Sage Publications, Ltd. is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Peace Research. Violence, Peace, and Peace Research Author(s): Johan Galtung Source: Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 6, No. 3 (1969), pp. 167-191 Published by: Sage Publications, Ltd. Stable URL: Accessed: 07-04-2015 01:57 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VIOLENCE, PEACE, AND PEACE RESEARCH* By JOHAN GALTUNG International Peace Research Institute, Oslo 1. Introduction In the presentpaper we shall be using the word 'peace'very many times. Few words are so often used and abused- perhaps,it seems, because 'peace' serves as a means of obtainingverbalconsensus-it ishardto be all-out against peace.l Thus, when effortsaremade to plead almost any kindof policy- say technicalassistance,increased trade,tourism,new formsof education, irrigation, industrialization, etc.- then it is often assertedthat that policy, in addition to other merits,will also servethecauseof peace. This is done regardless of how tenuous the relation has been in the past or how dubious the theory justifying this as a reasonableexpectation for the future. Such difficultiesare avoided by excluding any referenceto data from the past or to theories about the future. This practice is not necessarily harmful. The use of the term 'peace' may in itself be peace-productive, producing a common basis, a feeling of communality in purpose that may pave the ground for deeper ties later on. The use of more precise terms drawn from the vocabulary of one conflict group, and excluded from the vocabulary of the opponent group, may in itself cause dissent and lead to manifest conflict precisely because the term is so clearly understood. By projecting an image of harmony of interests the term 'peace' may also help bring about such a harmony. It provides opponents with a one-word language in which to express values of concern and togetherness because peace is on anybody's agenda.2 One may object that frequent use of the word 'peace' gives an unrealistic image of the world. Expressions like 'violence', 'strife', 'exploitation' or at least 'conflict', 'revolution' and war should gain much higher frequency to mirror semantically a basically non-harmonious world. But leaving this major argument aside for the moment, it is obvious that some level of precision is necessary for the term to serve as a cognitive tool. At this point, of course, nobody has any monopoly on defining 'peace'. But those who use the term frequently in a research context, as peace researchers (will do) do, will at least havegained some experience when it comes to definitions that should be avoidedfor one reason or another. To discuss the idea of peace we shall start from three simple principles: 1. The term 'peace' shall be used for social goals at least verballyagreedto by many, if not necessarilyby most. 2. Thesesocial goals maybe complexand difficult, but not impossible, to attain. 3. The statementpeace is absence of violence shall be retainedas valid. The third principle is not a definition, since it is a clear case of obscurumper obscurius. What we intend is only that This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 168 Johan Galtung the terms 'peace' and 'violence' be linked to each other such that 'peace' can be regarded as 'absence of violence'. The reasons at this early point in our semantical excursion, are twofold: the statement is simple and in agreement with common usage, and defines a peaceful social ordernot as a point but as region as the vast region of social orders from which violence is absent. Within this region a tremendousamount of variation is still possible, making an orientation in favor of peace compatible with a number of ideologies outlining other aspects of social orders. Everything now hinges on making a definition of 'violence'. This is a highly unenviable task, and the suggestions will hardly be satisfactory to many readers. However, it is not so important to arrive at anything like the definition, or the typology - for there are obviously many typesof violence. More importantis to indicate theoreticallysignificantdimensions of violence that can lead thinking, research and, potentially, action, towards the most important problems. If peace action is to be regardedhighly because it is action against violence, then the concept of violence must be broad enough to include the most significantvarieties, yet specific enough to serve as a basis for concrete action. Thus, the definition of 'peace'becomes a major part of a scientific strategy. It may depart from common usage by not being agreed to 'by most' (consensus not required),yet should not be entirely subjectivistic ('agreed to by many'). It should depict a state of affairsthe realization of which is not utopian ('not impossdile to obtain'), yet not on the immediate political agenda ('complex and bifficult'). And it should immediately steer one's attention towards problems that are on the political, intellectual, and scientific agenda of today, and to- morrow.2 2. On the definition and dimensions of 'violence' As a point of departure,let us say that violenceis present whenhumanbeingsare being influencedso that theiractualsomatic and mental realizations are below theirpotentialrealizations.This statement may lead to moreproblemsthanit solves. However, it will soon be clear why we are rejecting the narrow concept of violence - according to which violence is somatic incapacitation, or deprivation of health, alone (with killing as the extreme form), at the hands of an actor who intends this to be the consequence. If this were all violence is about, and peace is seen as its negation, then too little is rejected when peace is held up as an ideal. Highly unacceptable social orders would still be compatible with peace. Hence, an extended concept of violence is indispensablebut that concept should be a logical extension, not merely a list of undesirables. The definition points to at least six important dimensions of violence. But first some remarks about the use of the key words above, 'actual' and 'potential'. Violence is here definedas the cause of the difference between the potential and the actual, between what could have been and what is. Violence is that which increases the distancebetween the potential and the actual, and that which impedes the decrease of this distance. Thus, if a person died from tuberculosis in the eighteenth century it would be hard to conceive of this as violence since it might have been quite unavoidable, but if he dies from it today, despite all the medical resources in the world, then violence is present according to our definition. Correspondingly, the case of people dying from earthquakes today would not warrant an analysis in terms of violence,3but the day after tomorrow, when earthquakes may become avoidable, such deaths may be seen as the result of voiThis content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Violence, Peace, and Peace Research 169 lence. In other words, when the potential is higher than the actual is by definition avoidableand when it is avoidable, then violence is present. When the actual is unavoidable, then violence is not present even if the actual is at a very low level. A life expectancy of thirty years only, during the neolithic period, was not an expression of violence, but the same life-expectancy today (whether due to wars, or social injustice, or both) would be seen as violence according to our definition. Thus,the potentiallevel of realizationis that which is possible with a given level of insight and resources.If insight and/or resources are monopolized by a group or class or are used for otherpurposes,thenthe actual level falls below thepotentiallevel, andviolenceis presentin the system.In additionto thesetypesof indirectviolence there is also the direct violence where means of realization are not withheld, but directly destroyed. Thus, when a war is fought thereis directviolencesincekillingor hurtinga personcertainlyputs his 'actual somatic realization' below his 'potential somatic realization'. But there is also indirectviolence insofar as insight and resources are channelled away from constructive efforts to bring the actual closer to the potential.4 The meaning of 'potential realizations' is highly problematic, especially when we move from somatic aspects of human life, where consensus is more readily obtained5, to mental aspects. Our guide here would probably often have to be whether the value to be realized is fairly consensual or not, although this is by no means satisfactory. For example, literacy is held in high regardalmost everywhere, whereas the value of being Christian is highly controversial. Hence, we would talk about violence if the level of literacy is lower than what it could have been, not if the level of Christianity is lower than what it could have been. We shall not try to explore this difficult point further in this context, but turn to the dimensions of violence. To discuss them, it is useful to conceive of violence in terms of influence, as indicated in the statement we used as a point of departure above. A complete influence relation presupposes an influencer, an influencee, and a mode of influencing.6 In the case of persons, we can put it very simply: a subject, an object, and an action. But this conception of violence in terms of a complete interpersonal influence relation will lead us astray by focussing on a very special type of violence only; also truncated versions where either subject or object or both are absent are highly significant. To approach this we shall start with two dimensions characterizing the violent action itself, or the mode of in- fluence. The first distinction to be made is between physical and psychological violence. The distinction is trite but important mainly because the narrow concept of violence mentioned above concentrates on physical violence only. Under physical violence human beings are hurt somatically, to the point of killing. It is useful to distinguish further between 'biological violence', which reduces somatic capability (below what is potentially possible), and 'physical violence as such', which increases the