Biomarkers and underlying mechanisms of psychiatric diseases Will discuss the DSM vs. RDoC approach to study mental health disorders and the related biomarkers and include examples from my research. (Reading: Cuthbert, B. N., & Insel, T. R. (2013). Toward the future of psychiatric diagnosis: the seven pillars of RDoC. BMC medicine, 11(1), 126.) Klára Marečková, Ph.D., M.Sc. Burden of Diseases: Disability-adjusted Life Years US Burden of Disease Collaborators, 2013 Burden of Diseases: Most Costly Conditions The Global Economic Burden of Noncommunicable Diseases, WEF, 2011 The Most Disabling Disorders before Age 50 Sex Differences in Prevalence of Disorders of the Brain o Diagnosis limited to symptoms (but symptoms are late manifestations of brain disorders) o Etiology unknown (treatments for symptoms not cures) o Detection late; for most disorders, prevention not well developed Current Diagnostics in Mental Health o Diagnosis limited to symptoms (but symptoms are late manifestations of brain disorders) o Etiology unknown (treatments for symptoms not cures) o Detection late; for most disorders, prevention not well developed ➢ Mental disorders are disorders of brain circuits, focus on brain-based biomarkers, whole biosignatures ➢ Understand the etiology through large population-based studies, understand the mechanisms ➢ Focus on early detection and prevention (not extreme comparisons of patients vs. controls, study both clinical and pre-clinical populations to identify early biomarkers, use standardized methods for replication) ➢ Move towards personalized medicine and sex-dependent therapeutics (take into account one’s sex, genes etc.) Better Treatment through Better Diagnostics o Diagnosis limited to symptoms (but symptoms are late manifestations of brain disorders) o Etiology unknown (treatments for symptoms not cures) o Detection late; for most disorders, prevention not well developed ➢ Mental disorders are disorders of brain circuits, focus on brain-based biomarkers, whole biosignatures ➢ Understand the etiology through large population-based studies, understand the mechanisms ➢ Focus on early detection and prevention (not extreme comparisons of patients vs. controls, study both clinical and pre-clinical populations to identify early biomarkers, use standardized methods for replication) ➢ Move towards personalized medicine and sex-dependent therapeutics (take into account one’s sex, genes etc.) Better Treatment through Better Diagnostics Precision Medicine for Mental Disorders • 2011 US National Academy of Sciences published major report on precision medicine (more individualized treatment, based upon precise specification of the genetic, molecular and cellular aspects of disease) • For example, in oncology, analysis of genetic variants is used to predict what treatment will be optimal Precision Medicine for Mental Disorders • 2011 US National Academy of Sciences published major report on precision medicine (more individualized treatment, based upon precise specification of the genetic, molecular and cellular aspects of disease) • For example, in oncology, analysis of genetic variants is used to predict what treatment will be optimal • In contrast to other areas of medicine, the field of mental disorders research lags badly behind the rest of medicine in moving towards precision medicine • One syndrom such as MDD involves multiple mechanisms – HPA dysfunction, reward-seeking, emotion regulation, modulatory neurotransmitter systems, epigenetic marks • One mechanism (e.g. fear circuits or working memory) implicated in multiple disorders • DSM and ICD categories do not map well onto emerging findings from genetics, systems neuroscience and behavioral science – so it’s impossible to translate research findings into systematic understanding of pathology and treatment directed at the mechanisms • Biological findings that did not map on the current heterogeneous DSM categories