Pracovní složka

  • Zjištění pracovní složky (get working directory)
  • Nastavení pracovní složky (set working directory)

Tento přístup není příliš efektivní.

Project approach

Proč bychom měli pracovat “projektovým způsobem”?

  • R experts keep all the files associated with a project together — input data, R scripts, analytical results, figures.
    • This is such a wise and common practice that RStudio has built-in support for this via projects.
  • Click File > New Project

Import dat

Flat Files - Utils - .csv

  • Import swimming_pools.csv:
pools = read.csv("swimming_pools.csv")
  • Print the structure of pools:
## 'data.frame':    253 obs. of  8 variables:
##  $ Name             : Factor w/ 251 levels "A.B.C. Swim Centre",..: 3 20 24 41 44 59 69 77 83 85 ...
##  $ Address          : Factor w/ 228 levels "","1 Aquatic Drive",..: 153 1 184 188 1 187 68 14 149 180 ...
##  $ Suburb           : Factor w/ 192 levels "Albert Park",..: 29 11 13 75 29 44 52 58 68 71 ...
##  $ Postcode         : int  3083 3875 3354 3046 3083 3064 3108 3095 3199 3220 ...
##  $ State            : Factor w/ 2 levels "VIC","VIC ": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ Business.Category: Factor w/ 23 levels "Australian Rules Football Club,Swimming Club",..: 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ...
##  $ LGA              : Factor w/ 133 levels "","Alpine","Ararat (RC)",..: 115 26 4 82 114 116 60 89 27 41 ...
##  $ Region           : Factor w/ 21 levels "","Barwon S/W",..: 17 7 9 17 17 17 5 17 18 2 ...
  • Import swimming_pools.csv correctly:
pools = read.csv("swimming_pools.csv", 
                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  • Check the structure of pools again:
## 'data.frame':    253 obs. of  8 variables:
##  $ Name             : chr  "Aquabear AUSSI Masters" "Bairnsdale Amateur Swimming Club" "Ballarat GCO Swim Club" "Broadmeadows Swimming Clubs" ...
##  $ Address          : chr  "La Trobe University Sports Centre" "" "PO Box 1709" "PO Box 605" ...
##  $ Suburb           : chr  "Bundoora" "Bairnsdale" "Ballarat" "Glenroy" ...
##  $ Postcode         : int  3083 3875 3354 3046 3083 3064 3108 3095 3199 3220 ...
##  $ State            : chr  "VIC" "VIC" "VIC" "VIC" ...
##  $ Business.Category: chr  "Swimming Club" "Swimming Club" "Swimming Club" "Swimming Club" ...
##  $ LGA              : chr  "Whittlesea,Darebin,Banyule" "East Gippsland" "Ballarat" "Moreland" ...
##  $ Region           : chr  "North and West Metropolitan Region" "Gippsland" "Grampians" "North and West Metropolitan Region" ...

Flat Files - Utils - .txt

  • Načtení dat z .txt souboru, kde první řádek nese názvy proměnných:
hotdogs_1 = read.delim("hotdogs_1.txt", 
                       header = TRUE)
  • Načtení dat z .txt. souboru s manuálním nastavením názvů proměnných:
hotdogs_2 = read.delim("hotdogs_2.txt", 
                        header = FALSE, 
                        col.names = c("type", "calories", "sodium"))
  • Základní popisné statistiky o datovém souboru “hotdogs_1”:
##       Type       Calories         Sodium     
##  Beef   :20   Min.   : 86.0   Min.   :144.0  
##  Meat   :17   1st Qu.:132.0   1st Qu.:362.5  
##  Poultry:17   Median :145.0   Median :405.0  
##               Mean   :145.4   Mean   :424.8  
##               3rd Qu.:172.8   3rd Qu.:503.5  
##               Max.   :195.0   Max.   :645.0
  • Struktura dat souboru “hotdogs_1”:
## 'data.frame':    54 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ Type    : Factor w/ 3 levels "Beef","Meat",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ Calories: int  186 181 176 149 184 190 158 139 175 148 ...
##  $ Sodium  : int  495 477 425 322 482 587 370 322 479 375 ...
  • Struktura dat souboru “hotdogs_1”:
## 'data.frame':    54 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ type    : Factor w/ 3 levels "Beef","Meat",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ calories: int  186 181 176 149 184 190 158 139 175 148 ...
##  $ sodium  : int  495 477 425 322 482 587 370 322 479 375 ...
  • Select the hot dog with the least calories (Cal):
Cal <- hotdogs_1[which.min(hotdogs_1$Calories), ]
##       Type Calories Sodium
## 50 Poultry       86    358
  • Select the observation with the most sodium (Sod):
Sod = hotdogs_1[which.max(hotdogs_1$Sodium), ]

