World oil market Jan Osička W. Nordhaus: The „Bathtub“ view of the World oil market The idea: • Taps: Saudi Arabia, Russia, and other producers that introduce oil into the inventory • Sinks: the United States, China, and other consumers drawing oil from the tub Assumptions: • Oil is fungible • Bilateral ties are irrelevant • Single price regardless the source The commodity What is (traded) oil? Oil crudes actually vary... Oil benchmarks Benchmark crude • Specific crude oil • Widely and actively bought and sold • To which other types of crude oil can be compared to determine a price by an agreed-upon differential Oil benchmarks Brent • The most widely used global crude oil benchmark • Include four North Sea streams: • Brent and Forties (offshore the United Kingdom) • Ekofisk and Oseberg (offshore Norway) • 1 % of global production in 2013 (0.86 bpd) • Benchmark for approx. 2/3 of global oil • Light and sweet crude oil that is produced and traded in: • Europe • the Mediterranean and Africa • Australia • Asia (selectively) Original source streams of Brent West Texas Intermediate • Light, sweet crude oil produced in the United States • Priced at Cushing, Oklahoma • Benchmark for other types of crude oil produced in the United States, such as: • Mars, a medium, sour crude produced in the Gulf of Mexico • Bakken, a light, sweet crude produced in North Dakota. • WTI is also used as a benchmark for imported crude oil that is produced in: • Canada • Mexico • South America Dubai/Oman •Average price of Dubai and Oman crude, both of which are medium and sour •Benchmark for crude oil produced in the Middle East (incl. Saudi Aramco) and exported to Asian markets. •Dubai: steady decline in production down to 0.034 mbd (2013) => Omani oil (0.94 mbd in 2013) used to continue the benchmark Differentials ... A benchmark is a type of crude oil to which other types of crude oil can be compared to determine a price by an agreed-upon differential... Differentials are determined by: • Quality characteristics (API gravity or sulfur content). • Transportation costs from production areas to refineries. • Regional and global supply and demand conditions. Oilquality Oilquality Oil quality Refineries • Calibrated to process a particular type of oil (sweet/sour, light/heavy) • Processing different oil possible but at reduced efficiency => noncompetitiveness • Re-calibration possible but at significant costs Transportation costs P2 P1 Transportation costs Onshore-produced and otherwise poorly accessible crudes tend to be cheaper than offshore and easily accessible onshore crudes Transportation costs Onshore-produced and otherwise poorly accessible crudes tend to be cheaper than offshore and easily accessible onshore crudes • To compensate for additional costs of transportation • Transportation bottleneck foster „micro“ oil-to-oil competition Regional supply/demand Regional supply/demand Regional supply/demand How a specific crude becomes benchmark? • Stable and ample production. • Transparent, liquid market located in a geopolitically and financially stable region to encourage price discovery. • Adequate storage to encourage market development. • Delivery points at locations that allow arbitrage opportunities in world markets so that prices reflect global supply and demand. An oil bathtub? • Individual crudes are interchangeable only at significant costs/loss of competitiveness • Individual crudes are feedstock for production of the same products • World oil market = set of very closely correlated benchmark/regional markets The oil market: actors and structure Market structure and actors MARKET EQUILIBRIUM UNCERTAINTY Weather Politics Security DEMAND Economic growth Technology Price REGULATION Business Environmental SUPPLY Non-OPEC production OPEC strategy Technology Price Other market participants Consumers Governments International organizations IOCs NOCs 27 Market fundamentals: what defines the oil market? 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 Consumption (mbd) Price (USD2018/b) The Troll A platform A typical oilfield production diagram World oil consumption and price (since 1965) Price elasticity Long time horizonts Long time horizonts Ula (Norway) Prudhoe Bay (Alaska) Jones Creek (Nigeria) Cost structure Marginal costs ~15-120 $/b Operational costs ~4-40 $/b Long term: boom and bust • Cost structure and long time horizons: maximizing revenues = maximizing production • Correction: demand and (less so) supply are price elastic in the long run: • Demand: adjusted fuel consumption or switching to a different fuel • Supply: companies’ cash flow improves/deteriorates, investment increases/decreases, new fields are/are not developed Time Price OPEC Founded in 1960 in Baghdad, founding members Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait • 80% of proven reservers • 44% production • Practically all spare production capacity 34 Spare capacity OPEC Regulates the supply via two means: • Production quotas. • Investments into new production capacities. 