constraint on human movements7- as when a person is imprisonedorputin chains,butalso when access to transportation is very unevenly distributed, keeping large segments of a population at the same place with mobility a monopoly of the selected few. But that distinction is less important than the basic distinction between violence that works on the body, and violence that works on the soul; wherethe latterwould include lies, brainwashing,indoctrination of various kinds, threats, etc. that serve to decrease mental potentialities. (Incidentally, it is interesting that such English words as 'hurt' and 'hit' can be used to express psychological as well as physThis content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 170 Johan Galtung ical violence: this doubleness is already built into the language.) The second distinction is between the negative and positive approach to influence.8 Thus, a person can be influenced not only by punishing him when he does what the influencerconsiders wrong, but also by rewarding him when he does what the influencer considers right. Instead of increasing the constraints on his movements the constraints may be decreasedinstead of increased,and somatic capabilities extended instead of reduced. This may be readily agreed to, but does it have anythingto do with violence?Yes, because the net result may still be that human beings are effectively prevented from realizing their potentialities. Thus, many contemporary thinkers9emphasize that the consumer's society rewards amply he who goes in for consumption, while not positively punishing him who does not. The system is reward-oriented, based on promises of euphoria, but in so being also narrows down the ranges of action. It may be disputed whether this is better or worse than a system that limits the range of action because of the dysphoric consequences of staying outside the permitted range. It is perhaps better in terms of giving pleasure rather than pain, worse in terms of being more manipulatory, less overt. But the important point is, the awareness of the concept of violence can be extended in this direction, since it yields a much richer basis for discussion. The third distinctionto be made is on the object side: whether or not there is an object that is hurt. Can we talk about violence when no physical or biological object is hurt? This would be a case of what is referred to above as truncated violence, but nevertheless highly meaningful. When a person, a group, a nation is displaying the means of physical violence, whetherthrowing stones around or testingnucleararms,theremaynot beviolence in the sense that anyone is hit or hurt, but there is nevertheless the threat of physical violenceand indirect threat of mental violence that may even be characterized as some type of psychological violence sinceit constrainshuman action. Indeed, this is also the intention: the famous balance of power doctrine is based on efforts to obtain precisely this effect. And correspondinglywith psychological violence that does not reach any object: a lie does not become more of a truth because nobody believes in the lie. Untruthfulness is violence according to this kind of thinkingunderany condition, which does not mean that it cannot be the least evil under some widely discussed circumstances. Is destruction of things violence? Again, it would not be violence according to the complete definition above, but possibly some 'degenerate' form. But in at least two senses it can be seen as psychological violence: the destruction of things as a foreboding or threat of possible destruction of persons,10and the destruction of things as destruction of something very dear to persons referred to as consumers or owners.11 The fourth distinctionto be made and the most important one is on the subject side: whether or not there is a subject (person) who acts. Again it may be asked: can we talk about violence when nobody is committing direct violence, is acting? This would also be a case of what is referredto above as truncatedviolence, but again highly meaningful. We shall refer to the type of violence where there is an actor that commits the violence as personal or direct,and to violence where there is no such actor as structural or indirect.12In both cases individuals may be killed or mutilated, hit or hurt in both senses of these words, and manipulated by means of stick or carrot strategies. But whereas in the first case these consequences can be tracedback to concrete This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Violence, Peace, and Peace Research 171 persons as actors, in the second case this is no longer meaningful. There may not be any personwho directlyharmsanother person in the structure. The violence is built into the structure and shows up as unequal powerandconsequently as unequal life chances.'3 Resources are unevenly distributed, as when income distributions are heavily skewed, literacy/education unevenly distributed,medical servicesexistentin some districtsand for some groups only, and so on.'4 Above all the power to decide over the distributionof resources is unevenly distributed.l5The situation is aggravated furtherif the persons low on income are also low in education, low on health, and low on power - as is frequently the case because these rank dimensions tend to be heavily correlated due to the way they are tied together in the social structure.'6 Marxist criticism of capitalist society emphasizeshow the power to decide over the surplus from the production process is reserved for the owners of the means of production, who then can buy themselves into top positions on all other rank dimensions because money is highly convertible in a capitalist society - if you have money to convert, that is. Liberal criticism of socialist society similarly emphasizes how power to decide is monopolized by a small group who convert power in one field into power in another field simply because the opposition cannot reach the stage of effective articula- tion. The importantpoint hereis that if people are starving when this is objectively avoidable, then violence is committed, regardless of whether there is a clear subject-action-object relation, as during a siege yesterday or no such clear relation, as in the way world economic relations are organized today.17 We have baptized the distinction in two different ways, using the word-pairs personalstructuraland direct-indirectrespectively. Violence with a clear subject-objectrelation is manifest because it is visible as action. It corresponds to our ideas of what dramais, and it is personal because there are persons committing the violence. It is easily captured and expressed verbally since it has the same structure as elementary sentences in (at least IndoEuropean) languages: subject-verb-object, with both subject and object being persons. Violence without this relation is structural, built into structure. Thus, when one husband beats his wife there is a clear case of personal violence, but when one million husbands keep one million wives in ignorance there is structural violence. Correspondingly, in a society where life expectancy is twice as high in the upper as in the lower classes, violence is exercised even if there are no concrete actors one can point to directly attacking others, as when one person kills another. In order not to overwork the word violence we shall sometimes refer to the condition of structuralviolence as social injustice.18 The term 'exploitation' will not be used, for several reasons. First, it belongs to a political vocabulary, and has so many political and emotional overtones that the use of this term will hardly facilitate communication. Second, the term lends itself too easily to expressions involving the verb exploit, which in turn may lead attention away from the structural as opposed to the personal nature of this phenomenon - and even lead to often unfounded accusations about intended structuralviolence.19 The fifth distinction to be made is between violence that is intended or unintended.This distinction is important when guilt is to be decided, since the concept of guilt has been tied more to intention,both in Judaeo-Christianethics and in Roman jurisprudence, than to consequence (whereas the present definition of violence is entirely located on This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 172 Johan Galtung the consequence side). This connection is important because it brings into focus a bias present in so much thinking about violence, peace, and related concepts: ethical systems directed against intended violence will easily fail to capture structural violence in their nets - and may hence be catching the small fry and letting the big fish loose. From this fallacy it does not follow, in our mind, that the opposite fallacy of directing all attention against structural violence is elevated into wisdom. If the concernis with peace, and peace is absence of violence, then action should be directedagainstpersonal as well as structural violence; a point to be developed below. Sixth, there is the traditional distinction between two levels of violence, the manifest and the latent.20Manifest violence, whether personal or structural, is observable; although not directly since the theoretical entity of 'potential realization' also enters the picture. Latent violence is something which is not there, yet might easily come about. Since violence by definition is the cause of the difference (or of maintaining the nondecrease) between actual and potential realization, increasedviolence may come about by increasesin the potential as well as by decreases in the actual levels. However, we shall limit ourselves to the latter and say that there is latent violence when the situation is so unstable that the actual realization level 'easily' decreases. For personal violence this would mean a situation where a little challenge would trigger considerable killing and atrocity, as is often the case in connection with racial fights. In such cases we need a way of expressing that the personal violence is also there the day, hour, minute, second before the firstbomb, shot, fist-fight, cry - and this is what the concept of latent, personal