03. Import Dat Vít Gabrhel R101 2019-10-14 Harmonogram 1. Rekapitulace 2. Import flat files (.txt, .csv) 3. Import souborů z MS Excel (.xlsx) 4. Import souborů z IBM SPSS (.sav) 2 / 7 Rekapitulace Balíčky Packages are collections of R functions, data, and compiled code in a well-defined format. The directory where packages are stored is called the library. R comes with a standard set of packages. Others are available for download and installation. Once installed, they have to be loaded into the session to be used 3 / 7 Rekapitulace Balíčky Get library location .libPaths() ## [1] "C:/Users/vit.gabrhel/Desktop/Software/Instal/R-3.5.3/R/library" See all packages installed library() See packages currently loaded search() ## [1] ".GlobalEnv" "package:xaringanthemer" ## [3] "package:stats" "package:graphics" ## [5] "package:grDevices" "package:utils" ## [7] "package:datasets" "package:methods" ## [9] "Autoloads" "package:base" 4 / 7 Rekapitulace Balíčky Nainstaluje konkrétní balíček install.packages("psych") Načte konkrétní balíček library(psych) 5 / 7 Balíčky 6 / 7 Materiály k hodině Materiály Po stažení: # Open R notebook in the Viewer myViewer <- getOption("viewer") file.copy("03_Import_dat_notebook.html", file.path(tempdir(), "03_Import_dat_notebook.html")) myViewer(file.path(tempdir(), "03_Import_dat_notebook.html")) 7 / 7