18.11.2019 1 Interpretive planning Michal Medek michal.medek@kapraluvmlyn.cz, www.michalmedek.cz Role of interpetive planning • Purpose of interpretation (see L1 definitions): – connect visitors with heritage (by turning phenomena into experiences) – make difference in knowledge, attitudes, behaviour • Interpretive planning is decision-making process in order to achieve the purpose of interpretation. • Unlike in the Czech Republic interpretation is often considered part of corporate communication (national parks, public agencies, NGOs..). Decision-making process • Interpetive planning seeks answers to these questions: – What you want to communicate with visitors – Who your visitors are – What your place is like and what is has to offer – What else is happening around – What you want to say about your place – How, and where, you are going to say it – What are the management implications History of IP • Interpretive planning models are starting by the end of 1970s/early 1980s in order to: – move from „we do HI“ to „we do quality HI“ – justify HI costs and effective use of funding in order to achieve objectives – deal with competition in the free-time market – define roles of different providers in an area (there is just a single visitor‘s experience regardless of number of providers) – get local service providers on-board of conservation Planning documents Several types of documents (often overlapping): Interpretive plans, Interpretive strategies, Master (Comprehensive) plans, Interpretive prospectus... Interpretation strategy • framing HI in a region = coordination of plans of different players with management plan • start synergy by planning together • point out areas that lack interpretation and/or services => channelling funding • sets framework for more detail interpretive planning • can be part of destination management strategy 18.11.2019 2 Interpretation plan • deals with concrete methods and interpretive media for an area, museum, phenomenon.. • media, tasks, budget, time-frame • foundation for funding Roles in the planning process visitors resource owner/ manager local entrepreneurs (capitalize resource) external consultants local inhabitants (identification) Task: Compare content of IPs and ISs • definition of IP subject and methods of IP process • description of resources (heritage, policies..) • audience identification & non-audience as well • audit of current interpretation & services • definition of key stakeholders • goals of interpretation • audience development • themes • interpretive media • suggestions for services provision • operational capacity for interpretive provision • action plan • attachements (research data, resources in detail, photos) Methods in interpretive planning Two main types of interpretation planning methodology exist: • Process-based: – Peart Woods Planning Model (1987) – Countryside Commission (1995) – A Sense of Place (1997) • Model-based: – David Uzzell – 5-M model (2003) Process based model (Carter, 2001) Process methodologies are finding answers to a series of specific questions. Why we want to communicate? Who is it for? What we want to interpret? How will we do it? How will it be managed? How we find out it is working? 18.11.2019 3 David Uzzel‘s model Model 5M (Brochu, 2013) Uses standard planning process: Model 5M (Brochu, 2013) In each stage 4 areas are considered, Media come last after all the other areas were considered =>5th M Model 5M (Brochu, 2013) • Convenient for large infrastructure projects and complex planning in large areas. • Advantages: – builds on standard project planning process, – more complex and flexible (takes into account wide range of factors), – deals with multiple institutions/stakeholders => mitigates risk in the implementation phase Model 5M (Brochu, 2013) MANAGEMENT how will HI deliver management objectives, what are the goals of interpretaion, identification and involvement of stakeholders (locals, services providers)… MANAGEMENT how will HI deliver management objectives, what are the goals of interpretaion, identification and involvement of stakeholders (locals, services providers)… MARKET current audiences and audience development, what will be our product and what will be pricing, what else is happening around – who are competitors and how to deal with them... MARKET current audiences and audience development, what will be our product and what will be pricing, what else is happening around – who are competitors and how to deal with them... MESSAGE Main themes of interpretation and sub-themes, what stories shall we use, how we use universal concepts... MESSAGE Main themes of interpretation and sub-themes, what stories shall we use, how we use universal concepts... MECHANICS Where HI will take place, how will visitor experience be catered, what type of settings we expect, how we deal with physiological needs of a visitor… MECHANICS Where HI will take place, how will visitor experience be catered, what type of settings we expect, how we deal with physiological needs of a visitor… MEDIA Choosing media to communicate with visitors; matching media to target groups and messages; meia cost-effectivness; Evaluation of HI (monitoring success/failure). MEDIA Choosing media to communicate with visitors; matching media to target groups and messages; meia cost-effectivness; Evaluation of HI (monitoring success/failure). 5M – acquiring information: Management Information sources Annual report, corporate plan or documents which set out strategic objectives, Government or other policies, Monument management plan, Budget, Agreements with stakeholders, Staff interviews i. sladění interpretace s posláním organizace (proč interpr.) ii. definování účelu interpretace = co by měla udělat pro naši organizaci iii. cíle interpretace = jaké konkrétní výsledky očekáváme od interpretace (např. v oblasti managementu, PR, ovlivnění návštěvníků) – cíle by měly být stanoveny tak, abychom posléze mohli sledovat jejich splnění iv. sladění se stávajícími zákonnými omezeními, návštěvními řády, pravidly managementu atd. v. sledování omezujících faktorů: finanční a personální zdroje, provozní prostředky vi. sledování zájmu dalších subjektů při interpretaci území – kdo jsou naši podílníci? (místní podnikatelé, provozovatelé atrakcí, krajské a místní centrály CR) vii. celková organizace interpretačního plánování a pravidelných revizí úspěšnosti 18.11.2019 4 5M – acquiring information: Market Information sources Market research, Education/schools