Teorie konfliktu, války a míru v mezinárodních vztazích

8. Teoretická reflexe příčin válek – systémové přístupy (realismus a neorealismus), cyklické teorie a historicko-strukturální teorie války. (Kříž) 5. 11. 2019

Povinná literatura

  • Betts, R. 2008. Conflicts after the Cold war: arguments on cause so war and peace. New York: Columbia University, 56 – 105, 150-167, 198-218. 
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  • Cashman, G. 2000 What Causes War. An Introduction of Theories of Internatiional Conflict. Lanham: Lexington Books, 224-278.
  • Waltz, K. N. 2000. Structural Realism after the Cold War. International Security, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Summer 2000), pp. 5–41 

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26. Sørensen, G. 1992. Kant and Processes of Democratization: Consequences for Neorealist Thought Source: Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 29, No. 4, 397-414 Published by: Sage Publications, Ltd. Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/425541

27. Leeds, B. A. 2003. Do Alliances Deter Aggression? American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 47, No. 3, 427 – 439. 

28. Thayer, B. A. 2004. Darwin and International Relations: On the Evolutionary Origins of War and Ethnic Conflict. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, s. 60-95.