Excel - readxl

  • Instalace balíčku:
  • Nahrání balíčku:
  • Dva základní příkazy:
excel_sheets() # Výčet listů v daném excelovském (.xls, .xlsx) souboru
read_excel() # Načtení souboru excelovského formátu
  • Načtení souboru latitude.xlsx:
## [1] "1700"   "1900"   "1900_N"
  • Read the first sheet of latitude.xlsx:
latitude_1 = read_excel("latitude.xlsx", 
                        sheet = "1700")
## # A tibble: 246 x 2
##    country               latitude_1700
##    <chr>                         <dbl>
##  1 Afghanistan                   34.6 
##  2 Akrotiri and Dhekelia         34.6 
##  3 Albania                       41.3 
##  4 Algeria                       36.7 
##  5 American Samoa               -14.3 
##  6 Andorra                       42.5 
##  7 Angola                        -8.84
##  8 Anguilla                      18.2 
##  9 Antigua and Barbuda           17.1 
## 10 Argentina                    -36.7 
## # ... with 236 more rows
  • Read the second sheet of latitude.xlsx:
latitude_2 = read_excel("latitude.xlsx", 
                        sheet = 2)
## # A tibble: 246 x 2
##    country               latitude_1900
##    <chr>                         <dbl>
##  1 Afghanistan                   34.6 
##  2 Akrotiri and Dhekelia         34.6 
##  3 Albania                       41.3 
##  4 Algeria                       36.7 
##  5 American Samoa               -14.3 
##  6 Andorra                       42.5 
##  7 Angola                        -8.84
##  8 Anguilla                      18.2 
##  9 Antigua and Barbuda           17.1 
## 10 Argentina                    -36.7 
## # ... with 236 more rows
  • Put latitude_1 and latitude_2 in a list:
lat_list = list(latitude_1, latitude_2)

Excel - readxl - col_names

  • Apart from path and sheet, there are several other arguments you can specify in read_excel().
    • One of these arguments is called col_names.
  • Import the the first Excel sheet of latitude_nonames.xlsx (R gives names):
latitude_3 = read_excel("latitude.xlsx", 
                        sheet = 3, 
                        col_names = FALSE)
## New names:
## * `` -> ...1
## * `` -> ...2
## # A tibble: 246 x 2
##    ...1                    ...2
##    <chr>                  <dbl>
##  1 Afghanistan            34.6 
##  2 Akrotiri and Dhekelia  34.6 
##  3 Albania                41.3 
##  4 Algeria                36.7 
##  5 American Samoa        -14.3 
##  6 Andorra                42.5 
##  7 Angola                 -8.84
##  8 Anguilla               18.2 
##  9 Antigua and Barbuda    17.1 
## 10 Argentina             -36.7 
## # ... with 236 more rows
  • Import the the first Excel sheet of latitude_nonames.xlsx (specify col_names):
latitude_4 = read_excel("latitude.xlsx", 
                        sheet = 3, 
                        col_names = c("country", "latitude"))
## # A tibble: 246 x 2
##    country               latitude
##    <chr>                    <dbl>
##  1 Afghanistan              34.6 
##  2 Akrotiri and Dhekelia    34.6 
##  3 Albania                  41.3 
##  4 Algeria                  36.7 
##  5 American Samoa          -14.3 
##  6 Andorra                  42.5 
##  7 Angola                   -8.84
##  8 Anguilla                 18.2 
##  9 Antigua and Barbuda      17.1 
## 10 Argentina               -36.7 
## # ... with 236 more rows
  • Print the summary of latitude_3:
##      ...1                ...2        
##  Length:246         Min.   :-51.750  
##  Class :character   1st Qu.:  2.557  
##  Mode  :character   Median : 16.755  
##                     Mean   : 18.026  
##                     3rd Qu.: 39.051  
##                     Max.   : 78.000  
##                     NA's   :4
  • Print the summary of latitude_4:
##    country             latitude      
##  Length:246         Min.   :-51.750  
##  Class :character   1st Qu.:  2.557  
##  Mode  :character   Median : 16.755  
##                     Mean   : 18.026  
##                     3rd Qu.: 39.051  
##                     Max.   : 78.000  
##                     NA's   :4

