Téma 1 - Úvod do studia "hard-to-reach" populací - Vidovićová
Sčítání osob bez domova VUPSV,v.v.i . 2019: http://praha.vupsv.cz/Fulltext/vz_458.pdf
Doporučuji registraci na webinar:
Gateway to Global Aging Data
Workshop featuring Harmonized SHARE
Wednesday, October 16 at 8:00 AM LA / 11:00 AM NY / 4:00 PM London / 5:00 PM Berlin
This webinar offers a more advanced training for researchers looking to conduct
cross-national and longitudinal research using the international family of
Health and Retirement surveys and in particular using the Harmonized SHARE.
Utilizing the Gateway to Global Aging Data, this webinar will provide hands-on
examples of cross-national and longitudinal analysis using Harmonized datasets.
Register at:https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8957786503016820492.