violence does for us. It indicates a situation of unstable equilibrium, where the level of actual realization is not sufficiently protected against deterioriationby upholding mechanisms. Similarly with structural violence: we could imagine a relatively egalitarian structure insufficiently protected against sudden feudalization, against crystallization into a much more stable, even petrified, hierarchical structure. A revolution brought about by means of a highly hierarchical military organization may after a brilliant period of egaliatarianism, and after major challenge, revert to a hierarchical structure. One way of avoiding this, of course, is to avoid hierarchicalgroup struggleorganizations in the first run, and use nonviolent nonhierarchical guerrilla organizations in the fight so as to let the means be a preview of the egalitariangoal.21 That concludes our list of dimensions of violence, although many more could be included. One question that immediately arises is whether any combinations from these six dichotomies can be ruled out a priori, but there seems to be no such case. Structural violence without objectsis also meaningful;truncation of the complete violence relation can go so far as to eliminate both subjects and objects. Personal violence is meaningful as a threat, a demonstration even when nobody is hit, and structuralviolence is also meaningful as a blueprint, as an abstract form without social life, used to threaten people into subordination: if you do not behave, we shall have to reintroduceall the disagreeablestructures we had before. Disregardingthe negative-positive distinction as less important in this context, we end up, essentially, with the typology illustrated in Figure 1. If peace now is regardedas absence of violence, then thinking about peace (and consequently peace research and peace action) will be structured the same way as thinking about violence. And the violence cake can evidently be cut a This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Violence, Peace, and Peace Research 173 Figure 1. A Typologyof Violence intended . i. manifest VTIOLENCFr 4, structural 4, without objects not intended physical - * - personal psychological *--es"ol J Y? without with objects objects number of ways. Tradition has been to think about violence as personal violence only, with one important subdivision in terms of 'violence vs. the threat of violence', another in terms of 'physical vs. psychological war', still another (important in ethical and legal thinking) about 'intended vs. unintended', and so on. The choice is here to make the distinction between personal and structural violence the basic one; justification has been presented (1) in terms of a unifying perspective (the cause of the difference between potential and actual realization) and (2) by indicating that there is no reason to assume that structuralviolence amounts to less suffering than personal violence. On the other hand, it is not strange that attention has been focussed more on personal than on structural violence. Personal violence shows.22The object of personal violence perceives the violence, usually, and may complain - the object of structural violence may be persuaded not to perceive this at all. Personal violence representschange and dynamism not only ripples on waves, but waves on otherwise tranquilwaters. Structuralviolence is silent, it does not show - it is essentially static, it is the tranquilwaters. In a static society, personal violence will be registered,whereas structuralviolence may be seen as about as natural as the air around us. Conversely: in a highly dynamic society, personal violence may be seen as wrong and harmful but still somehow congruent with the order of ' latent _ physical ^ ^~> ~psychological with objects things, whereas structural violence becomes apparentbecause it stands out like an enormous rock in a creek, impeding the free flow, creating all kinds of eddies and turbulences. Thus, perhaps it is not so strange that the thinking about personal violence (in the Judaeo-ChristianRoman tradition) took on much of its present form in what we today would regard as essentially static social orders, whereas thinking about structural violence (in the Marxist tradition) was formulated in highly dynamic northwestEuropean societies. In other words, we conceive of structural violence as something that shows a certain stability, whereas personal violence (e.g. as measuredby the tolls caused by group conflict in general and war in particular) shows tremendous fluctuations over time. This is illustrated in Figure 2. violence , level - ? I > time Figure2. TimeandtheTwoTypesof Violence This is to a large extent tautological. A type of violence built into the social structure should exhibit a certain stability: social structuresmay perhaps sometimes be changed over night, but they may not very often be changed that quickly. Personal violence, which to a larger extent is seen as subject to the whims and wishes of individuals, should show less stability. Hence personal vioIY - - -44 This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 174 Johan Galtung lence may more easily be noticed, even though the 'tranquilwaters' of structural violence may contain much more violence. For this reason we would expect a focus or personal violence in after-war periods lest they should become betweenwar periods; and if the periods protracts sufficiently for the major outburst of personal violence to be partly forgotten, we would expect a concentration on structuralviolence, provided the societies are dynamicenough to makeanystability standout as somehow unnatural.23 3. The means of personal and structural violence To make this distinction less abstract, let us now explore how personal and structural violence, are, in fact, carried out. Starting with personal violence, concentration on 'actual somatic realization': how can it be reduced or kept low at the hands of somebody else? The question is simple, as are the answers since they suggest an instrumental approach to the problem of violence. There is a wellspecified task to be done, that of doing bodily harm unto others, and there are persons available to do it. But this is a production relation, suggesting a 'development' much like in the economic sector of society, with the introduction of increasinglyrefinedtools and differentiated social organization - only that the tools in this case are referredto as weapons or arms, and the organization is not called a workshop or a factory, but a gang or an army. A typology of personal, physical violence can now be developed focussing on the tools used, starting with the human body itself (in the elementary forms of fist fights and the more advanced forms, such as Karate and Aikido), proceeding towards all kinds of arms culminating, so far, with ABC weapons. Another approach would use the form of organization, starting with the lone individual, proceeding via mobs and crowds ending up with the organizations of modem guerrilla or army warfare. These two approaches are related:just as in economic organizationsthe means and mode of production (here direct bodily violence) depend on each other, and if one is lagging behind a conflict will arise.Together these two approaches would yield the history of military warfare as a special case, since much bodily violence is not military. The approach would be cumulative for a weapon or technique, and a form of organizationonce developedmay become obsolete but not erased; hence this typology would not be systematic, but always open to record new devel- opments. A more systematic approach can be obtained by looking at the target; the human being. He is relativelyknown anatomically (structurally)and physiologicTable 1. A Typologyof PersonalSomatic Violence Focussed on the anatomy Focussed on the physiology 1. crushing(fist fight, catapults) 1. denialof air (choking, strangulation) 2. tearing(hanging,stretching,cutting) 2. denialof water(dehydration) 3. piercing(knives,spears,bullets) 3. denialof food (starvationdue to siege, em- 4. burning(arson, flame, thrower) bargo) 5. poisoning(in waterand food, in gases) 4. denialof movement 6. evaporation(as in nuclearexplosion) a. by body constraint(chains, gas) b. by space constraint (prison, detention, exile) c. by brain control (nerve gases, 'brain- washing') This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Violence, Peace, and Peace Research 175 ally (functionally), so typologies can be developed on that basis. One primitive typology might be as shown in Table 1. The basic distinction is not water-tight, but neverthelessuseful: for one thing is to try to destroy the machine (the human body) itself, another to try to prevent the machine from functioning. The latter can be done in two ways: denial of input (sources of energy in general, air, water, and food in the case of the body), and denial of output(movement). The human output can be somatic, recorded by the outside as movement (with standstill as a limiting case) or mental not recorded directly from the outside (only by indicators in the form of movements, including movements of vocal chords). The borderline between physical and psychological personalviolence is not veryclear, since it is possible to influence physical movements by means of psychological techniques, and vice versa: physical constraints certainly have mental implica- tions. In Table 1 some of the techniques have been indicated in parenthesis. A note should be added here about explosions. In principle they are of two kinds: to propel some missile, and to work directly on human bodies. Explosions are much used for the latter purpose because they combine the anatomical methods: a standard bomb would combine 1 and 2; add some shrapnel and 3 is also taken care of; add some simple chemicals so as to make it a fire bomb and 4 is taken into account; some gases would include 5 and if in addition the contraption is made nuclear the crowning achievement, 6, is there presumablyfor ever, at least in principle, since it is difficult systematically to unmake an invention, it can only be suppressed. New weapons can always be invented, based on one or any combination of the