Excel - readxl - skip

  • Another argument that can be very useful when reading in Excel files that are less tidy, is skip.
    • With skip, you can tell R to ignore a specified number of rows inside the Excel sheets you’re trying to pull data from.
  • Have a look at this example:
           skip = 15)
## # A tibble: 231 x 2
##    Azerbaijan `40.351999999999997`
##    <chr>                     <dbl>
##  1 Bahamas                   24.7 
##  2 Bahrain                   26.0 
##  3 Bangladesh                23.9 
##  4 Barbados                  13.2 
##  5 Belarus                   53.5 
##  6 Belgium                   50.8 
##  7 Belize                    17.8 
##  8 Benin                      6.36
##  9 Bermuda                   32.2 
## 10 Bhutan                    27.5 
## # ... with 221 more rows
  • In this case, the first 15 rows in the first sheet of “data.xlsx” are ignored.
  • Pozor na posunutí matice!
           skip = 15, 
           col_names = FALSE)
## New names:
## * `` -> ...1
## * `` -> ...2
## # A tibble: 232 x 2
##    ...1        ...2
##    <chr>      <dbl>
##  1 Azerbaijan 40.4 
##  2 Bahamas    24.7 
##  3 Bahrain    26.0 
##  4 Bangladesh 23.9 
##  5 Barbados   13.2 
##  6 Belarus    53.5 
##  7 Belgium    50.8 
##  8 Belize     17.8 
##  9 Benin       6.36
## 10 Bermuda    32.2 
## # ... with 222 more rows

Excel - readxl - binding tabs a missing values

latitude_all <- cbind(latitude_1, latitude_2[-1])
##                   country latitude_1700 latitude_1900
## 241 Virgin Islands (U.S.)        17.736        17.736
## 242           Yemen, Rep.        15.228        15.228
## 243            Yugoslavia            NA            NA
## 244                Zambia       -12.942       -12.942
## 245              Zimbabwe       -17.876       -17.876
## 246                 Åland        60.000        60.000
    Argument [-1] se týká prvního sloupce v rámci dané matice
  • Remove all rows with NAs from latitude_all
latitude_all_clean = na.omit(latitude_all)
  • Print out a summary of latitude_all
##    country          latitude_1700     latitude_1900    
##  Length:242         Min.   :-51.750   Min.   :-51.750  
##  Class :character   1st Qu.:  2.557   1st Qu.:  2.557  
##  Mode  :character   Median : 16.755   Median : 16.755  
##                     Mean   : 18.026   Mean   : 18.026  
##                     3rd Qu.: 39.051   3rd Qu.: 39.051  
##                     Max.   : 78.000   Max.   : 78.000

Excel - foreign

  • Balíček foreign:
  • K načtení dat z SPSS (.sav, .por) slouží příkaz read.spss()
    • Aby měla nahraná data povahu data frame, je nutné uvnitř příkazu read.spss() jako argument zadat “ = TRUE”
  • Načtení dat:
demo_1 = read.spss("international.sav", 
          = TRUE)
## re-encoding from CP1252
  • Načtení několika prvních řádků:
##   id              country  contint m_illit f_illit lifeexpt  gdp
## 1  1 Argentina            Americas     3.0     3.0       16 3375
## 2  2 Benin                  Africa    45.2    74.5        7  521
## 3  3 Burundi                Africa    33.2    48.1        5   86
## 4  4 Chile                Americas     4.2     4.4       14 4523
## 5  5 Dominican Republic   Americas    12.0    12.7       12 2408
## 6  6 El Salvador          Americas    17.6    22.9       11 2302
  • Jak nastavit “value labels” z SPSS jako “factors” v R?

  • Skrze argument “se.value.labels” v rámci příkazu “read.spss()”. Tento argument upřesňuje, zda mají být “value labels” konvertovány do R jako “factors”.

    • Argument je “TRUE by default”, výchozím stavem je tedy provedení výše uvedené konverze
  • Načtení dat

demo_2 = read.spss("international.sav", 
          = TRUE, 
                   use.value.labels = FALSE)
## re-encoding from CP1252
  • Načtení několika prvních řádků
##   id              country contint m_illit f_illit lifeexpt  gdp
## 1  1 Argentina                  2     3.0     3.0       16 3375
## 2  2 Benin                      1    45.2    74.5        7  521
## 3  3 Burundi                    1    33.2    48.1        5   86
## 4  4 Chile                      2     4.2     4.4       14 4523
## 5  5 Dominican Republic         2    12.0    12.7       12 2408
## 6  6 El Salvador                2    17.6    22.9       11 2302
  • Jak nastavit “value labels” z SPSS u “factors” v R u dílčích proměnných?

  • Summary demo_2$contint

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##       1       1       2       2       3       4
## [1] "numeric"
  • Konverze demo_2$contint na faktor
demo_2$contint = as.factor(demo_2$contint)
  • Summary demo_2$contint znovu
## 1 2 3 4 
## 9 5 3 3
## [1] "factor"
  • Jak nastavit “value labels” z SPSS jako “factors” u dílčích proměnných v R?
continents = c("Africa", "Americas", "Asia", "Europe")
demo_2$contint = factor(demo_2$contint, 
                        levels = c(1, 2, 3, 4), 
                        labels = continents)
##   Africa Americas     Asia   Europe 
##        9        5        3        3


Packages (n.d.) Packages. In Quick-R. Staženo dne 2. 10. 2016 z

Prostý databázový soubor. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Staženo dne 2. 10. 2016 z