oaxaca: Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition in R Marek Hlavac Department of Economics, UWC Adriatic, Duino (Trieste), Italy Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI), Bratislava, Slovakia Abstract This article introduces the R package oaxaca to perform the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition, a statistical method that decomposes the gap in mean outcomes across two groups into a portion that is due to differences in group characteristics and a portion that cannot be explained by such differences. Although this method has been most widely used to study gender- and race-based discrimination in the labor market, Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions can be applied to explain differences in any continuous outcome across any two groups. The oaxaca package implements all the most commonly used variants of the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition for linear regression models, calculates bootstrapped standard errors for its estimates, and allows users to visualize the decomposition results. Keywords: Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition, linear regression models, R. If you use the oaxaca package in your research, please do not forget to include a citation: • Hlavac, Marek (2018). oaxaca: Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition in R. R package version 0.1.4. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=oaxaca 1. Introduction In this article, I introduce the R package oaxaca to estimate Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions for linear regression models. The Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition is a statistical method that decomposes differences in mean outcomes across two groups into a part that is due to group differences in the levels of explanatory variables and a part that is due to differential magnitudes of regression coefficients. The Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition originated and has been widely used in the study of labor market discrimination (Blinder 1973; Oaxaca 1973). Economists and sociologists have, for instance, used it to decompose wage and earnings differences based on gender (e.g., Stanley and Jarrell 1998; Weichselbaumer and Winter-Ebmer 2005) and race (e.g., Darity, Guilkey, and Winfrey 1996; Kim 2010). Although Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions have been a mainstay of empirical research on discrimination, they can be, in principle, applied to explain differences in any continuous outcome across any two groups. Researchers have, for instance, used it to examine the assimilation of immigrants (LaLonde and Topel 1992), school enrollment rates (Borooah and Iyer 2006), health insurance coverage (Bustamante, Fang, Rizzo, and Ortega 2009), the prevalence of smoking (Bauer, Gohlmann, and Sinning 2007), or even local hunting lease rates (Munn and Hussain 2010). 2 oaxaca: Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition in R Several software implementations of the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition are already available. These include modules oaxaca (Jann 2008) and decomp (Watson 2010) for Stata (StataCorp 2017) that estimate the decomposition for linear regression models. In addition, Stata modules fairlie (Jann 2006) and nldecompose (Sinning, Hahn, and Bauer 2008) implement the decomposition for a large variety of non-linear models using methods proposed in Fairlie (2005), Bauer and Sinning (2008) and Bauer and Sinning (2010). A SAS (SAS Institute 2017) implementation of the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition for non-linear models is also available (Fairlie 2013). The oaxaca package is the first Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition package for the R statistical programming language (R Core Team 2017). It implements several types of the decomposition for linear regression models, and obtains point estimates of all decomposition components using the same estimation procedures as the Stata module oaxaca (Jann 2008). Standard errors are calculated using a non-parametric bootstrapping approach (Efron 1979). Unlike any other existing software implementation of the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition, oaxaca enables users to generate elegant bar graph visualizations of all decomposition results. The package is available free of charge, and can be installed from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) (2017) in the usual way: R> install.packages("oaxaca") In the next section, I give a brief description of the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition method. I then provide an overview of the oaxaca package's features in Section 3. In Section 4, I showcase them on an empirical example that examines the wage gap between native and foreign-born Hispanic workers in metropolitan Chicago. Section 5 concludes. 2. Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition This section provides an overview of the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition. It is by no means intended to be exhaustive, and primarily aims to give readers an understanding of the estimation procedures that the oaxaca package implements. Readers who are interested in a more comprehensive and rigorous treatment of the statistical method can refer to the excellent overview in Jann (2008), whose notation I follow with only a few minor adjustments. The aim of the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition is to explain how much of the difference in mean outcomes across two groups is due to group differences in the levels of explanatory variables, and how much is due to differences in the magnitude of regression coefficients (Oaxaca 1973; Blinder 1973). I will label the two groups as Group A and Group B. The mean outcome difference to be explained (AY) is simply the difference of the mean outcomes for observations in Group A and Group B, denoted as Ya and Yb, respectively: AY = YA- YB (1) 2.1. Threefold decomposition In the context of a linear regression, the mean outcome for Group G 6 {A, B} can be expressed as Yq = X'Gf3G, where Xq contains the mean values of explanatory variables and /3G are Marek Hlavac 3 the estimated regression coefficients. Hence, Ay can be rewritten as: AF = x'ApA - XB$B (2) This expression can, in turn, be written as the sum of the following three terms: Ay = (XA - XbYPb + X'b(Pa - Pb) + (*a ~ XB)\pA - pB) (3) endowments coefficients interaction Equation 3 is the threefold Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition of the mean outcome difference. The endowments term represents the contribution of differences in explanatory variables across groups, and the coefficients term is the part that is due to group differences in the coefficients. Finally, the interaction term accounts for the fact that cross-group differences in explanatory variables and coefficients can occur at the same time. The threefold decomposition can also be estimated separately for each explanatory variable: (XA - Xb)'$b = (xiA - X1b)Pib + (X2A - X2B)p2B + ... (4) V V V endowments variable 1 variable 2 X'b(Pa ~Pb) = XbWia - Pib)+X2B02A -p2B) + ... (5) "V *v* "V coefficients variable 1 variable 2 (XA - XB)'{pA - pB) = (X1A - X1b)0ia - Pib) + {X2A - X2B)02A - p2B) + ... (6) V V V interaction variable 1 variable 2 2.2. Twofold decomposition Alternatively, one can estimate a twofold Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition. The twofold approach decomposes the mean outcome difference with respect to a vector of reference coefficients PR. In the research literature on labor market discrimination, the reference coefficient vector has typically been interpreted to be non-discriminatory - in other words, as the set of regression coefficients that would emerge in a world of no labor market discrimination. Ay = (xA - xBYPR + x'A(pA - pR) + x'B(pR - pB) (7) V V V explained unexplained A unexplained B unexplained As Equation 7 shows, the twofold decomposition divides the difference in mean outcomes into a portion that is explained by cross-group differences in the explanatory variables, and a part that remains unexplained by these differences. The unexplained portion of the mean outcome gap has often been attributed to discrimination, but may also result from the influence of unobserved variables. It can be further decomposed into two sub-components, labeled "unexplained A" and "unexplained B" above. If one interprets the reference coefficient vector to be non-discriminatory, these sub-components measure 4 oaxaca: Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition in R the part of the mean difference in outcomes that originates from discrimination in favor of Group A and the part that comes from discrimination against Group B, respectively. Again, a detailed, variable-by-variable decomposition can also be estimated: {XA - Xb)'$r = (X1A - X1B)ßiR + {X2A - X2B)ß2R + ... (8) explained variable 1 variable 2 X'a($a - ßR) = Xia0ia - ßlR) + X2A(ß2A - ß2R) + ... (9) unexplained A variable 1 variable 2 X'B0R - ßB) = X2B(ß2R - ß2B) + X2B(ß2R - ß2B) +... (10) unexplained B variable 1 variable 2 The choice of the reference coefficients is generally up to the researcher. In the literature on labor market discrimination, it is often assumed that only one of the two groups faces discrimination - for instance, that only women or members of ethnic minorities are discriminated against. In such cases, the reference coefficients will simply be the coefficients from a regression on observations from one of the groups: either (3R = (3A or (3R = (3B. Some researchers have instead used a weighted average of (3A and (3B as the set of reference coefficients. Reimers (1983), for example, proposes giving equal weight to coefficients from regressions on Group A and Group B observations: ^ = 0.5^ + 0.5^ (11) Cotton (1988) suggests weighting the coefficients by the proportion of observations in the corresponding group: 0R = ~^^0A + ~^0B (12) nA + nB nA+ nB Other researchers still have advocated the use of coefficient estimates from a regression that pools observations from both Groups A and B, and includes (Jann 2008) or does not include (Neumark 1988) the group indicator variable as an additional regressor. The oaxaca package estimates results for all of the aforementioned choices of (3R, and also enables users to specify their own custom weights for (3A and (3B to construct a weighted average-based set of reference coefficients. 