of symptom clusters were essentially excluded Precision Medicine for Mental Disorders • 2011 US National Academy of Sciences published major report on precision medicine (more individualized treatment, based upon precise specification of the genetic, molecular and cellular aspects of disease) • For example, in oncology, analysis of genetic variants is used to predict what treatment will be optimal • In contrast to other areas of medicine, the field of mental disorders research lags badly behind the rest of medicine in moving towards precision medicine • One syndrom such as MDD involves multiple mechanisms – HPA dysfunction, reward-seeking, emotion regulation, modulatory neurotransmitter systems, epigenetic marks • One mechanism (e.g. fear circuits or working memory) implicated in multiple disorders • DSM and ICD categories do not map well onto emerging findings from genetics, systems neuroscience and behavioral science – so it’s impossible to translate research findings into systematic understanding of pathology and treatment directed at the mechanisms • Biological findings that did not map on the current heterogeneous DSM categories of symptom clusters were essentially excluded • 2009 NIMH RDoC project - research classification system, NIMH’s effort to develop a precision medicine approach for mental disorders • New ways of classifying mental disorders based on dimensions of observable behavior and neurobiological measures • Neural circuits and systems are a critical factor in how the brain is organized and functions, and how genetics and epigenetics exert their influence • Studying full range of variation, from normal to abnormal Morris, Bruce, & Cuthbert, 2012 ! Orthogonal dimensions: Developmental aspects, Environmental aspects Psychosis Depression Maladaptive responses to negative stimuli Mood dysregulation NIMH Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) 15 F and 16 M with PSY 14 F and 13 M with MDD 19 F and 22 M were CTRL ❖ 99 participants scanned on 3T Siemens scanner Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging CPP CPP • a cohort of 17 000 pregnant mothers and their offsprings, born between 1959 – 1966, who were followed up ➢ 1/month during the first 7 months of pregnancy ➢ 2/month during the 8th month of pregnancy ➢ 1/week during the 9th month and neonatal stage ➢ at 4, 8, and 12 months ➢ at 4 and 7 years The final assessment at the age of 7 was completed by 80 % of the initial cohort. CPP ❖ In 2000, Dr. Stephen Buka along with Dr. Jill M. Goldstein, Larry J. Seidman and Ming T. Tsuang started New England Family Study (NEFS), aimed to follow up the adults from CPP cohort. ❖ They successfully located cca 85% of the CPP sample. ❖ Over 90% of the successfully located individuals decided to participate in further studies focused on prenatal and early life antecedents of neuropsychiatric, physical and behavioral conditions such as schizophrenia, substance use, heart disease, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, depression or suicide. ❖ Actual study sites are located in Boston, MA (Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health, Massachusetts General Hospital and Massachusetts Mental Health Center) and Providence, RI (Brown University). ORWH-NIMH P50 MH082679; NIMH R01s MH56956, MH074679, MH090291 Future follow-ups…In utero Birth 46-547 New England Family Studies: 50 year follow-up N = 17,741 1959 - 1966 Childhood Assessments up to age 7 ADULT PHENOTYPING / BIOMARKERS • Clinical & Cognitive Assts. • Structural and functional Imaging • Hormonal Assessments • EKG & cardiometabolic exams • Blood and cell collection for genetics/genomics/transcriptomics 33-45 N = 17,741 1959 - 1966 Maternal prenatal sera assayed for early immune and hormonal biomarkers 15 F and 16 M with PSY 14 F and 13 M with MDD 19 F and 22 M were CTRL ❖ 99 participants scanned on 3T Siemens scanner Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Fixation (30s) Negative (30s) Neutral (30s) + 4 Repetitions of 90s Blocks Fixation (30s) Negative (30s) Neutral (30s) Run 1 (6 min) Fixation (30s) Negative (30s) Neutral (30s) Run 2 (6 min) Run 3 (6 min) + 4 Repetitions of 90s Blocks + 4 Repetitions of 90s Blocks Negative affective stimuli from IAPS (Mild Visual Stress Task) Fixation (30s) Negative (30s) Neutral (30s) + 4 Repetitions of 90s Blocks Fixation (30s) Negative (30s) Neutral (30s) Run 1 (6 min) Fixation (30s) Negative (30s) Neutral (30s) Run 2 (6 min) Run 3 (6 min) + 4 Repetitions of 90s Blocks + 4 Repetitions of 90s Blocks Negative affective stimuli from IAPS (Mild Visual Stress Task) Time 30, 60, 90 Blood Draws Time 15 Blood Draw with Real-Time Hormone Response Time 00 Blood Draw Stress Response Circuitry ▪ Brainstem ▪ Amygdala ▪ Hypothalamus ▪ Hippocampus ▪ Ant. Cingualte ▪ Medial and Orbitofrontal Cortex Stress Response Circuitry And The HPA Axis Larger in the female brain, relative to cerebrum size Larger in the male brain, relative to cerebrum size Goldstein et al., 2001 Sex Differences in The Healthy Human Brain Mareckova et al, Human Brain Mapping, 2016 BOLD response to negative affective stimuli ▪ n= 99 (31 PSY; 27 MDD; 41 HC, equally divided by sex, women in midcycle) FWE p<0.05 Dysphoric mood predicted increased BOLD in HYPO and AMYG in response to negative affective stimuli Mareckova et al, Human Brain Mapping, 2016 R2=0.19 R2=0.07 Dysphoric mood and sex predicted regulation of stress response Mareckova et al, Human Brain Mapping, 2016 R2=0.23 R2=0.19 R2=not sig. R2=0.42 R2=not sig. R2=0.37 Elevated cortisol response predicted lower activity in OFC and low HYPO-AMYG connectivity z=3.36, FWE p=0.01 In women, elevated cortisol response predicted lower activity in mPFC and low HYPO-HIPP connectivity z=4.39, FWE p=0.001 • Even under mild stress, females with more severe mood symptomatology were unable to regulate arousal by inhibitory regions. This might possibly explain why are females at higher risk to develop mood disorders. Conclusions • We demonstrated a transdiagnostic impact of cortisol response to mild visual stress on brain function in the stress circuitry (independent of diagnosis or medication). o Diagnosis limited to symptoms (but symptoms are late manifestations of brain disorders) o Etiology unknown (treatments for symptoms not cures) o Detection late; for most disorders, prevention not well developed ➢ Mental disorders are disorders of brain circuits, focus on brain-based biomarkers, whole biosignatures ➢ Understand the etiology through large population-based studies, understand the mechanisms ➢ Focus on early detection and prevention (not extreme comparisons of patients vs. controls, study both clinical and pre-clinical populations to identify early biomarkers, use standardized methods for replication) ➢ Move towards personalized medicine and sex-dependent therapeutics (take into account one’s sex, genes etc.) Better Treatment through Better Diagnostics Schizophrenia Fetal/Birth Risk Factors Relative Risk Low birthweight 1.6 – 3.9 Obstetric complicaitons (preeclampsia, hypoxia) 2.4 – 2.8 Maternal malnutrition 2.0 Maternal herpes simplex 3.4 – 4.4 Maternal rubella 5.2 Maternal hypertension 2.6 Maternal diabetes 5.4 Depression Fetal/Birth Risk Factors Relative Risk Low birthweight 3.5 Obstetric complicaitons (preeclampsia, hypoxia) 1.4 Maternal malnutrition 1.6 Influenza 1.7 Buka et al., 1998; 2002; Susser et al. 1996; Sacker, 1995; Dalman et al., 1999; Hultman et al., 1999; Brown et al. 2000; Cannon, 2002; Goldstein et al, 2012 Developmental Risk Factors Kinney, 1998; Sacker, 1995; Preti, 2000; Bellingham-Young, 2003; van Os, 1997; Machon, 1997; Brown, 2000; Costello et a.,2007 Howerton & Bale, 2012 Sex Effects in Timing of Fetal Risk Factors for Psychiatric Disorders • Mid-gestation: Active period of sexual differentiation; e.g., testes begin to secrete T • Testosterone: Direct