Why Migration Matters in the 21st Century, Part I: Who, How Many, Where? •Who is a migrant? •The United Nations defines migrants as persons living outside of their home country for more than one year. http://www.bvallc.com/pensionblog/uploaded_images/Crowd-702052.jpg Migration in the 21st century •High proportion of women •Traditional distinction between countries of origin, transit, and destination for migrants has become increasingly blurred. •Temporary migration has become much more important. Who is a migrant? •Three main (fuzzy) dimensions of distinction: • •“voluntary” vs. “forced” •economic vs. political •“legal” vs. “illegal” •PLUS: •permanent vs. temporary How many migrants? •258 million in 2017 - Estimated number of international migrants worldwide, which has increased from an estimated 150 million in 2000. Growth slowed after 2010. • •3.4% - Percentage of the world's population are migrants. In other words, 1 of out of every 30 persons in the world today is an international migrant (vs. 1 out of 35 in 2000). • •It’s 1 in 7 if you count the more than 760 million that includes internal migrants. • •www.un.org/en/.../migration/.../migrationreport/.../MigrationReport2017_Highlights.pdf • • How many migrants? •Top origins of international migrants include: •India (17 million) •Mexico (13 million) •Russia (11 million) •China (10 million) •Bangladesh (7 million) • •http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/12/15/international-migration-key-findings-from-the-u-s- europe-and-the-world/ • • How many migrants? •Top destinations of international migrants include: •United States (46.6 million) •Germany (12.0 million) •Russia (11.6 million) •Saudi Arabia (10.2 million) •United Kingdom (8.5 million). • •www.un.org/en/.../migration/.../migrationreport/.../MigrationReport2017_Highlights.pdf • • • How many migrants? •However, the percentage of migrants varies greatly from country to country. Countries with a high percentage of migrants include United Arab Emirates (88.4%), Qatar (65.2%), Kuwait (75.5%) and Bahrain (48.4%), in Europe, Liechtenstein (65.1%) and Luxembourg (45.3%) • •Countries with the lowest percentage of migrants are represented by India and Haiti (0.4%), Peru and Somalia (0.3%), Philippines (0.2%), China, Indonesia, Madagascar and Vietnam (0.1%), from the European Union, Czech Republic (4.1%), Slovakia (3.4%), Bulgaria (2.2%), and Romania (1.9%) and Poland (1.7%). • How many migrants? •Facebook (2.23 billion as of June 2018) •China (1.415 billion as of February 2018) •India (1.354 billion as of February 2018) •European Union (512 million as of January 2018) •United States (326 million as of February 2018) •Indonesia (266 million as of February 2018) •International Migrants (258 million in 2017) •Brazil (210 million as of February 2018) •Pakistan (201 million as of February 2018) •Nigeria (196 million as of February 2018) • 1. • • •The average number of people displaced by natural disasters, including floods, storms and droughts, has averaged 22.5 million a year since 2008 and is growing. The expected number of climate-change induced migrants is 200 million by the year 2050. Where are the migrants? (total land mass) • •http://knowledge.allianz.com/demographics/migration_minorities/?668/real-earth-population-patterns -demographics-worldwide The total land area of the 200 territories depicted on the map is around 13 billion hectares. / Credits: www.worldmapper.org •http://knowledge.allianz.com/demographics/migration_minorities/?668/real-earth-population-patterns -demographics-worldwide Where are the migrants? (emigrants) • This map reflects the origins of the world’s emigrants. / Credits: www.worldmapper.org •http://knowledge.allianz.com/demographics/migration_minorities/?668/real-earth-population-patterns -demographics-worldwide Where are the migrants? (net emigration) • This map shows territories that are losing people due to migration. Mexico is the country with the ... / Credits: www.worldmapper.org •http://knowledge.allianz.com/demographics/migration_minorities/?668/real-earth-population-patterns -demographics-worldwide Where are the migrants? (immigrants) • This map reflects the number of people that live in a country different from the one they were born ... / Credits: www.worldmapper.org •http://knowledge.allianz.com/demographics/migration_minorities/?668/real-earth-population-patterns -demographics-worldwide Where are the migrants? (net immigration) • Regions experiencing the highest net immigration are North America, Western Europe, and the Middle ... / Credits: www.worldmapper.org •http://knowledge.allianz.com/demographics/migration_minorities/?668/real-earth-population-patterns -demographics-worldwide http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_VWBAhEAVIO4/Slinrpe5oiI/AAAAAAAAD2o/_zRKU0XbLBs/s1600/international+migra tion.png •http://www.irregularmigration.info/2009/07/international-migration-visual-aid_4855.html •Diagram 1: The Starting and Continuation of International Migration •INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION (IOM) • •KEY MIGRATION TERMS: • •https://www.iom.int/key-migration-terms • •http://www.iom.int/world-migration • •THE AGE OF MIGRATION PAGE WEBLINKS: • •http://www.age-of-migration.com/resources/weblinks.html • • Interactive Map for estimates of Migrants • •http://migrationpolicy.org/programs/data-hub/charts/international-migrant-population-country-origi n-and-destination