The cooperation between EU and NATO: The case of the EU’s military operation Althea in Bosnia and Herzegovina Júlia Močaryová > Obrázok, na ktorom je kvet Automaticky generovaný popis > Obrázok, na ktorom je znak, kreslenie Automaticky generovaný popis > Hypothesis • •“European Union, after consolidating its position as a normative power in Europe and expanding to the Central Europe, now took a chance in Bosnia and Herzegovina to prove their military independence from US-led NATO with the brand new, although still not polished Common Security Defence Policy.“ History in short •“Powder keg“ of the 90’s •Dayton accords 1995 •NATO involvement alongside the UN •Path to operation ALTHEA •→ Berlin Plus •→ Common Security Defense Policy • > Obrázok, na ktorom je modré, stôl, žltý, znak Automaticky generovaný popis Clash of the Unions • •NATO (US) involvement • •EU involvement Obrázok, na ktorom je kreslenie Automaticky generovaný popis EU and NATO cooperation •Complications due to outdated agreement • •EU takes the wheel • •The limitations of the CSDP (social vs military) • • Obrázok, na ktorom je objekt, dievča, pestrofarebné Automaticky generovaný popis So what is it, then? •EU is not trying to prove anything (or is it?) • •CSDP big step and complicated still • •Bosnia as a possible member • • Obrázok, na ktorom je kreslenie, znak Automaticky generovaný popis What do you think? •Was EU trying to demonstrate that it can tie its own shoes with operation ALTHEA? • •Does it hinder the cooperation between the two? • •Is EU (and will it ever will be) capable of military independence? • •Can we call the operation a success if it still continues to this day?