catchment data Visitor surveys (if any) Visitor research and evaluation reports (if any) showing use of existing facilities, programmes, attendance at special events etc. Assessment of provision within region (all) /nation (specific) a. who is the visitor/client b. what is the product (e.g. cave visit is just small part of the whole visitor‘s experience c. for new venues/installations we ask: i. what are the target audiences? ii. Is the location convenient? iii. is the target group currently present on site, is it reachable? iv. how much time can visitors devote to interpretation? v. What they want /do not want to pay for? vi. where interests of heritage manager and visitors overlap? Out of our bubble Interpretation is always dealing with whole area or topic – it copies visitor experience, not competences of institutions as there is only single visitor experience. Interpretive planning is not delivering content to, say, educational trail or a visitor centre but interprets phenomena. d. Promotion = how it works now and how it will be developer in the future (up to 70% of our experiences is based on previous opinions) e. Competition – who and what is their product f. What data shall be acquired about visitors and which way? (amount, way of transport, interests..) knowing what type of information about visitors we will need in the future may significantly influence the planning & provision be aware of guestbooks – people do not like to give negative feedback => positive FB divide 5, negative multiply 5 5M – acquiring information: Market Sources of information Resources to be interpreted; Existing, or planned, facilities, functions, spatial allocations etc. Plans and maps for the context, showing access, existing visitor routes and context constraints (sensitive areas etc.) a. what is the potential of the place (Am. „resources“), what can be directly experienced and what other resources we have (collections, witnesses), are there limits in using them?; b. how the infrastructure looks like today and who operates it; c. current signage; d. what routes are visitors taking (return to one point, linear..) is there grading of their experience? Infrastructure is means, not aim of interpretation. 5M – acquiring information: Mechanics 5M – acquiring information: Message Sources of information Literature, archives, authentic materials, current intepretation, interviews with local experts, story-tellers and persons who still remember... a. What are the most significant natural and cultural heritage stories? b. What are visitors interested in? c. What does management need to communicate? d. What do we know about context of the resource (how it was discovered, how is it managed), e. Authentic stories and photos Example of a method: location of stories on the map => thematic filtering => sub-theme formulation 5M – acquiring information: Media Sources of information Evaluations and/or audit or current delivery, own research (interpretation delivered by multiple providers) a. what are current interpretive media(panels, guides, what is provided over the internet, brochures, etc.), b. how can visitors access the media, c. how good is quality of current media. A to je konec shromažďová ní informací? Ne, čím déle v území jsme, tím více toho o něm víme. Tím, jak oblasti analyzujeme, vybíráme si a prohlubujeme poznání ve zvolených směrech. 5M – Information analysis Analysis => Filter => Selection: • Management: we know what to interpret and why • Market: we know to whom intepret and what is visitors‘ context • Mechanics: we know what we have and how are visitors using it, we know what we lack as well • Message: we know what we want to communicate and how it will be structured • Media: we know which means of communication we will be using with the audience 18.11.2019 5 5M – Information analysis Analysis might take various forms: consensus, expert focus groups, SWOT... Analysis might use e.g. current operation analysis, where we look at revenue from activities and compare it with the misson 5M – Media Only when we know what we want to communicate, to whom and why we ask how. Market Message Education ‘X’ years Families Over 50s Sub-theme A Storyline 1 Outreach programme Trail guide Sub-theme A Storyline 2 Visitor centre Exhibit A Souvenir booklet Sub-theme B Storyline 1 On-site curriculum Sub-theme B Storyline 2 Activity booklet Activity booklet Visitor centre Exhibit B( „When you work backwards, deciding on your media first and then checking to see whether it can be shoehorned into the mission of the site or the budgeet or visitor interest... chances are good you will end up spending a lot of money for something that does not work very well. Better back up and think through the other 4 M-s before getting your heart set on the latest technological gadget that every other visitor centre is installing“ Brochu 2003:65 Message – Markets – Media Matrix Key IP methods: Visitor research • Visitor research – in order to understand our audience we need to understand their typical behaviour (categorization: age, length of stay, visit interests). • Empirical data are indispensable. Key IP methods: Visitor experience audit • Decision phase (our on-site experiences are largely fabricated by our pre-concepts – up to70%) • Introductory phase (orientation, relaxation, planning, decision making, separation from transport experiences, physiological needs) • Contact phase • Outcoming phase (sharing experiences, relaxation, reflection, memorabilia, determination) Bibliography • Brochu, L. (2003) Interpretative Planning: The 5-M Model for Successful Planning Projects. Fort Collins: National Association for Interpretation • Carter, J. ed (2001) A Sense of Place – An Interpretive Planning Handbook. [online] Tourism and the Environment Initiative, Inverness. Available from < http://www.scotinterpnet.org.uk> v ČR vyšlo doplněné jako Ptáček, L. et al (2004): Interpretace místního dědictví. Brno: Veronica pro Nadaci Partnerství. • Ham, S. (1992) Environmental Interpretation. Golden CO: North American Press • Ham, S. (2013) Interpretation – Making a Difference on Purpose. Golden CO: Fulcrum Publishing • Ptáček, L., Růžička, T., Medek, M., Hušková, B., Banaš, M. (2012) Jak předkládat svět. Brno: Partnerství o.p.s. • Veverka, J. (1998) Interpretive Master Planning. Tustin: Acorn Naturalists • Weaver, S. (2007) Creating Great Visitor Experiences. A guide for museums, parks, zoos, gardens and libraries. Walnut Creek CA: Left Coast Press