2.3. Sensitivity to the choice of omitted baseline category The results of Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions have been found to be sensitive to the researcher's choice of the omitted baseline category when categorical variables are included as covariates (Oaxaca and Ransom 1999). Typically, categorical explanatory variables are introduced as a set of indicator ("dummy") variables on the right hand side. To avoid perfect multicollinearity, one of the dummy variables is usually omitted, and represents the baseline category. The coefficients on the remaining dummy variables are then interpreted as Marek Hlavac 5 deviations from this omitted baseline. A linear regression model that contains a categorical explanatory variable may thus have the following general form: Y = ft + PiDt + p2D2 + foD3 + ■■■+ Pk-iVk-i + X'j + e (13) where Di, such that i = 1,... ,k — 1, are indicator variables that represent individual levels of a categorical variable. Category k is the omitted baseline. To ensure that the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition results are invariant to the user's choice of the omitted baseline category, oaxaca implements a procedure proposed by Gardeazabal and Ugidos (2004). More specifically, the package transforms the above regression model into: Y = A, + P1D1 + P2D2 + P3D3 + ■■■ + h-iDk-i + PkDk + X'j + e (14) where the new regression coefficients on the indicator variables are calculated by adding or subtracting an adjustment amount a to/from the original coefficients. The adjustment amount a is simply the sum of the original dummy coefficients (3 divided by k, the total number of categories: fc-i Eft a = (15) The adjustment amount is then added to the original intercept /3q: Po = Po + a (16) and subtracted from each of the other regression coefficients: Pi = Pi-a (17) for i = 1,..., k. The adjusted coefficients as well as the results of detailed variable-by-variable Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions, will remain the same regardless of the researcher's choice of the omitted category k. 2.4. Estimation uncertainty The oaxaca package provides a measure of the estimation uncertainty that accompanies each of its decomposition estimates. In particular, it reports bootstrapped standard errors based on a user-specified number (R) of sampling replicates (Efron 1979). The package uses the following procedures to calculate standard errors: 1. R resamples are randomly sampled with replacement from the relevant set of observations. 2. Decomposition estimates are calculated for each of the R resamples from Step 1. 3. The bootstrapped standard error is the standard deviation of the R decomposition estimates from Step 2. 6 oaxaca: Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition in R 3. Overview of the oaxaca package The oaxaca package consists of the main function oaxacaO, which performs the Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions, as well as of a related plot() method that produces a bar graph visualization of the decomposition results. In this section, I offer a brief overview of these functions' capabilities. A more detailed description of the arguments and output of both functions can be obtained by typing ?oaxaca or ?plot. oaxaca into the R console. 3.1. Decomposition estimation: Main function oaxaca() The main function oaxaca() performs both the threefold and the twofold variants of the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition using observations from the data frame provided in the data argument. The linear regression model for the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition is specified through the formula argument. Users can pass on a multiple-part formula that specifies the dependent variable (y), the explanatory variables (xl, x2, x3, etc.), as well as an indicator variable (z) that indicates whether an observation belongs to Group A (when z equals FALSE or 0) or Group B (when it equals TRUE or l). These variables, along with the functional form of the model, are passed on to the formula argument in an object of class "Formula" from the Formula package (Zeileis and Croissant 2010). Typically, the model formula takes the following form: y ~ xl + x2 + x3 + ... | z If the regression model contains dummies that represent a categorical variable (dl, d2, d3, etc.), these can be specified by adding another part to the formula: y ~ xl + x2 + x3 + ... | z | dl + d2 + d3 + ... When categorical variable dummies are specified, the oaxaca() function will automatically adjust estimates to be invariant with respect to the user's choice of the omitted baseline category. If the user does not include any other arguments, oaxacaO will estimate the Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions - both threefold and twofold - based on Ordinary Least Squares regressions (estimated via the standard lm() function), and will calculate standard errors based on 100 bootstrapping replicates. By default, oaxacaO estimates the twofold decomposition with Group A coefficients, Group B coefficients, their equally weighted average (Reimers 1983), a weighted average that reflects the number of observations in Groups A and B (Cotton 1988), as well with pooled coefficients - both including and excluding the group indicator variable (Neumark 1988; Jann 2008) - as the set of reference coefficients. These defaults can, however, easily be changed. Users can use the argument group. weights to specify additional relative weights of Group A and Group B coefficients in the estimation of the twofold decomposition. They can also choose, via the R argument, how many bootstrapping resamples should be drawn to calculate the standard errors. Last but not least, users can use a different regression function (argument reg.fun) to estimate the regression coefficients used in the decompositions. Note that, if a non-linear function such as glm() is chosen, the decomposition will be based on the linear systematic component - usually associated with the estimation of the corresponding latent variable - of the regression method. Marek Hlavac 7 The function oaxacaO returns an object of class "oaxaca", which can then be passed on to the plot() method to obtain a bar graph visualization of the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition results. The object contains lists named threefold and twofold which contain the results of the threefold and twofold decompositions, respectively. In addition, the object stores the regression coefficients used in the decomposition (component beta), the number of observations in each group that were used in the analysis (n), the number of bootstrapping replicates (R), the regression objects generated during the analysis (reg), as well as the mean values of both the dependent variable (y) and the explanatory variables (x). 3.2. Visualization: Method plotO The oaxaca package can produce easily customizable bar charts that visually summarize the results of its Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions. All bar charts are generated using the ggplot2 package (Wickham 2009). To visualize the decomposition results, the user simply passes an "oaxaca"-class object created by the main function oaxacaO to the plot() method. Users can choose which of the estimated decompositions to visualize. The decomposition argument determines whether a threefold or a twofold Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition will be shown, while the type argument specifies whether the bar graph will contain an overall decomposition or a detailed, variable-by-variable one. If the detailed decomposition type is selected, component. left determines whether decomposition components or variable names will be aligned along the left side of the graph. The argument weight allows the user to select which of the twofold decompositions should be shown, and the unexplained, split argument determines whether the unexplained components ought to be split into the two discrimination subcomponents ("unexplained A" and "unexplained B"). Users can, furthermore, choose which of the variables and decomposition components will be shown (arguments variables and components), as well as their labels (variable. labels and component .labels). Standard error bars that indicate confidence intervals can be toggled by the ci argument, and the confidence level adjusted by ci. level. Several formatting options are available. The bar graph's title can be set using the title argument, and axes can be labeled by xlab and ylab. Finally, users can change the colors of the bars by specifying the bar.color argument. 4. Example: Wages of native and foreign-born workers In this section, I use an empirical example to demonstrate the capabilities of the oaxaca package. In particular, I use the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition to explain the wage gap between native and foreign-born Hispanic workers in metropolitan Chicago. I analyze data from the Chicago data frame, included in the oaxaca package: R> data("Chicago") The Chicago data frame contains information about the demographic characteristics and labor market outcomes of 712 employed Hispanic workers in the Chicago metropolitan area. It is a subset of the 2013 Current Population Survey (CPS) Outgoing Rotation Groups (ORG) data set (Center for Economic and Policy Research 2014). These data have been used extensively in labor economics research (e.g., Holzer and Hlavac 2014). 