effects and indirect effects through aromatization into estradiol • Estradiol & Androgens: Major impact on neuronal growth and development Organizaitonal Effects of Gonadal Steroids on Fetal Brain Development Risk for Mood Disorders (Depression, Psychoses) Altered Adult HPA/HPG Hormones Altered Adult Stress Response Circuitry Prenatal maternal immune programming of offspring adult stress response circuitry Prenatal Stress Maternal Intrauterine Disruptions 2nd, 3rd trim. (e.g. cytokines as coactivators of HPA response) Sex Altered Fetal HPA/HPG & Fetal Brain Altered Adult HPA/HPG Hormones Altered Adult Stress Response Circuitry Prenatal maternal immune programming of offspring adult stress response circuitry Risk for Mood Disorders (Depression, Psychoses) Goldstein et al., 2014 Prenatal stress model • We are testing hypothesis of shared etiologies to understanding sex differences in MDD and SCZ. • Focus on maternal TNF-, IL-1, and IL-6, pro-inflammatory cytokines, primary co-activators of HPA response, whose receptors are located in the sex-specific regions of the stress-response circuitry • Focus on the 2nd and 3rd trimestr , as the period of sexual differentiation of the brain. • Are disruptions in fetal hormonal programming associated with sex differences in stress circuitry and endocrine function and development of depression and psychoses in adulthood? Fetal Hormonal Programming of Sex Differences in Depression and Psychoses Future follow-ups…In utero Birth 46-547 N = 17,741 Maternal prenatal sera assayed for early immune and hormonal biomarkers Childhood Assessments up to age 7 ADULT PHENOTYPING / BIOMARKERS • Clinical & Cognitive Assts. • Structural and functional Imaging • Hormonal Assessments • EKG & cardiometabolic exams • Blood and cell collection for genetics/genomics/transcriptomics 33-45 New England Family Study: 50 year follow-up ORWH-NIMH P50 MH082679 (depression); NIMH RO1 MH56956 (psychoses) Maternal Immune Activity and Sex-Dependent Risk for Psychosis in The Offspring Gilman et al., under review Maternal Immune Activity And Sex-Dependent Risk for MDD in The Offspring Mean%sig.changeinHYPO Mean%sig.changeinRAMYG Mean%sig.changeinLHIPP High TNFa Low TNFa High TNFa Low TNFa High TNFa Low TNFa t(79)=1.94, p=0.05, R2=0.05 t(78)=2.04, p=0.045, R2=0.05 t(79)=2.1, p=0.04, R2=0.05 L HIPP z=-15 Low Exposure to TNFa Prenatally Associated with Hyperactive Subcortical Regions Prenatal exposure to TNFa Mean%sig.changeinHYPO All: t(76)=-2.22, p=0.03, R2=0.06 z=-15 Low Exposure to TNFa Prenatally Predicts High BOLD in HYPO and Low BOLD in mPFC Prenatal exposure to TNFa:IL10 Mean%sig.changeinLHIPP Females: t(39)=-2.59, p=0.01, R2=0.15 Males: t(39)=2.13, p=0.04, R2=0.11 L HIPP z=-15 Sex Differences in The Effects of Prenatal Exposure to TNFa:IL10 on Stress Circuitry • Prenatal stress-immune pathways predict brain function and vulnerability to psychiatric disorders 50 years later. Conclusions Novel transcriptome-based polygenic risk score for depression predicts brain function during face processing o Diagnosis limited to symptoms (but symptoms are late manifestations of brain disorders) o Etiology unknown (treatments for symptoms not cures) o Detection late; for most disorders, prevention not well developed ➢ Mental disorders are disorders of brain circuits, focus on brain-based biomarkers, whole biosignatures ➢ Understand the etiology through large population-based studies, understand the mechanisms ➢ Focus on early detection and prevention (not extreme comparisons of patients vs. controls, study both clinical and pre-clinical populations to identify early biomarkers, use standardized methods for replication) ➢ Move towards personalized medicine and sex-dependent therapeutics (take into account one’s sex, genes etc.) Better Treatment through Better Diagnostics Verifying these biosignatures of dysregulated stress circuitry in a pre-clinical sample of typically developing