EU foreign policy toward Russia and Eastern partnership countries

20. 11. PP5 (ENP and South Caucasus countries) + seminar discussion.

The first part of the seminar will be devoted to the discussion about PP5: "ENP and South Caucasus countries (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan)"

Required readings:
Nodia, G. (2017): Democracy and its Deficits: The path towards becoming European-style democracies in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. CEPS Working Document, No 2017/12, December 2017. 
Vieira, A. & Vasilyan, S. (2018) Armenia and Belarus: caught between the EU's and Russia's conditionalities?, European Politics and Society, 19:4, pp. 471-489

Chkhivadze, V. (2015): A Focus on Georgia. In: Gromadzki, Grzegorz; Sendhardt, Bastian (eds.; 2015): Eastern Partnership Revisited. Associated Countries in Focus. The Stefan Batory Foundation. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Warsaw, pp. 23 - 46. On-line: ( 23 pages) 

Position paper Nr.5 should be uploaded to the particular folder  no later than 6 p.m., 19 November 2019. 

The last position paper is devoted to the topic of the EU as an actor in South Caucasus. You may focus on the issue either generally, or you can choose only particular country (e.g. Georgia, that signed the AA/DCFTA with the EU and often declaratory aspires also on future membership in the EU; Armenia that is both a member of the Eurasian Economic Union and at the same time it signed the CEPA Agreement with the EU in 2017; or Azerbaijan that does not aspire so much on the association with the EU, but on the other hand, it is also an imporant partner, both for the EU and also for Russia, in the energy sphere).

As a basis for your PP, you may use the texts in the folder concerning PP5, but you are encouraged also to the usage of some other relevant sources. List of sources must be included, as well as the questions for the discussion!