8 oaxaca: Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition in R I am interested in decomposing the wage gap between native and foreign-born workers. The wage gap could be due to group differences in the level of wage determinants such as age, gender or education. Alternatively, the gap could arise from a differential effect of these determinants on native and immigrant workers' wages. I call the oaxacaO function to estimate the relative magnitudes of these channels' influence: R> results <- oaxaca(formula = real.wage ~ age + female + LTHS + + some.college + college + advanced.degree / foreign.born / LTHS + + some.college + college + advanced.degree, data = Chicago, R = 1000) As the formula argument indicates, the outcome variable in this decomposition is real.wage, the worker's real wage denominated in 2013 U.S. dollars. The values of the dependent variable had been obtained by exponentiating the natural logarithm of the workers' real wages (contained in the provided In.real.wage variable): R> chicago$real.wage <- exp(chicago$ln.real.wage) The linear regression model includes covariates that account for the workers' age, gender and education. LTHS ("less than high school"), some.college, college and advanced.degree are indicator variables that denote the highest level of education an individual has achieved. A high school education is the omitted baseline category. The variable foreign.born indicates whether a worker was born outside of the United States. Group A consists of native workers, and Group B of foreign-born ones. To make sure that the choice of the omitted baseline does not affect the decomposition estimates, the formula argument also specifies that the categorical variables denoting the education level ought to be adjusted. Bootstrapped standard errors are calculated based on 1,000 replicates. R> results$n $n.A [1] 287 $n.B [1] 379 $n.pooled [1] 666 The n component of the resulting "oaxaca"-class object indicates that there are = 287 native and = 379 foreign-born workers in the analyzed sample. The pooled analysis contains + ns = 666 observations. Marek Hlavac 9 R> results$y $y.A [1] 17.58282 $y.B [1] 14.56725 $y.diff [1] 3.015574 The y component of the resulting "oaxaca"-class object indicates that the mean real wage is $17.58 for the natives (Group A) and $14.57 for foreign-born workers, leaving the difference of approximately $3.02 to be explained by the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition. 4.1. Threefold decomposition First, I look at the results of the threefold Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition: R> results$threefold$overall coef(endowments) se(endowments) coef(coefficients) se(coefficients) 1.6165339 0.6565025 2.8333261 0.8936198 coef(interaction) se(interaction) -1.4342857 0.7953771 The results of the threefold decomposition suggest that, of the $3.02 difference, approximately $1.62 can be attributed to group differences in endowments (i.e., age, gender, education), $2.83 to differences in coefficients, and the remaining -$1.43 is accounted for by the interaction of the two. Next, I examine the endowments and coefficients components of the threefold decomposition variable by variable. This is most easily done by using the plot() method: R> plot(results, components = c("endowments"/'coefficients")) Figure 1 shows the estimation results for each variable, along with error bars that indicate 95% confidence intervals. In the endowments component, most variables appear to have a statistically insignificant (or only marginally significant) influence, with the sole exception of LTHS. It seems that a significant portion of the native-immigrant wage gap is driven by group differences in the proportion of individuals with less than a high school education. R> summary(results$reg$reg.pooled.2)$coefficients["LTHS",] Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) -2.86539843 0.89467794 -3.20271499 0.00142703 10 oaxaca: Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition in R advanced.degree (Base) some.college ■ college ■ advanced.degree ■ (Base) ■ Endowments T T hH; 1 a j 1 • 1 i, J Coefficients ■ ■ ' : ' T1 1 I 1 -1 0-5 0 J 5 1 0 Figure 1: The endowments and coefficients components of a threefold Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition of the native vs. immigrant wage gap. Marek Hlavac 11 R> results$x$x.mean.diff["LTHS"] LTHS -0.2693959 Individuals with less human capital tend to earn less, as can be seen from the pooled regression coefficient on LTHS reported above. Furthermore, the value of x.mean.diff shows that a greater proportion of foreign-born Hispanic workers have not attained a high school education. The difference in the educational composition of native and immigrant worker groups thus accounts for some portion of the natives' higher wages. Similarly, most variables are either insignificant or exhibit only marginal statistical significance in the coefficients component. The only variable which achieves clear statistical significance is age. R> results$beta$beta.diff["age"] age 0.1860063 As the difference in the age coefficients between natives and immigrants shows, the wage payoff of an additional year of age is greater for U.S.