36 How cartels work? A coordination game Imagine the following situation: • Overall demand for oil is 6-14 barrels per day • The price varies according to scarcity of oil: • At 6 bpd the price is high (20 USD/b) • At 14 bpd the price is low (4 USD/b) • There are (only) two producers (P1 and P2) • Similar production and delivery costs • Wishing to maximize profits => adjusting production according to the price How cartels work? A coordination game 38 Barrels USD/b P1‘s income P2‘s income Total income 6 20 3*20=60 3*20=60 120 7 18 4*18=72 3*18=54 126 8 16 4*16=64 4*16=64 128 9 14 5*14=70 4*14=56 126 10 12 5*12=60 5*12=60 120 11 10 6*10=60 5*10=50 110 12 8 6*8=48 6*8=48 96 13 6 7*6=42 6*6=36 78 14 4 7*4=28 7*4=28 56 How cartels work? A coordination game 39 Barrels USD/b P1‘s income P2‘s income Total income 6 20 3*20=60 3*20=60 120 7 18 4*18=72 3*18=54 126 8 16 4*16=64 4*16=64 128 (cartel equilibrium) 9 14 5*14=70 4*14=56 126 10 12 5*12=60 5*12=60 120 (Nash equilibrium) 11 10 6*10=60 5*10=50 110 12 8 6*8=48 6*8=48 96 13 6 7*6=42 6*6=36 78 14 4 7*4=28 7*4=28 56 The freeriding issue: prisoners‘ dilema "Mr. President, we are rapidly approaching a moment of truth both for ourselves as human beings and for the life of our nation. Now, truth is not always a pleasant thing. But it is necessary now to make a choice, to choose between two admittedly regrettable, but nevertheless *distinguishable*, postwar environments: one where you got twenty million people killed, and the other where you got a hundred and fifty million people killed.“ General Buck Turgidson, (Dr. Strangelove) 40 The freeriding issue: prisoners‘ dilema 41 P2 Does not increase Increases P1 Does not increase 64/64 56/70 Increases 70/56 60/60 Trading oil Market structure and actors MARKET EQUILIBRIUM UNCERTAINTY Weather Politics Security DEMAND Economic growth Technology Price REGULATION Business Environmental SUPPLY Non-OPEC production OPEC strategy Technology Price Other market participants Consumers Governments International organizations IOCs NOCs Trading oil Physical delivery   $ Financial delivery $  $ () What is the ratio between daily traded physical and financial (paper) barrels? Physical deliveries Financial deliveries Bilateral agreements (Over-the-counter) • Term contracts of mostly one year • Price set according to spot • 90-95% physically traded volume Spot market (hub trading, exchange trading) • Balancing needs (surplus or missing barrels) • Sets the price („marginal barrels“) • 5-10% of volume Bilateral agreements • Term contracts of different lengths • Price: spot +/- expectations • Used for speculation and hedging Types vary according to contract characteristics • Futures • Options • Swaps • Forwards Financial deliveries Futures Futures A financial contract obligating the buyer to purchase an asset (or the seller to sell an asset), such as a physical commodity or a financial instrument, at a predetermined future date and price. • Underlying asset (oil) • Type: long (buying) x short (selling) • Date of settlement • Price Long and short position Long futures: buying futures with expectation of price increase Short futures: selling futures with expectation of price decline Futures: physical and financial delivery  Physical delivery $ Financial delivery Selling physical barrels  delivered: a barrel worth of P1 Selling financial barrels $ paid: P1 $ received: P0 $ received: P0 Buying physical barrels $ paid: P0 Buying financial barrels $ paid: P0  received: a barrel worth of P1 $ received: P1 Note: P0 = negotiated price P1 = market price at the day of settlement Speculation with futures Example • Time T0 (now), negotiated price P0 = $50 • 1,000 barrels financial futures bought at $50 with settlement next June (T1) • Time T1 (next June), oil price P1 = $45 • Bought for $50 what is being now traded at $45 => lost $5 per barrel => lost 5,000 USD • Time T1 (next June), oil price P1 = $55 • Bought for $50 what is being now traded at $55 => gained $5 per barrel => gained 5,000 USD Hedging with futures  Physical delivery $ Financial delivery Selling physical barrels  delivered: a barrel worth of P1 Selling financial barrels $ paid: P1 $ received: P0 $ received: P0 Buying physical barrels $ paid: P0 Buying financial barrels $ paid: P0  received: a barrel worth of P1 $ received: P1 What are the balances of green and blue traders if: (1) P0 = 50; P1 = 70 (2) P0 = 50; P1 = 30 Hedging with futures Imagine the following oil buyer: • Has invested in business the profitability of which depends on price of oil (i.e. a rafinery) • Needs a stable oil price to plan the development of the business => Wishes to hedge against price fluctations, i.e. wishes the current (time T0) prices (P0) to last. Will need 1,000 barrels of oil about this time next year (time T1, oil price P1) Hedging with futures Today (time T0, negotiated price P0 = 50 USD/b): • The buyer enters a contract in which agrees to buy 1,000 physical barrels at $50 (P0) with delivery in time T1. • At the same time sells 1,000 financial barrels at $50 (P0) with delivery in time T1 • In time T1, therefore, the buyer: • Will pay for the physical delivery