principles in the Table. But there is also room for the more basic innovation: the introduction of a new principle. Is it now possible to construct a corresponding typology for structural violence? If we accept that the general formula behind structuralviolence is inequality, above all in the distributionof power, then this can be measured;and inequality seems to have a high survival capacity despite tremendous changes elsewhere.24 But if inequality persists, then we may ask: which factors, apart from personal violence and the threat of personal violence, tend to uphold inequality? Obviously, just as military science and related subjects would be indispensable for the understanding of personal violence, so is the science of social structure, and particularly of stratification, indispensable for the understanding of structural violence. This is not the occasion to develop general theories of social structure, but some ideas are necessary to arrive at some of the mechanisms. Most fundamental are the ideas of actor, system, structure, rank and level. Actors seek goals, and are organized in systems in the sense that they interact with each other. But two actors, e.g. two nations, can usually be seen as interacting in more than one system; they not only cooperate politically, e.g. by tradingvotes in the UN, but also economically by trading goods, and culturally by trading ideas. The set of all such systems of interaction, for a given set of actors, can then be referred to as a structure. And in a structure an actor may have high rank in one system, low in the next, and then high in the third one; or actors may have either consistently high ranks or consistently low ranks. However, if we look more closely at an actor, e.g. a nation, we shallvery often be able to see it as a structurein its own right, but an integrated structure since it is able to appear as an actor. This 'Chinese boxes' view of actors is very important, and leads to the concept of This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 176 Johan Galtung level of actors. There are three major interpretations:25 - in terms of territories: a nation can be seen as a set of districts, in turn seen as a set of municipalities,and these are then seen as a set of individuals; - in terms of organizations: a factory can often be seen as an assemblylinewithsub-factories feedinginto the assembly-linewiththeirproducts, finally coming down to the individual worker. - in terms of associations: they can often be seen as consisting of local chapters,ending up with individualmembers. Thus, the image of the social orderor disorder can be presented as in Figure 3. structure,level n highrankO Oactor low rank( ) systems structure level n-l 0 0 0 systems {_4 aytm Figure 3. An Imageof the Social Order In all these systems there is interaction, and where there is interaction, value is somehow exchanged. It then makes very much sense to study what the value-distribution is after the system has been operating for some time, and the gross distinction has been made between egalitarian and inegalitarian distributions. We can now mention six factors that serve to maintain inegalitarian distributions, and consequently can be seen as mechanisms of structuralviolence: 1. Linearrankingorder- the rankingis complete, leaving no doubt as to who is higher in any pair of actors; 2. Acyclicalinteractionpattern- all actors are connected,but only one way - thereis only one 'correct'path of interaction; 3. Correlationbetweenrankandcentrality- the higher the rank of the actor in the system, the more centralhis position in the interaction network; 4. Congruencebetweenthe systems- the interaction networksarestructurallysimilar. 5. Concordancebetweentheranks- if an actor is highin one systemthenhe also tendsto be highin anothersystemwherehe participates and 6. High rank couplingbetweenlevels- so that the actoratIevel n-l arerepresentedat level n throughthe highest rankingactor at level n-1. The factors can best be understood by examining to some extent their negation, starting with the last one. Thus, imagine that a nation is dominated by an economic and cultural capital, but has a much smaller political capital through which most political interaction in the international system is carriedout. This would tend to distribute the power at the level of cities since the coupling is not at the highest point. Similarly,we could imagine that the major road from the capital to a districtdid not connect directly with the district point of gravitybut with some peripheral point; as when a governmentis represented abroad not by the president or prime minister but by the foreign minister or a sub-factory not by the manager but by his deputy. But very often the top actor at level n-1 is made the representative at level n - with a number of im- plications.26 Similarly, imagine there is considerable rank discordance, even to the point where the summated rankings of the actors tend to be relativelyequal. In that case, patterns of inequality would be less consistent and less reinforcing, and the amount of disequilibrium in the system "i/ This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Violence, Peace, and Peace Research 177 would also tend to upset any stability. Moreover,if thesystemsarenot congruent but differ in structure,actors will not so easily generalize interaction patterns but be more flexible,less frozen into one way of acting (for instance servility). And if the actor with highest rank did not necessarily have the most central position in the network this would diminish his power, which would also be diminished if actorswith lower rankswereto a larger extent permitted direct interaction (not only interaction mediated through the actors with high rank). Finally: nonlinear, pyramidal (also known as partial) ranking orderpermitsmoreleeway, more flexibility in the system.27 Many propositions can now be developed about this, a basic one being that social systems will have a tendency to develop all six mechanisms unless deliberately and persistently prevented from doing so. Thus the pattern is set for an aggravation of inequality, in some structures so much so that the lowest-ranking actors are deprived not only relative to the potential, but indeed below subsistence minimum. Inequality then shows up in differentialmorbidityand mortality rates, between individuals in a district, between districts in a nation, and between nations in the international system - in a chain of interlocking feudal relationships. They are deprived because the structure deprives them of chances to organizeand bringtheir power to bear against the topdogs, as voting power, bargaining power, striking power, violent power - partly because they are atomized and disintegrated, partly because they are overawed by all the authority the topdogs present. Thus, the net result may be bodily harm in both cases, but structural viol- encewillprobablyjustasoftenberecorded as psychological violence. Hence, highly differentmeans may lead to highlysimilar results- a conclusion to be exploredlater. 4. The relation between personal and structuralviolence In this section some comments will be offered on this relationship, following this outline: 1.Is therereally a distinctionbetweenpersonal and structuralviolence at all? 2. If thereis, does not one type of violencepresuppose the manifestpresenceof the other? 3. If pure types exist, could it not nevertheless be said that they have a pre-history of the other type? 4. If this is not generallythe case, could it not be that one type of violencepresupposesthe latent presenceof the other? 5. If this is not the case, could it not be that one is the price we have to pay for the absence of the other? 6. If this is not generallythe case, could it not be that one type is much more importantin its consequencesthan the other? Let us startwith the firstquestion. It may be argued that this distinction is not clear at all: it disregards slights of the structuralelement in personal violence and the personal element in structural violence. These important perspectives are regained if a person is seen as making his decision to act violently not only on the basis of individual deliberations but (also) on the basis of expectations impinging on him as norms contained in roles contained in statuses through which he enacts his social self; and, if one sees a violent structure as something that is a mere abstraction unless upheld by the actions, expected from the social environment or not, of individuals. But then: does not this mean that there is no real distinction at all? Cannot a person engaging in personal violence always use expectations from the structure as an excuse, and does not a person upholding an exploitative social structure have responsibility for this? This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 178 Johan Galtung The distinction that nevertheless remains is between violence that hits human beings as a directresult of Figure 4 type actions of others, and violence that hits them indirectly because repressive structures (as analyzed in preceding section) are upheld by the summated and concerted action of human beings. The qualitative difference between these actions is the answer. The question of guilt is certainly not a metaphysical question; guilt is as real as any other feeling, but a less interesting one. The question is rather whether violence is structured in such a way that it constitutes a direct, personal link between a subject and an object, or an indirect structuralone, not how this link is perceived by the persons at eitherend of the violence channel. The objective consequences, not the subjective intentions are the primaryconcern. But are personal and structural violence empirically, not only logically, independent of each other? Granted that theremay be a corrrelationso that structures richly endowed with structuralviolence often may also display above average incidence of personal violence, it is possible to have them in pure forms, to have one without the other? are there structureswhereviolence is person-invariant in the sense that structural violence persistsregardlessof changes in persons? And conversely, are there persons