young adults from another birth cohort, for whom we’ve recently collected rich neuroimaging and biosmecimen data. Next Steps European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC) Pediatricians Parents/child Teachers Number of participating families Number of pediatric reports according to child’s gender and birth complications M F Number of pediatric reports according to child’s gender and birth complications M F No birth complications Birth complications Next steps • Recruit 120 participants (60 males, 60 females) who previously participated in the European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ELSPAC), collect • and link these with their longitudinal data from pre/peri-natal period and adolescence. MRI, fMRI, rs-fMRI Cortisol, Sex hormones, Genes Questionnaires etc. • Basic demographics data, medications, drug use • Depression and Anxiety-related questionnaires (BDI, MFQ, STAI, POMS) • Neuroimaging data (T1, T2 FLAIR, task fMRI, rs fMRI, DTI) • Physiological data (ECG, breathing, skin conductance; during task fMRI and rs fMRI) • Anthropometric & cardio data (blood pressure, heart rate, BMI, bioimpedance, subcut. fat) • Hormonal data (salivary cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone), taken by passive drool between 8-9 am, females in late follicular phase (days 10-15 from onset of menstruation), 37% on oral contraception, all analyzed by ELISA kits • Buccal swaps (will be analysed with genetic and epigenetic chips) • Longitudinal ELSPAC data (questionnaires from MDs, parents, teachers, child; prenatal till 19) VULDE data overview (n=131) ▪ 131 participants recruited from the ELSPAC cohort ▪ 61 males, 70 females ▪ All 23 or 24 years old when VULDE testing (MRI, saliva etc.) ▪ All White Caucasians of European origin, from South Moravia, Czech Republic ▪ Females tested during the high estrogen phase (menstrual cycle day 10-15) ▪ 26 out of the 70 females were on oral contraception ▪ Majority of them are university students Demographics • Can we observe structural and functional changes among VULDE participants who had more depressive symptoms? • Could we use the altered structure and function in these regions as a potential early biomarker of depressive symptomatology in young adults? • Would this biomarker differ among males and females? • Would it be related to prenatal stress or depression during adolescence? VULDE research questions Design of the negative affect fMRI task (International Affective Picture System) Jacobs et al., 2015 ROI Direction of the sig. relationsh ip R2 PAG M>F 0.03 HYPO - L AMYG - R AMYG M>F 0.03 L HIPP M > F 0.04 R HIPP M>F 0.06 L sgACC M>F 0.12 R sgACC M>F 0.08 L dpgACC - R dpgACC M>F 0.04 L OFC - R OFC - L mPFC M>F 0.10 R mPFC M>F 0.07 ➢ VULDE IAPS fMRI data processed using the same pipeline as in the Mareckova et al (HBM, 2016) paper on NEFS ➢ extracted BOLD response from the Negative > Netural contrast in the hypothesized ROIs (Mareckova et al, HBM, 2016). ➢ MANOVA showed a significant ROI*Sex interaction (F=4.71, p<0.0001). ➢ Posthoc analyses showed that men had greater BOLD to negative affective stimuli than women in PAG, R AMYG, ACC, HIPP, mPFC (viz table on the left). Sex differences in BOLD response to negative affect Sex differences in BOLD response to negative affect ✓ Goldstein et al (2005) paper demonstrating sex differences in the physiology of the brain but not in the subjective feelings. ✓ Goldstein et al (2010) paper demonstrating larger BOLD response in the stress circuitry in men vs. mid-cycle women. Sex differences in BOLD response to negative affect ✓ VULDE women scanned on days 10-15; NEFS women scanned on days 10-14 ✓ Both studies demonstrated women’s lower BOLD response to negative affective stimuli in the subcortical arousal regions (PAG, AMYG) as well as HIPP and cortical regions that control the arousal (ACC, mPFC). ✓ Both studies found the largest effect sizes in mPFC. Goldstein