Blurring the line between external and internal security: The case of EU´s maritime operation Sophia Crisis Management Operations Sergei Rivlin Operation EUNAVFOR MED Sophia •launched on June 22, 2015 as part of an EU comprehensive approach to manage illegal migration disrupt the networks of traffickers and smugglers. EU’s comprehensive response includes root causes: Ømilitary conflict Øpoverty Øharassment. The mission's core mandate: Ø systematically identification, capture and disposal of smuggler’s ships Ø disrupt the southern smuggling and trafficking business model Ø prevent further death in the sea Background •Crisis in the Mediterranean Sea: Ø3,500 people died in 2014 Ø3,700 people died in 2015 - more than 1,200 in couple months Ø22,000 in total since 2000s • Location of the operation Sophia Migration across the Mediterranean to Europe Problem-solving programs Ø improve border management Ø voluntary return to origin countries Ø ensure adequate reception conditions for migrants in Libya Expansion of the mandate Ø create a monitoring mechanism to ensure the long-term effectiveness of training for the Libyan coast guard; Ø conduct new observations and collect information on illicit trafficking in oil exports from Libya; Ø expand the exchange of information on trafficking in persons with the law enforcement agencies of the Member States, FRONTEX and EUROPOL Ø •FRONTEX - European Border and Coast Guard Agency EUROPOL - The European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation Palpable outcomes Thanks for your attention