amount equal to 1,000 x P0 • Will get paid for financial delivery amount equal to 1,000 x P1 Hedging with futures About this time next year (T1): The price went up to P1 = 70 USD/b Settles the physical contract: • Bought $70 worth barrels for $50 ... Balance: +20 x 1,000 = +20,000 USD Settles the financial contract: • Sold $70 worth barrels for $50 ... Balance: -20 x 1,000 = -20,000 USD Total balance: 0 USD => The buyer got 1,000 barrels at $50 as desired. Hedging with futures About this time next year (T1): The price went down to P1 = 30 USD/b Settles the physical contract: • Bought $30 worth barrels for $50 ... Balance: -20 x 1,000 = -20,000 USD Settles the financial contract: • Sold $30 worth barrels for $50 ... Balance: +20 x 1,000 = +20,000 USD Total balance: 0 USD => The buyer got 1,000 barrels at $50 as desired. Hedging with futures If the buyer was a seller: T0: P0 = 50 USD/b Agrees to deliver 1,000 physical barrels at 50 USD/b in T1 At 50 USD/b buys 1,000 financial barrels to receive what they are worth in T1 (P1) T1: P1 = 70 USD/b • Physical: Delivered $70 worth barrels at $50 ... Balance -20,000 USD • Financial: Received $70 for what was bought for $50 ... Balance +20,000 USD T1: P1 = 30 USD/b • Physical: Delivered $30 worth barrels at $50 ... Balance +20,000 USD • Financial: Received $30 for what was bought for $50 ... Balance -20,000 USD Total balance: 0 USD => The seller sold 1,000 barrels at $50 as desired. Options Options A financial derivative that represents a contract sold by one party (option writer) to another party (option holder). The contract offers the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell (put) a security or other financial asset at an agreedupon price (the strike price) during a certain period of time or on a specific date (exercise date). Option types Call option Put option Buyers Right to buy stock if exercised Right to sell stock if exercised Sellers Obligation to sell stock if assigned Obligation to buy stock if assigned • Underlying asset: oil • Type: call (right to buy) x put (right to sell) • Price: price of contract • Strike price: oil price at which the right can be exercised • Exercise date: when the contract expires Hedging with options Call option Put option Buyers Right to buy stock if exercised Right to sell stock if exercised Sellers Obligation to sell stock if assigned Obligation to buy stock if assigned Example: oil purchasing hedging (oil purchaser = option buyer) T0: oil price P0 = $50 • Buyer: bought call option for 1,000 barrels at $60 from Seller for 3 USD/b due to T1 T0.8 (between T0 and T1): oil price P1 = $70 • Buyer: exercises his right and gets $70 worth barrels for $60 ... Balance: + 10,000 – 3,000 = + 7,000 USD • Seller: sells $70 worth barrels for $60 ... Balance: - 10,000 + 3,000 = - 7,000 USD => Hedging successful, major loss due to price spike prevented Call option Put option Buyers Right to buy stock if exercised Right to sell stock if exercised Sellers Obligation to sell stock if assigned Obligation to buy stock if assigned Example: oil purchasing hedging (oil purchaser = option buyer) T0: oil price P0 = $50 • Buyer: bought call option for 1,000 barrels at strike price of $60 from Seller for 3 USD/b due to T1 T1: oil price P1 = $58 • Buyer: does not exercise his right (would get $58 worth barrels for $60) ... Balance: - 3,000 USD • Seller: gains $3 per each barrel for selling unexercised option at $3 ... Balance: + 3,000 USD => Hedging successful, major loss due to price spike prevented Call option Put option Buyers Right to buy stock if exercised Right to sell stock if exercised Sellers Obligation to sell stock if assigned Obligation to buy stock if assigned Example: oil selling hedging (oil seller = option buyer) T0: oil price P0 = $50 • Buyer: bought put option for 1,000 barrels at strike price of $40 from Seller for 3 USD/b due to T1 T1: oil price P1 = $30 • Buyer: exercises his right and sells $30 for $40 ... Balance: + 10,000 – 3,000 = + 7,000 USD • Seller: buys $30 worth barrels for $40 ... Balance: - 10,000 + 3,000 = - 7,000 USD => Hedging successful, major loss due to price decline prevented Call option Put option Buyers Right to buy stock if exercised Right to sell stock if exercised Sellers Obligation to sell stock if assigned Obligation to buy stock if assigned Example: oil selling hedging (oil seller = option buyer) T0: oil price P0 = $50 • Buyer: bought put option for 1,000 barrels at strike price of $40 from Seller for 3 USD/b due to T1 T1: oil price P1 = $45 • Buyer: does not exercise his right (would sell $45 worth barrels for $40) ... Balance: - 3,000 USD • Seller: gains $3 per each barrel for selling unexercised option at $3 ... Balance: + 3,000 USD => Hedging successful, major loss due to price spike prevented What is the ratio between daily traded physical and financial (paper) barrels? Physical to financial trading • Physical barrels: approx. 92 mbd (2014, EIA) • Financial barrels: more than 1,000 mbd (2009, Congressional testimony by the commodities specialist Michael W. Masters) => At least 1:10