where violenceis structure-invariantin the sense that personal violence persists regardless of changes in structuralcontext? The answer seems to be yes in either case. The typical feudal structure, with a succession of incapsulating hierarchies of metropole-satellite relationships is clearly structurally violent regardless of who staffs it and regardless of the level of awareness of the participants: the violence is built into the structures. No personal violence or threat of personal violence are needed. And there are persons who seem to be violent in (almost) any setting- often referredto as 'bullies'. Characteristic of them is precisely that they carry their violent propensity with them far outside any structural context deemed reasonable by society at large, for which reason they will often be institutionalized (in prison or mental hospital, dependingon which basic norms they infract first and most clearly). Hence, we may conclude that the two forms of violence are empirically independent: the one does not presuppose the other. But from this alone it cannot be concluded that there is no necessary (not only sufficient) causal relationship between the two types of violence, or that the even stronger condition of one-way reductionism is not fulfilled. One may argue that all cases of structuralviolence can, by closer scrutiny,be traced back to personal violence in their pre-history. An exploitative caste system or race society would be seen as the consequence of a large-scale invasion leaving a thin, but powerful top layer of the victorious group after the noise of fighting is over. A bully would be seen as the inevitable product of socialization into a violent structure: he is the rebel, systematically untrained in other ways of coping with his conflicts and frustrations because the structureleaves him with no alternatives. That structural violence often breeds structural violence, and personal violence often breeds personal violence nobody would dispute - but the point here would be the cross-breeding between the two. In other words: pure cases are only pure as long as the pre-history of the case or even the structuralcontext are conveniently forgotten. Far from denying that these may be fruitful perspectives both for research into the past and the etiology of violence as well as for search into the future and therapy for violence we would tend to reject the position that violence presupposes a pre-history of violence of the This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Violence, Peace, and Peace Research 179 same or opposite kinds. This view is a breeding theory, and like all breeding theories it fails to answer two questions: how did the process come into being at all? and is spontaneous generation of violence impossible, or are all cases of violence the legitimate offspring of other cases of violence - handed down through some kind of apostolic succession, the content being more like 'original sin' though? Take the case of structural violence first. Here it may be arguedwe will never get the perfect test-case. Imagine we based our thinking on something like this: people, when left to themselves in isolation (in a discussion group, stranded on an isolated island, etc.) will tend to form systems where rank, or differential evaluation of relatively stable interaction patternsreferredto as status, will emerge; high rankstend to clusteron persons who already have some high ranks, and interaction tends to flow in their direction hence the net result is sooner or later a feudal structure. One might then object: yes, because these persons are already socialized into such structures, and all they do is to projecttheirexperiencesand their habits so as to give life to an embryonic structure. And there is no way around it: human beings, to be human, have to be rated by humans, hence there will always be an element of succession. Maybe, but, we also suspect that the reasoning above holds true even under tabula rasa conditions because it probably is connected with the fact (1) that individualsaredifferentand (2) that these differences somehow are relevant for their interaction behavior. Hence, special measures are needed to prevent the formation of feudal structures: structural violence seems to be more 'natural' than structuralpeace. And similarlywith personalviolence: it is difficultto see how even the most egalitarianstructurewould be sufficient to prevent cases of violence, whether they result from conflicts or not. Personal violence is perhaps more 'natural' than personal peace. It could also be argued that an inegalitarian structure is a built-in mechanism of conflict control, precisely because it is hierarchical, and that an egalitarian structure would bring out in the open many new conflicts that are kept latent in a feudal structure. One could now proceed by saying that even if one type of violence does not presuppose the manifest presence of the other, neither synchronically, nor diachronically, there is nevertheless the possibility that manifest structural violencepresupposeslatent personalviolence. When the structure is threatened, those who benefit from structural violence, above all those who are at the top, will try to preserve the status quo so well geared to protect their interests. By observing the activities of various groups and persons when a structureis threatened, and more particularly by noticing who comes to the rescue of the structure, an operational test is introduced that can be used to rank the members of the structure in terms of their interest in maintaining the structure. The involvement that does not show clearly in times of unimpeded persistence is brought up to the surface when there is turbulence. But one has to observe carefully, for those most interestedin the maintenance of status quo may not come openly to the defence of the structure: they may push their mercenariesin front of them.28 In other words, they may mobilize the police, the army, the thugs, the general social underbrush against the sources of the disturbance, and remain themselves in more discrete, remote seclusion from the turmoil of personal violence. And they can do this as an extrapolation of the structural violence: the violence committed by the police is personal by our definition, yet they are called into action by expectations deeply rooted in This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 180 Johan Galtung the structure- thereis no need to assume an intervening variable of intention. They simply do theirjob. This view is probably generally very valid, even if it may underestimate the significance of a number of factors: 1. the extent to whichthe'tools of oppression' may have internalizedthe repressivestructure so that theirpersonalviolence is an expressionof internalized,not onlyinstitution- alizednorms; 2. the extent to which those who benefitfrom the structuralviolencemay thenlselveshave severe and sincere doubts about that structure and prefer to see it changed, even at theirown expense; 3. the extent to which the 'challenge of the structure'may be a personalconfrontation with the police etc. more than with the structure,and reveal more about the dynamics of interpersonalrelations than about the structure.29 4. the extent to whichall membersin a violent structure,not only the topdogs, contribute to its operationandhenceareall responsible as they can all shake it through their non- cooperation. But these are minor points; social affairs always refuse to be capturedin simplistic formulations. More importantis whether one can also turn the proposition around and gain some insight by saying that manifest personal violence presupposes latent structural violence - which is not the same as saying that it presupposes manifest structural violence. The idea would be that of an egalitarian structure maintained by means of personal violence, so that when this pattern of violence is challenged to the point of abolition there will be an emergence of structural violence. The proposition is interesting because it may open for some possible insights in structuresyet unknown to us. It does not seem a priori unreasonable to state that if the absence of personal violence is combined with a pattern of structural violence, then personal violence is nevertheless around the corner - and correspondingly that if absence of structural violence is combined with personal violence, then structural violence is also aroundthecomer. Allwe aresayingisonly that the sum of violence is constant, only that onehas to takeintoaccount thelatent variety of the type of violence 'abolished' to see more clearly how that type is in a standby position, ready to step in once the other type crumbles. Absence of one type of violence is bought at the expense of the threat of the other. But, however insight-stimulating this may be in certain situations we refuse to accept this pessimistic view for two reasons. First, the two propositions seem simply not to be true. It is not at all difficult to imagine a structureso purely structural in its violence that all means of personal violence have been abolished, so that when the structureis threatened there is no second trench defense by mobilizing latent personal violence. Similarly, a structure may be completely unpreparedfor freezing the released forces stemming from a reduction of personal violence into a hierarchical order. Empirically such cases may be rare, but yet significant. Second, the assumption would be that human beings somehow need violence to be kept in line; if not of the personal type, then of the structural variety. The argument would be that if there is no personal violence or threat of personal violence then a very strong hierarchical order is needed to maintain order and to control conflict; and if there is no structuralviolence or threat of structural violence, then personal violence will easily serve as a substitute. But even if this may be a reasonabletheory to explain possible empirical regularities, that in itself is not sufficient argument for reifying a regularity into a principle supposedly eternally valid. On the contrary, this would be a highly pessimistic view This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Violence, Peace, and Peace Research 181 of the human condition, and to accept it fully would even be a capitulationist view. From the problem of whether one type of violence is necessary to obtain or sustain the other type, whether at the manifest or the latent levels, it is not far to the opposite problem: is one type of violence necessary or sufficient to abolish the other type? The question, which actually splits into four questions, brings us directly into the center of contemporary political debate. Let us examine briefly some of the arguments. 