-born Hispanic workers by almost 19 cents. As Figure 1 makes clear, differences in the regression coefficients on age account for the decisive portion of the wage gap. 4.2. Twofold decomposition Next, I look at the results of the twofold Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition. In the output below, the weight column indicates the relative weights of coefficients from a regression on observations from Groups A and B, respectively, in the reference coefficient vector (3R. The two negative weights indicate that the reference coefficients come from pooled regressions either without (-1) or with (-2) the group indicator variable included as a covariate. R> results$twofold$overall group.weight coef(explained) se(explained) coef(unexplained) se(unexplained) [1J 0. 0000000 1 .6165339 0.6565025 1.399040 0.9415643 [2J 1. 0000000 0 .1822482 0.7126499 2.833326 0.8936198 [3J 0. 5000000 0 .8993911 0.5579216 2.116183 0.8272809 [4J 0. 4309309 0 .9984559 0.5653354 2.017118 0.8254298 [5J -1. 0000000 1 .3557222 0.5059496 1.659852 0.6589794 [6J -2. 0000000 0 .9525717 0.5220180 2.063003 0.8269841 coef ( ^unexplained A) se(unexpl ained A) coef(unexplained B) se( unexplained B) [1J 1.399040e+00 9.415643e-01 0.0000000 0.0000000 [2J 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.8333261 0.8936198 [3J 6.995202e- -01 4.707821e-01 1.4166630 0.4468099 [4J 7.961506e- -01 4.057492e-01 1.2209678 0.5085314 [5J 9.445705e- -01 3.763768e-01 0.7152816 0.2858236 [6J 4.490852e- -14 3.801248e-14 2.0630026 0.8269841 12 oaxaca: Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition in R For presentational ease, I focus my discussion on the Neumark (1988) decomposition, which uses pooled regression coefficients (from a regression that does not include the group indicator variable foreign.born) as the reference coefficient set. The Neumark decomposition is denoted by -1 in the weights column. The results of the overall twofold decomposition indicate that the $3.02 wage gap between native and foreign-born Hispanic workers can be decomposed into $1.36 that can be explained by group differences in the explanatory variables and $1.66 that is unexplained. Let us assume that the unexplained component of the wage gap occurs due to labor market discrimination, and that the pooled regression coefficients are non-discriminatory. The Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition would then also indicate that $0.94 of the unexplained part originates from discrimination in favor of native Hispanic workers (component "unexplained A"), while $0.72 comes from discrimination against those who are born outside of the United States (component "unexplained B"). The standard errors provide a sense of the uncertainty that accompanies all of the point estimates. R> plot(results, decomposition = "twofold", group.weight = -1) Figure 2 provides a variable-by-variable twofold decomposition. The results are consistent with the threefold composition. It appears that the wage gap is driven largely by the lower proportion of workers with less than a high school education among the natives (in the explained component) and by the native workers' greater returns to age. I can explore the unexplained component even further. In Figure 3, I examine three variables from the decomposition - age, female and college - and visualize how much of the unexplained portion of the wage gap can be attributed to discrimination in favor of the natives, and how much is due to discrimination against the immigrants. R> plot(results, decomposition = "twofold", weight = -1, + unexplained.split = TRUE, components = c("unexplained A", + "unexplained B"), component.labels = c("unexplained A" = + "In Favor of Natives", "unexplained B" = "Against the Foreign-Born"), + variables = c("age", "female", "college"), variable.labels = c("age" = + "Years of Age", "female" = "Female", "college" = "College Education")) I use a variety of plot() method arguments to customize the formatting of the resulting bar graph. Through the components and component. labels arguments, I choose to display only the two subparts - "unexplained A" (i.e., discrimination in favor of Group A) and "unexplained B" (discrimination against Group B) - of the unexplained decomposition component, and attach appropriate labels to them. Similarly, I use the variables and variable. labels arguments to select and label the variables I examine. It appears that only the discrimination components for the age variable (labeled "Years of Age" in the bar graph) achieve non-marginal statistical significance. The relative size of the bars suggests that - if we assume that the pooled regression coefficients reflect a state of