities also can change the very identities that adolescents are forming. For example, structurally, linguistically, and cul- ._______n_. j:rr„_.....- a..:,.„ ___.....- n_______<^l:~,.-.. t::l:„:„^^ a..:^.. Indian) living in the United States came together in the 1960s to forge an Asian-American identity and to collectively combat discrimination (Chan & Hune, 1995; Espiritu, 1992). Context may be particularly relevant for multiracial or biracial youth as their ethnic/racial identity may vary with environments. Acculturation is defined as "the adaptation of ethnic minority people to the dominant culture and its members" (Bernal & Knight, 1993, p. 3), or, more btoadly, as "encompassing a wide range of behaviors, attitudes and values that change with contact between cultures" (Phinney, Romero, Nava, & Huang, 2001, p. 495). The definitions lead to two acculturation tnod- £[s_a linear model, assuming that individuals must either identify with their native culture or the mainstream culture (e.g., Roglet, Cortes, & Mal-..... J . rr..... COHOLL3 were icpiaccu wmi yutmgci, icsa picjuuiecu ones, emt periou Cliecis also occurred, as all cohorts showed similar linear liberalizing trends over time (Danigelis & Cutler, 1991; Firebaugh & Davis, 1988). These liberalizing trends within cohorts began to slow by the 1980s, especially on newer racial issues (Steeh & Schuman, 1991; Wilson 1996; for similar results over a broader range of attitudes, see Davis, i992). A third approach to persistence is more opportunistic, using natural ex-■iiments that test the resisrance to change of attitudes presumably acquired eirlv Changes in social location that place the individual in an altered atti-tudin 'J environment might be expected to influence attitudes. For example 'Miller a(Kj $ears (1986) found that adults' levels of racial tolerance were more ''strongly associared with the level of racial tolerance in their childhood and ' voting adulthood attitudinal environments than by that of their mature adulthood^ environments (also see Glaser & Gilens, 1997). Migration between congressional districts dominated by opposite parties influenced adults' vot-ihg preferences and party identification, though the changes were considerably trreater among rhose who migrated earlier in adulthood (Brown, 1988). Some direct personal experiences in adulthood might also be expected to produce change. One common expecrarion is rhat the emergence of economic interests in adulthood will influence individuals' political attitudes. However, extensive research has found surprisingly little evidence of much effect of adults' self-interests, as if sociopolitical attitudes acquired earlier resisted such influences later in adulthood (Sears & Funk, 1991).' The Impressionable Years The "impressionable years" hypothesis is a variant of the persistence hypothesis, suggesting that adolescents' and young adults' attitudes are weaker and more open to change than they are at later stages (Sears, 1975). At least thtee psychological propositions lie behind this hypothesis. One is a primacy notion: youths experience political life as a "fresh encountet," in : Mannheim's (1952) wotds, that can seldom be duplicated later. Second, ■attitudes that are subjected to sttong information flows and, regularly prac-iticed, should become stronger wirh age (Converse, 1969, 1976). Partisanship is a good example, since both election campaigns and the act of voting recur often. Third, the young may be especially open to influence because they are becoming more aware of the social and political world around = them just at the life stage when they are seeking a sense of self and identity (Erikson, 1968). These three views agree that the period up to one's late twenties, roughly, should be the most volatile. Stronger Attitudes with Age ........................ :One implication is that young adults will simply have weaker attitudes, such as being less likely to say they are "strong" partisans. Indeed cohort an-iiy^s-in tUn United States show that each cohort expresses stronger party identifications as ir ages, at least during what Converse (1976) described as the "sready state era" of roughly constant partisan divisions prior to the 1970s (also seeAlwin, 1992, 1993, Ciaggett, 1981»). Such aging effects held in the United Kingdom as well (Cassel, 1999). A______! v...... ••...... . ■........■ . . . . . •............... iv*.vnm intpiieuLiuii is mat suen auuuues suouiu uecome more staDie 84 THEORÍTICAI a I' 1' R O A C ii t- S Ulildhuod and Adult Political Development 83 with age. Data from two 4-year NES panel studies show that all older cohotts in each study had substantially more stable patty identifications than did the youngest cohort (Alwin et al., 1991; Sears, 1983). The youngest cohort in the first study also showed greatly increased stability in the second study, when it was 16 years older, showing that the greater stability is an aging rather than a period effect (Alwin, 1993). The Michigan socialization study cited earlier also showed that high school seniors showed substantially lower levels of attitude stability than did theit parents. After the students leached their thirties, though, their attitudes had become as stable as their parents' attitudes, and indeed did not grearly increase in stability as they aged further (Jennings & Stoker, 1999; also see Beck & Jennings, 1991; Jennings & Markus, 1984). A third implication is that such attitudes ought to become more resistant to influence as the individual ages. Three surveys analyzed by Visser and Krosnick (1998) similarly found increased resistance to influence after early adulthood. Another study assessed attitude change resulting from changes at different life stages in one's social environment, as indexed by demographic location (Miller & Sears, 1986). Changes in the youthful environment seem to have had considerably greatet influence on levels of social tolerance than did changes in adult environments. All this represents several kinds of evidence for an "impressionable" period in the life cycle, then. If indeed attitudes that are well practiced become stronger with age, one might expect that the elderly would show the least change of all. Surprisingly enough, there is some evidence that the relationship of age to attitude stability follows an inverted-U pattern. One early study (Seats, 1981) found that racial prejudice among whites in the 1972-76 NES panel study was least stable over time for the youngest (under 30) and oldest (over 60) age groups. Moreover, it was a period of liberalizing racial attitudes, and the oldest cohort actually changed in a liberal direction the most. These findings held up with education controlled, and apparently could not be explained by greater measurement unreliability in old age. The basic finding was corroborated in a study of the stability of party identification using both NES panels, adding corrections for measurement unreliability (Alwin, 1993; Alwin et al., 1991; also see Visser & Krosnick, 1998), Why these attitudes might become more unstable in old age is unclear, though many of the ways that people are socially embedded in the society often do change after retirement age, in terms of their work, residence, family, and other social networks. That may destabilize their political attitudes. Political Generations The impressionable years hypothesis focuses on the particular susceptibility to influence of individuals' attitudes in late adolescence and early adulthood. But if "the times" exett strong pressures to change, they can influence large numbers of people at that stage in common, yielding generational effects. More narrowly, Karl Mannheim 119/8/i 952) suggested that "generational units," or subsets of a youth cohort, rather than full cohorts, may share powerful experiences that will mark them as distinctive for life, Either way, producing generational effects requires both that individuals have a particular psychological openness at that life stage and evocative political experiences in that historical era. A number of political generations have been subjected to especially intensive empirical study. One was composed of the women who were politically socialized before 1920, when they were first eligible to vote in national elections. Women only gradually began ro turn out to vote, initially producing a substantial gender gap in voting turnout, largest among those socialized prior to women's suffrage; that is, in the cohort born before 1906, No such gender gap held among those socialized well after suffrage; that is, those born after 1925. As the presuffrage cohorts of women were gradually replaced by postsutfrage cohorts, the gender gap in turnout declined, and by the late 1980s it had disappeared (Firebaugh & Chen, 1995). Another was the "New Deal generation" in the United States. Youthful new voters who first entered the electorate during the 1930s remained substantially more Democratic into the 1950s, both in voting behavior and in party identification, than were earlier cohorts at similar ages (Campbell et al., 1960; also see Centers, 1950; Elder, 1974; Butler & Stokes, 1969, for a parallel effect in Great Britain). They also continue to have more knowledge about the New Deal than did younger Americans, even years later (Jennings, 1996). The young protestors in the United States and Europe in the 1960s were a quite self-conscious generational unit. Most evidence indicates that their left-liberal distinctiveness has persisted since then, especially among those who actively engaged in protest. For example, the students in the Michigan socialization study who had then been active as protestors con-.. tinned to be considerably more liberal than were college-educated nonpro-:testors at each of the later three waves of the panel study (Jennings, 1987, : 2000; .also see Fendrich & Lovoy, 1988; McAdam, 1989; Matwell, Aiken, & Demcrath, 1987; Whalen & Flacks, 1984). Interestingly enough, their offspring were also strikingly more liberal than the offspring of nonprotes-tots (Jennings, 2002). But even "engaged observers"—those who were attentive to the movements but not vety active in them—showed lasting ■political effects years later (Stewart, Settles, & Winter, 1998). : The youth cohort that immediately followed them is another case in point. A number of issues divided both parties internally in the mid-1960s ■ to early 1970s, such as civil tights, conflict over the Vietnam War, and the W»mrnA..ik^r -T7.^."*&-:-,~-~ C,----------^---------U....._ 1-------d_____________ .....- —n'^" .^in['atm;.blj. ^JL^je'JL^p^.S UitYC U1CI1 UCllCllCCni USCS a3 Sllll- plifiers and organizers, as much as they harm their victims and limit the social skills and circles of their holders. The merits of assimilation and separation of contending groups can be and are legitimately debated. And, 'as often was said in the months after the terrorist attacks oh the World -cuici, out man s terrorist is anotner man s rreedom tighter. It 94 T H EORL'I [CAL APPRO A 0 H 1- S Childhood and Adult Political Devel political psychology can teach us anything, it is that we must all constantly struggle to balance the natural tendency to glorify the familiar and rhose most like us with the need to sympathetically take the perspective of others. Social scientists may engage rhar struggle in more intellectual terms than the ordinary person, but a struggle it remains. k Notes We wish to express our thanks for helpful comments to Tom Bradbury, Martin Gilens, Donald Green, M. Kent Jennings, Melanie Killcn, Clark McKown, Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, Virginia Sapiro, Howard Schuman, and Nicholas Valentino. L One other early approach used the individual's retrospective judgment to assess persistence: Did they recall ever changing their part}' identification (Campbell ct ai., I960)? Such judgments were later shown to be rather unreliable, usually overestimating stability (Niemi, Katz, &c Newman, 1980). k. References Aboud, F. E. (1987). 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