Cultural Security | Topics for Revision ✓ What is cultural security ✓ Role and place of culture in political processes ✓ The iceberg of culture ✓ Culture as an independent variable (examples!) ✓ Culture as a dependent variable (examples!) ✓ Culture in historical development of the international system ✓ Culture in the main theories of political sciences ✓ Obstacles and barriers for culture ✓ Culture as the soft power ✓ The influence of Constructivism ✓ Culture – a structure or the agency? ✓ Cultural motivations for behaviour ✓ Political culture vs Civic culture ✓ Cultural diffusion ✓ Narrow and wide understanding of cultural security ✓ Conceptualisation of culture (characteristic features discussed by Szacka) ✓ Culture and civilization (two traditions) ✓ Elements of national identity (epos, genos, logos, ethos, topos) ✓ “The End of History”- Francis Fukuyama ✓ “Clash of Civilisations”- Samuel P. Huntington ✓ “Jihad versus McWorld” - Benjamin R. Barber ✓ “The Third Wave” – Alvin and Heidi Toffler ✓ ”Global ecumene” - Ulf Hannerz ✓ “Global cultural flows” - Arjun Appadurai ✓ “Glocalisation” - Roland Robertson ✓ Societal security ✓ Traditional cultural security challenges ✓ Ethnic and national minorities ✓ Ethnopolitics ✓ Cultural, economic and territorial segmentation ✓ Ethnopolitical goals ✓ Kin state ✓ Focal points of identities and their connection to political agenda ✓ Nature and level of claims ✓ Differences between the biological, ideological, and economical vs. normative theories of human life; ✓ The new culture wars ✓ Identity politics ✓ Gramsci and cultural hegemony ✓ Norms versus laws (does universal culture exist?) ✓ Types of social norms; ✓ 6 civilisational difference markers; ✓ Quincunx and it categories; ✓ Models of ethics vs. law relations and their implications; ✓ Models of cognition vs. ideology relations and their implications; ✓ Turanian/Turan civilisation; ✓ Latin civilisation; Cultural Security | Topics for Revision ✓ Byzantine civilisation; ✓ Inter-civilisational relations (principles, consequences according to the normative framework); Readings: 1. Francis Fukuyama, End of History; 2. Samuel Huntington, Clash of Civilisations; 3. Douglas Murray, The Strange Death of Europe (chapter 7); 4. Anthony D Smith, The Concept [of Nationalism] and Its Varieties; 5. Edward Younkins, Why the World is the Way It Is: Cultural Relativism and Its Descendents [online]; 6. Pluckrose & Lindsay, Cynical Theories (chapter 1);