1. Structural violence is sufficient to abolish personalviolence.This thesisseems to have a certainlimitedand short-termvalidity.If all the methodsmentionedabovefor sustaining structural violence are implemented, then it seemsquitepossiblethatpersonalviolence betweenthe groupssegregatedby the structure is abolished. The underdogs are too isolated and too awed by the topdogs, the topdogs have nothing to fear. But this only holds between those groups; within the groupsthe feudal structureis not practised. And although the structure probably is among the most stable social structures imaginable, it is not stable in perpetuity. There are many ways in which it may be upset,and resultin tremendousoutburstsof personalviolence. Hence, it may perhapsbe saidto be a structurethatservesto compartmentalizepersonalviolence in time, leading to successionsof periodsof absenceand presence of personalviolence. 2. Structuralviolence is necessary to abolish personalviolence.This is obviouslynot true, since personal violence will cease the moment the decision not to practiseit is taken. But this is of course begging the question: underwhat condition is that decision made and really sustained? That structuralviolence representsan alternativein the sense that much of the 'order' obtained by means of (the threatof) personalviolence can also be obtained by (the threat of) structural violence is clear enough. But to state a relation of necessity is to go far outside our limitedempiricalexperience. 3. Personal violence is sufficient to abolish structuralviolence. Again, this thesis seems to have a certainlimitedshort-termvalidity. Personal violence directedagainst the topdogs in a feudal structure incapacitating them bodily by means of the techniquesin Table 1, used singly or combined. Whenthe topdogs are no longer there to exercise their roles the feudal structurecan clearly no longer function. Hence, just as under 1 above between-group structural violence may be abolished by this process. But to abolish the topdogsin a violent structureis one thing, to abolish the violent structure quite another, and it is this fallacy of misplaced concretenessthat is one of the strongest argumentsagainstthe proposition. The new power group may immediatelyfill the vacancies, retaining the structure, only changing the names of the incumbentsand possibly the rationalizationof the structure, in which case the structuralviolence is not evenabolishedfor a shortterm.Orthestructuremayre-emergeaftersome time, because of internaldynamismor becauseit has after all been firmly imprinted on the minds of the new power-holders and has thus been presentall the time in latentform. 4. Personal violence is necessary to abolish structuralviolence.This is, of course, a famous revolutionaryproposition with a certain currency.One may argue against it on three grounds: empirically, theoretically and axiologically. Empirically one would point to all the cases of structuralchange decreasingstructuralviolence that seem to take place without personal violence. The counter-argumentwill be thattherewerecaseswith no basicchangeof thestructure,for if therehadbeena fundamentalthreatto the power-holdersthentheywouldhaveresorted to personalviolence.Theoreticallyone would point to the qualitative differencebetween the means of personal and structural violenceand ask: even if personalviolence may lead to the abolition of structuralviolence, is it not likely that some, and possibly also moreeffectivemeansof changinga structure would be structural,for instancesystematic changes of interactionnetworks, rank profiles etc.? In other words, the belief in the indispensabilityof personalviolencecould be said, on theoreticalgrounds,to be a case of fetishizationof personal violence. And then there is the axiological argument: even if personalviolencecould be seen as indispensable up till today, on empirical and/or theoreticalgrounds,this would be one more good reason for a systematicsearchfor the conditions under which this indispensability would disappear. This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 182 Johan Galtung Again our search seems to fail to uncover any absolutes. It is hard to sustain a belief in sufficiency or necessity one way or the other. The two types of violence simply do not seem to be more tightly connected empirically than logically - and as to the latter, the whole exerciseis an effortto show that they may be seen as logically independent even though they are continuous with each other: one shades into the other. But even if one now rejectsreductionism one way or the other there would still be good reason for focussing research attention more on one kind of violence than on the other: it may always be argued than one is much more important in its consequences than the other. Thus, imagine we were able to calculate the losses incurred by the two forms of violence, or the gains that would accrue to mankind if they could be eliminated. In principlethis should not be quiteimpossible, at least not for the simpler physical forms of violence that show up in terms of mortality,and possibly also in termsof morbidity. Mortality and morbidity rates under the condition of absence of war can usually be calculated relatively well by extrapolation from pre-warand postwar data. It is more difficult for the case of absence of exploitation, but not impossible: we could calculate the levels attained if all available resourceswere used for the purpose of extending and improving the biological life-span and in addition were distributed in an egalitarian fashion in social space. The costs incurred by violence of one form or the otherwould then appearas the difference between the potential and the actual, as the definition requires, and the costs can then be compared. One could also imagine calculations of the costs of the joint operation of the two forms of violence. One significant feature of such calculations, that definitelyshould have a high priorityon the researchprogramof peace researchinstitutes, is that the door would be opened for answers to questions such as whether the costs in terms of personal violence were higher or lower than the gains in reduction of structuralviolence in, say, the Cuban revolution. The present author would say that they were definitely lower, using comparable Latin American countries as a basis for evaluating the costs of the structuralviolence under Batista, but in the equation one would of course also have to include the personal violence under Batista and the structuralviolence under Castro, e.g. in the form of almost complete alienation of the formerbourgeoisie, not only as status holders, but as persons. Such statements are impressionistic however, they should be backed up empirically. But however attractive such calculations may be - for reasons of intellectual curiosity about the dynamics of violence, structuraland personal, even to develop much higher levels of theoretical insightsinthese phenomenathanwe possess today - this is not the same as accepting cost-benefit analysis in this field as a basis for political action. The point here is not so much that one may have objections to projectingthe mathematical 'one human life-year = one human life-year', regardlesshow it is lost or gained, on to the stage of political action, but rather that this type of analysis leads to much too modest goals for political action. Imagine that the general norm were formulated 'you shall act politically so as to decreaseviolence, taking into account both before and after levels of personal and structuralviolence'. A norm of that kind would be blind to possible differences in structural and personal violence when it comes to their potential for getting more violence in the future. But it would also condone action as long as there is any decrease,and only steerpolitical action downwardson the violence surface, not lead to a systematic search This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Violence, Peace, and Peace Research 183 for the steepest gradient possible, even for a descent route hitherto unknown to man. But equally important is to recall that it is hardly possible to arrive at any general judgment, independent of time and space, as to which type of violence is more important. In space, today, it may certainly be argued that research in the Americas should focus on structural violence, between nations as well as between individuals, and that peace researchin Europe should have a similar focus on personal violence. Latent personal violence in Europe may erupt into nuclear war, but the manifest structural violence in the Americas (and not only there) already causes an annual toll of nuclear magnitudes. In saying this, we are of course not neglecting the structural components of the European situation, (such as the big power dominance and the traditional exploitation of Eastern Europe by Western Europe) nor are we forgetful of the high level of personal violence in the Americas even though it does not take the form of international warfare (but sometimes the form of interventionist aggression). 