non-discrimination - almost twice as much of the wage gap is explained by discrimination against foreign-born workers as it is by discrimination in favor of native ones. The comparison would be a little easier to make if the discrimination components bar charts were presented side-by-side for each variable separately. This can be achieved by switching on Marek Hlavac (Intercept) -age-female -LTHS-some.college -college -advanced.degree -(Base)- Explained age 4 = Unexplained - 1 ■ - 1 1 i 1 1 ' 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 _ 10 i i i 5 0 5 10 Figure 2: The explained and unexplained components of a twofold Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition of the native vs. immigrant wage gap. 14 oaxaca: Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition in R Years of Age Female College Education Years of Age Female College Education In Favor of Natives _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 Against the Foreign-Born 1 . 1 1 L Figure 3: The unexplained portion's discrimination sub-components in a twofold Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition of the native vs. immigrant wage gap. Marek Hlavac 15 the component. left argument in the plot() method. The resulting bar graph is presented in Figure 4. R> plot(results, decomposition = "twofold", weight = -1, + unexplained.split = TRUE, components = c("unexplained A", + "unexplained B"), component.labels = c("unexplained A" = + "In Favor of Natives", "unexplained B" = "Against the Foreign-Born"), + component.left = TRUE, variables = c("age","female","college"), + variable.labels = c("age" = "Years of Age", "female" = "Female", + "college" = "College Education")) In Favor of Natives Against the Foreign-Born In Favor of Natives Against the Foreign-Born Years of Age Female College Education In Favor of Natives Against the Foreign-Born 0.0 2.5 5.0 Figure 4: The unexplained portion's discrimination sub-components in a twofold Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition of the native vs. immigrant wage gap. An alternative presentation. 16 oaxaca: Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition in R Specific numerical values of the point estimates of the unexplained discrimination components can, of course, be obtained directly from the "oaxaca"-class object: R> variables <- c("age", "female", "college") R> columns <- c("group.weight", "coef(unexplained A)", "coef(unexplained B)") R> results$twofold$variables[[5]][variables, columns] group.weight coef(unexplained A) coef(unexplained B) age -1 4.3191008 2.3980443 female -1 -0.8285489 -0.4832824 college -1 0.3777076 0.3428246 To summarize, I have used the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition to examine the wage gap between native and foreign-born Hispanic workers in the Chicago metropolitan area. The results of my analysis suggest that much of the gap can be explained by two facts: • There are more workers with less than a high school education in the foreign-born group. Workers with a lower stock of human capital tend to command lower wages in the labor market. As a result, the relatively less-educated group of foreign-born Hispanic workers will, on average, earn lower wages than their native counterparts. • The returns to age are greater for native workers than for the immigrants. In other words, even if the foreign-born workers had the same average age as the natives, the native group would, on average, earn higher wages than immigrants. This result makes some intuitive sense if we interpret age as potentially picking up the effect of labor market experience. The higher returns to age among the natives may, for instance, reflect the differential availability of more lucrative jobs with greater opportunities for career growth. 5. Concluding remarks In this article, I have introduced the oaxaca package for the R statistical programming language. It is the first R package that allows researchers to estimate Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions, a statistical method that decomposes differences in mean outcomes across two groups into a part that is due to group differences in the levels of explanatory variables and a part that is due to differential magnitudes of regression coefficients. oaxaca estimates threefold and twofold Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions for linear models, and also provides estimates for a detailed, variable-by-variable decomposition. Each point estimate is presented with a bootstrapped standard error that measures the corresponding estimation uncertainty. I have demonstrated the package's capabilities through an empirical example that examines the wage gap between native and foreign-born Hispanic workers in the Chicago metropolitan area. In doing so, I have also showcased the oaxaca package's unique visualization features that allow users to graphically summarize the results of their decompositions. 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