et al., Journal of Neuroscience, 2010 ✓ Goldstein et al (2005) paper demonstrating sex differences in the physiology of the brain but not in the subjective feelings. ✓ Goldstein et al (2010) paper demonstrating larger BOLD response in the stress circuitry in men vs. mid-cycle women. • We tried to replicate the clinical findings on the effects of sex and depressive symptomatology on brain function during negative affect (Goldstein et al, 2005; Goldstein et al, 2010; Mareckova et al, 2016) in typically developing young adults from a prenatal birth cohort. • We conclude that men demonstrated higher BOLD response to negative affect than women and that these sex differences were particularly pronounced in individuals with more depressive symptomatology. • These findings suggest that during mild stress, men might recruit the regulatory regions to a greater extent than women, possibly explaining why are women more vulnerable to depression than men. • The fact that there were no sex differences in the demographics or the mood-related variables suggests that vulnerability to mood disorders might be detectable at the level of the brain well before it might manifest in the behavior. Conclusions Baseline cortisol in clinical samples (NEFS) F(2,47)=3.59, p=0.04, R2=0.13 Cortisol in men Cortisol in women F(2,44)=3.45, p=0.04, R2=0.14 CTRL MDD SCZ CTRL MDD SCZ Hormonal biomarker of vulnerability to depression? Cortisol & Anxiety trait in men p=0.75 Hormonal biomarker of vulnerability to depression? Cortisol & Anxiety trait in women t(69)=-2.14, p=0.036, R2=0.06 Cortisol & Anxiety trait in men p=0.75 OC Free t(128)=-2.46, p=0.02, R2=0.05 t(128)=-2.07, p=0.04, R2=0.03 STAI-T & Overall GM STAI-T & Overall GM/brain size Volume of Grey Matter (GM) • MANOVA: STAI-T: F=5.28, p=0.02; Lobe: F=97.96, p<0.001; STAI-T*Lobe: F=4.79, p=0.003 Volume of Grey Matter in Different Lobes t(129)=-2.56 p=0.01 R2=0.05 t(129)=-1.91 p=0.06 R2=0.03 t(129)=-1.86 p=0.07 R2=0.03 t(129)=-1.79 p=0.08 R2=0.02 Frontal Lobe Parietal Lobe Temporal Lobe Occipital Lobe • MANOVA: STAI-T: F=5.28, p=0.02; Lobe: F=97.96, p<0.001; STAI-T*Lobe: F=4.79, p=0.003 Volume of Grey Matter in Different Lobes Cortical Volume = Product of Cortical Thickness & Area Cortical Volume = Product of Cortical Thickness & Area p=0.93 Overall cortical thickness & STAI-T Cortical Volume = Product of Cortical Thickness & Area p=0.93 Overall cortical thickness & STAI-T Overall cortical area & STAI-T t(128)=-1.98, p=0.049, R2=0.03 Cortical Volume = Product of Cortical Thickness & Area Mareckova et al, Cerebral Cortex, 2018 Prenatal stress and gray matter volume in young adulthood Prenatal stress and mood in young adulthood Jensen et al., 2015 Metaanalysis of hypometabolic ROIs in depressed patients vs. healthy controls Mareckova et al, Cerebral Cortex, 2018 Prenatal stress and GM volume in young adulthood Mareckova et al, Scientific Reports, 2018 Perinatal stress and human hippocampal volume: Findings from typically developing young adults Mareckova et al, Scientific Reports, 2018 Perinatal stress and human hippocampal volume: Findings from typically developing young adults o Diagnosis limited to symptoms (but symptoms are late manifestations of brain disorders) o Etiology unknown (treatments for symptoms not cures) o Detection late; for most disorders, prevention not well developed ➢ Mental disorders are disorders of brain circuits, focus on brain-based biomarkers, whole biosignatures ➢ Understand the etiology through large population-based studies, understand the mechanisms ➢ Focus on early detection and prevention (not extreme comparisons of patients vs. controls, study both clinical and pre-clinical populations to identify early biomarkers, use standardized methods for replication) ➢ Move towards personalized medicine and sex-dependent therapeutics (take into account one’s sex, genes etc.) Better Treatment through Better Diagnostics Thank you!