5. On the definition of 'peace' and 'peace research' With the distinction between personal and structuralviolence as basic, violence becomes two-sided, and so does peace conceived of as the absence of violence. An extended concept of violence leads to an extended concept of peace. Just as a coin has two sides, one side alone being only one aspect of the coin, not the complete coin, peace also has two sides: absence of personal violence, and absence of structural violence.30 We shall refer to them as negativepeace and positivepeace respectively.31 For brevity the formulations 'absence of violence' and 'social justice' may perhaps be preferred,using one negative and one positive formulation. The reason for the use of the terms 'negative' and 'positive' is easily seen: the absence of personal violence does not lead to a positively defined condition, whereas the absence of structuralviolence is what we have referred to as social justice, which is a positively defined condition (egalitarian distribution of power and resources). Thus, peace conceived this way is not only a matter of control and reduction of the overt use of violence, but of VIOLENCE Personal (direct) absenceof personalviolence or Negative peace Structural (alsoreferredto (indirect) as *socialinjustice) Iabsenceof structuralviolence or Positive (alsoreferredto peace as usocialjustice) PEACE Figure4. The ExtendedConceptsof Violence and Peace what we have elsewhere referred to as 'vertical development'.32And this means that peace theory is intimately connected not only with conflict theory, but equally with development theory. And peace research, defined as research into the conditions - past, present and future of realizing peace, will be equally intimately connected with conflict research and development research; the former often more relevant for negative peace and the latter more relevant for positive peace, but with highly important over- laps. To justify this way of looking at peace and peace research, let us see where the many efforts to conceive of peace in terms of only one of these 'sides' or aspects leads us. Such efforts are likely to bring into focus, in theory and indeed 2 Journal of Peace Research This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 184 Johan Galtung in practice, the onesidedness on which they are based and to highlight the need for richer concepts of peace. Here only a very sketchy outline of this type of analysis will be presented, particularly since relations between personal and structural violence were to some extent explored in the preceding section. Thus, a research emphasis on the reduction of personal violence at the expense of a tacit or open neglect of research on structuralviolence leads, very easily, to acceptance of'law and order' societies.33Personal violence is built into the system as work is built into a compressed spring in a mattress: it only shows when the mattress is disintegrating. And on the other hand there may be a researchemphasis on righting social wrongs on obtaining social justice at the expense of a tacit or open acceptanceand use of personal violence. The short-term costs of personalviolence appearas small relative to the costs of continued structural violence. But personal violence tends to breedmanifestphysical violence, not only from the opponent but also inside one's own group - and the aftermath of violent revolutions generally seems to testify to this. We may summarizeby saying that too much researchemphasis on one aspect of peace tends to rationalize extremism to the right or extremism to the left, depending on whether onesided emphasis is put on 'absence of personal violence' or on 'socialjustice'. And these two types of extremism are of course not only formally, but also socially closely related and in a dialectic manner: one is often a reaction to the other. When put into practice both may easily develop into well-known social orders where neither of the two aspects of peace are realized: gross social injustice is maintained by means of highly manifest personal violence. The regime usually tries to maintain a status quo, whetherit means forceful maintenance of traditional social injustice that may have lasted for generations, ortheforcefulmaintenanceof some new type of injusticebroughtin by an attempt to overthrow the old system. If 'peace' now is to be interpreted as an effort to play on both, one may ask: does this not simply mean some kind of 'moderate' course, some effort to appear 'objective' by steering carefully between the two types of extremism outlined above? There is no doubt a danger in this direction. Efforts to avoid both personal and structural violence may easily lead to accept one of them, or even both. Thus, if the choice is between righting a social wrong by means of personal violence or doing nothing, the latter may in fact mean that one supports the forces behind social injustice. And conversely: the use of personal violence may easily mean that one gets neither long-term absence of violence norjustice. Or, we can put the argument in a slightly different framework. If we are interested in e.g. social justice but also in the avoidance of personal violence, does this not constrain our choice of means so much that it becomes meaningful only in certainsocieties?And particularlyin societiesthathave alreadyrealized many social-liberal values, so that there is considerable freedom of speech and assembly, and organizations for effective articulation of political interests?Whereas we are literally immobilized in highly repressive societies, or 'more openly repressive societies' as modem critics of liberalismmight say? Thus, if our choice of means in the fight against structural violence is so limited by the non-use of personal violence that we are left without anything to do in highly repressivesocieties, whether the repression is latent or manifest, then how valuable is this recipe for peace? To this we may answer along many lines. This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Violence, Peace, and Peace Research 185 One answer would be to reject the definition given above of peace, because we want 'peace' to refer to something attainable and also in fact attained, not to something as utopian as both absence of personal violence and social justice. We may then slant the definition of 'peace' in the direction of absence of personal violence, or absence of structural violence, depending on where our priorities are. In our definition above we have suggested that the two enter in a completely symmetrial manner: there is no temporal, logical or evaluative preference given to one or the other. Social justice is not seen as an adornment to peace as absence of personal violence, nor is absence of personal violence seen as an adornment to peace as social justice. Unfortunately, on the printed page, one has to appear before the other or above the other, and this is often interpreted as priority (compare the recent debate on whether a certain group's political slogan should be 'peace and freedom' or 'freedom and peace'). Actually, somebody should invent some way of printing so that absolutely no connotation of priority is implied. This approach presupposes that we somehow are attracted by the term 'peace' and would like to let that word express our goal rather than some other word. But another answer would be to give up the word 'peace' and simply state our interest in one or both of the two values and then try to do our best along both dimensions, so to speak. This appears less satisfactory, because of the generally widespread use of the term 'peace' - so widespread and so generally acknowledged that it possibly presents some kind of substitute in this secular age for feelings of devotion and community that in former ages were invoked by reference to religious concepts. In fact, 'peace' has indeed religious overtones to many, and that this probably contributes to the use of the word 'peace' as a carrier of feelings of universal love and brotherhood in our days. Hence, in spite of the many possibilities for semantic confusion, we would argue in favor of retaining the term 'peace'. A third answer would be to combine the first two approaches, to talk little or at least not very loudly about peace - for fear of blushing, among other reasons and to give up one of the two goals, absence of violence and social justice. This attitude, found today in several circles, may be commended for its honesty and lack of hypocrisy. Neither the 'law and order' racist or primitive capitalist society, nor the openly repressive postrevolutionary society is presentedas realizations of 'peace', but as social orders where one made a choice between two evils, direct violence or social injustice, using what was seen as the lesser evil to drive out the greaterevil (possibly ending up with both). And then there is a fourth approach which will be preferred in this context. It may be expressed as follows: Both values, both goals are significant, and it is probably a disservice to man to try, in any abstract way, to say that one is more important than the other. As mentioned, it is difficult to compare the amountofsufferingandharmthathasbeen caused by personal or structuralviolence; they are both of such an order of magnitude that comparisons appear meaningless. Moreover, they seem often to be coupled in such a way that it is very difficult to get rid of both evils; more likely the Devil is driven out with Beelzebub. In view of this difficulty, so amply testified through human history, we should be very careful in passing moral judgements too readily on those who fail to realize both goals. To realize one of them isno meanachievementeither,particularlyif weconsiderthenumberof social orders and regimes that realize neither. This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 186 Johan Galtung But the view that one cannot meaningfully workfor both absence of personal violence andfor socialjustice can also be seen as essentially pessimistic, as some sort of intellectualandmoralcapitulationism.34First of all, there are many forms of social action available today that combine both in a highlymeaningfulway. We are thinking of the tremendously rapid growth in the field of nonviolent action, both in dissociative nonviolence that serves to keep parties apart so that the weaker part can establish autonomy and identity of its own, and associative nonviolence that can serve to bring them together when a basis for equal nonexploitative partnership exists.35We are thinking of all that is known about the theories of symmetric,egalitarian organization in general.36We are thinking of the expanding theory of vertical development, of participation, decentralization, codecision. And we are thinking of the various approaches to arms control and disarmament issues, although they are perhaps of more marginal significance.37 This is not the place to develop these themes; that will be done in other contexts.But secondly,once the double goal has been stated - that peace research is concerned with the conditions for promoting both aspects of peace - there is no reason to believe that the future will not bring us richer concepts and more forms of social action that combine absence of personal violence with fight against social injustice once sufficient activityis put into researchandpractice.38 There are more than enough people willing to sacrificeone for the other - it is by aiming for both that peace research can make a real contribution. NOTES * The present article (PRIO-publicationNo. 