{ World Media Systems Week 3 ÑWhat does globalization mean to you? Ñ ÑDo you think people, countries, and regions of the world are growing closer together or moving further apart? In what ways? Ñ ÑWhat factors are causing the world to come closer together or to move further apart? Ñ ÑWhat is the role of travel, communication technology, media companies, and audience media use in bringing the world closer together or moving it farther apart? Ñ ÑWhat groups of people from which countries or regions might be dissatisfied with or concerned about the way in which media affect the world coming closer together or moving farther apart? What do you think their concerns are? Ñ -A modern and old phenomenon - -A kind of worldwide climate in which people industries, governments and countries across the world are being propelled into closer political, economic, and cultural unions - Ñ- Leading impetus is corporate profit-making initiative Ó- Has fostered the creation of an acting supranational governance network (UN, WTO, IMF, ITU, etc.) Ñ Globalization ÑInternational Travel ÓIncreases knowledge and interaction ÓStimulates industries and options Ó ÑCommunication Technologies ÓFacilitates communication across boundaries and borders ÓStimulates corporate growth globally Ó ÑGlobal Media Conglomerates ÓA giant parent corporation (i.e. a very complex organization) that maintains an extended reach (i.e. operating transnationally) and presides over an amalgamation of subsidiaries with decentralized value system. ÓChallenging conceptions of nationality as it pertains to self-identity Ô‘Country’ still important as unit for understanding media and its usage Ô ÑAudience Curiosity (regarding other parts of the world) ÓEngaging foreign media content means acquiring the will, taste, skills, and sensitivity to do so Ñ Ñ Four Factors Stimulating Globalization §Homogenization of Media Ñ §Unfairness in Global Information Flow Ñ §Spread of Cultural Imperialism Ñ Criticisms of Globalization ÑWhat does the term system mean to you? Ñ ÑWhat qualifies something as a system? Ñ ÑWhat is a particular system that affects your life? What are the basic elements of that system? Ñ ÑHow do the elements of the system relate to each other? How do the elements help the system to function? Ñ Ñ •Cultural Characteristics •Philosophies for Media Systems •Regulation of Media •Financing of Media •Accessibility of Media •Media Content •News Reporting •Media Imports and Exports •Media Audiences Ñ Elements of a Media System ÑMerging Technologies/Merging Industries Ódigital, interactive, asynchronous, quality, convergence, etc. ÑEvolving regulation, evolving lifestyles ÓNarrowcasting, produsers (participative features of social media) ÑTechnological Determinism vs. Cultural Determinism ÑPolitical Economy and Cultural Studies Ñ The Changing Media ÑTheory of relationship between communication practices, symbols, and technologies Ñ Ñ ÑMass media communication = selective production of information Ñ ÑFields of Selection = Frames for selecting information •News •Advertising •Entertainment •Overlap in style/substance across three fields (towards commercial ends) Ô ÑSocial Function of Mass Media Ñ“Reality” needs a communication medium to manifest itself Ñ Ó Ô Ñ Ñ