IT and the state 9. 10. 2019 Jakub Drmola Modern technology and Conflicts In general •Specific •Behavior •Activities •Purpose • Ideology • • • • • •Individuals State • • • Profit Hacktivism Militia Cyberterrorisms Espionage Sabotage Financial crime Stolen identity Triad of cyber security •CIA •Confidentiality •Integrity •Availability Main state activities in cyberspace •Espionage •Sabotage •Censure •Information war/propaganda •Demonstration of power •Support of conventional attack Cyber espionage vs. Sabotage •Espionage •Obtaining strategically sensitive or strategically important information from individuals or organizations by using or targeting IT means. It is used most often in the context of obtaining a political, economic or military supremacy. •Sabotage •Deliberate action aimed at weakening a polity or corporation through subversion, obstruction, disruption or destruction. In a workplace setting, sabotage is the conscious withdrawal of efficiency generally directed at causing some change in workplace conditions. • Cases Censorship •Commonly linked with non-democratic regimes •Halal internet vs. forbidden applications •Different methods of circumvention • Surveillance • •Repressive or suppressive •For law enforcement • •Potential targets: •Criminals, terrorists •Dissidents, journalists •Minorities, foreigners Image result for finfisher Demonstration of power •Estonia (2007) and Latvia (2008) •Similar modus operandi (DDoS, defacement and malware) •Russian Federation – absence of direct evidence • •Estonia - due to the removal of the bronze statue of an unknown Soviet soldier •for RF symbol of freedom vs. symbol of occupation • •Latvia – main reasons: law about non-acceptance Nazi and Soviet symbols, planning of American antimissile defense • Support conventional attack • •Georgia (2008) -In the background of a five-day war -Target: destroying of active communication and information -Methods: defacement, DoS, DDoS, malware -Patriotic hacking (nationalistic mode in society) -Russian Business Network -Attacks also on RF • • Collage created by hackers (image reproduced from Russian site, • Information war/ propaganda • Demystification ??? •1982: trans-siberian sabotage • •2000s: shot mafia boss • •2008: Lodz trams • •2014: steel mill hack •