23-9 - is a revisedversionof talksoriginallypresented by the author at the Oslo Conferenceon the plan for a peacemaker'sacademy,organized jointly by the Peacemakers'AcademyCommittee,Vermontand the InternationalPeaceResearch Institute,Oslo, 14-17 November 1968;at the peace researchseminarorganizedby the Gandhian Instituteof Studies,Varanasi,8-9 March1969;at the meetingof theJapanPeaceResearchGroup Tokyo, 27 March 1969; at a seminarorganizedby the Seminarfor Peace and ConflictResearch, Lund, 26 April 1969,and at the internationalseminarorganizedby the CentroStudie Iniziative, Partinico, 3-4 May 1969. I am indebted to the organizersof these meetings, Randolph Major, Sugata Dasgupta, Hisako Ukita, HaIkanWibergand Danilo Dolci and to manyparticipantsfor highly stimulatingcommentsand criticism.But special gratitudeshould be expressedto Herman Schmid,LundUniversity,Sweden,for his lucidand importantcriticismof some conceptsof peace research,in Journalof Peace Research,1968,pp. 217-232. Although I agreeneitherwith his critiquenor withhis proposals,andfeel that his way of presentingmy own viewsis misleading,there arecertainlyfew personswho have stimulateddiscussionand rethinkingin this fundamentalfield so much. However, the presentarticle L not a systematicanswerto his arguments,but ratheran effort,partlystimulatedby him, to indicatewhat to the presentauthorseems to be a fruitfulway of thinkingabout violence, peace and peaceresearch. 1 This point is elaboratedfurtherin Theoriesof Peace (forthcoming),Chapter1.1. 2 This, of course, is not strictlytrue.It wasnot on Fascistornaziagendas,noris it on the agenda of contemporaryrevolutionarythinking.However,evenfor thesecasesviolenceis not an end, but rathera meansto overcomeobstaclesimpedingthe realizationof a futureorder,the millennium, the communistsociety, etc; thesefutureordersdo not seem to containviolence. But this is hardly a universalhumaninvariant.TheVikingparadiselooks violent,andwarliketribes/societieslike the Pathanswould probablyput complete absenceof violence last on the agenda,if at all. 3 But whatif a social orderis suchthatsomepeoplelivewell in solid,concretehouses andothers in shacks that crumbleunderthe first quake, killing the inhabitants?In other words, even if the natural disaster is unavoidable, differentialsocial impact may have been avoidable. This may certainlyjustify the use of the term 'structuralviolence'for such differentialhousing standards, not only because of differentialexposure to earthquakes(as in the earthquakezone in Western Sicily), but becauseof implicationsfor differentialhealthstandardsin general,educationalpossiThis content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Violence, Peace, and Peace Research 187 bilities,and so on and so forth. Whetheritjustifiesthe use of such epithets as 'violent' or 'assassin' to the people sustainingsuch social structures,or (whichis not quite the same) to the people on top of such social structures,is anothermatter. 4 Since the potential level dependsnot only on the use and distributionof availableresources, but also on insight, a crucialperson in this pictureis the scientistor anyone who opens for new insights into how old, or new, resources may be utilized. In other words, anyone who makes possible what was formerlynot feasible raisesthe level of potentiality.But the level may also be lowered,perhapsnot so often because insight is forgotten (although history is full of such cases too) as because resourcesbecome more scarce - for instance due to pollution, hoarding, overutilization, etc. In short, we make no assumption about the shape of the potential realization curve through time, nor do we make any assumptionabout the correspondingcurve for actual realization.In particularwe rejectthe optimisticassumptionaccordingto which both curvesare monotonously increasingand witha decreasinggap so that thereis asymptoticconvergenceof the actual to the potential, 'until the potentialities of man are fully realized'. This is an ideology, usuallyin the form of an underlyingassumption,not a descriptionor reality.As BertrandRussell writes(Autobiography,Vol, III, p. 221): 'WhenI was young, Victorianoptimism was taken for granted.It wasthoughtthatfreedomandprosperitywould spreadgraduallythroughoutthe world by an orderly process, and it was hoped that cruelty, tyranny and injustice would continually diminish. Hardly anyone was haunted by the fear of great wars. Hardly anyone thought of the nineteenthcenturyas a brief interludebetween past and future barbarism-.' In short, let us makeno assumptions,but focus on the causesfor a discrepancybetweenthe curves,admittingfor a lag in the application and distributionof new insights; whetherthey are called technological or social. 5 However,it is by no means obvious how potentiallife-spanshould be defined.Onecannot use the age at deathof the oldestpersondyingtoday or this year;this maybe too low becausehe does not benefitfrom possibleadvancesin hygieneetc. madetoo late to have an impacton him, or not yet made, and it may be too high becausehe is speciallyadvantagedgenetically.But the average of the p%of the social orderbenefitingfully from insightand resourcesalreadyavailableshould at least yield a basis for an estimateof what is possible today. 6 In an article'On the Meaning of Nonviolence', Journalof PeaceResearch,1965,pp. 228-257 the concept of influenceis basic in an effortto analyze the differencebetweenviolence and nonviolence, and positive and negativeversions of the latter. In the presentarticle the focus is on a typology of violence, not on a typology of non-violence. 7 Ibid., pp. 230-234. 8 Loc. cit. 9 This is a recurrenttheme in Herbert Marcsue,One-dimensionalMan (Boston Press, 1968), especiallyPart I, 'One-dimensionalSociety'. 10 This is a recurrenttheme in much of the analysis of violence in the US. Violence against property is seen as training,the firstwindow-pane crushed to pieces is also a blow against the bourgeoisin oneself, a liberationfrom formerconstraints,an act of communicationsignallingto eithercamp a new belongingnessand above all a rejectionof tacit rules of the game. 'If they can do that to property,what can they do to persons-' 11 It was pointed out by Herman Kahn (at a seminar at PRIO, May 1969) that middle class students and lower class police may have highly differentrelations to property: as something highly replaceablefor the middle class student in an affluent society, as something difficult to attainfor a lowerclass Irishcop. Whatto one is a relativelyunproblematicact of communication may to the other be sacriligeous,particularlysince studentsprobablyaspireto mobility and freedom unfetteredby propertyties. 12 The term 'institutionalviolence' is often sometimes used, but we have preferred'structural' sinceit is often of a moreabstractnatureand not anythingthatcan be traceddown to a particular institution.Thus,if the police are highlybiased the terminstitutionalizedviolence may be appropriate, but this is a highlyconcretecase. Theremaybe violence built into a structurewithoutany police institutionat all, as will be developedin the next section. 13 Thisis clearlyexpressedby StokeleyCarmichaelin 'BlackPower'(TheDialecticsof Liberation, David Cooper ed., London Penguin,p. 151, 1968): 'It is important to this discussion of racism to make a distinction between the two types: individualracism and institutionalracism. The first type consists of overt acts by individuals, with usually immediate results of the death of victims, or the traumatic and violent This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 188 Johan Galtung destructionof property.Thistypecan berecordedon TVcamerasand canfrequentlybe observedin the processof commission. The secondtype is less overt,farmoresubtle,less identifiablein termsof specificindividuals committingthe acts, but is no less destructiveof humanlife. The second type is more the overalloperationof establishedandrespectedforcesin thesociety andthusdoes not receive the condemnationthat the firsttype receives. His distinctionindividual/institutionalis the same as our personal/structural.But we preferthe term'personal'becausethe person sometimesacts on behalf of groups, whereas'individual'may be interpretedas the opposite of 'group'. But particularlyin the context Carmichaeldiscusses groupviolenceis immenselyimportant- themob lynchingas opposedto the individualmurdererbut that does not make the violence institutional. It still satisfies all the other criteria,e.g. it consists of 'overt acts by individuals','can be recordedon TV-cameras'(as in a war), etc. 14 The difficultyhere,as often pointed out, is that internationalstatisticsusuallyreflectaverages and not dispersions,rankingnations in orderof averageachievement,not in terms of degreeof equalityachievedin distribution.Onereasonis of course that such dataarenot readilyavailable, but that is only beggingthe questionwhytheyarenot available.Onereasonfor thatagainmaybe thatit upsetsrankingordersandrevealslesspositiveaspectsof social ordersused to definethemselves as world leaders,but that is hardly a sufficientexplanation.Anotherreasonmightbe that the problem is simply not sufficientlyclearly defined,nor is it regardedas sufficientlyfeasible or indeed desirableto decreasedispersions.When this becomes sufficientlycrystallizedit will also find expressions in internationalstatistics. 15 The remarkin the precedingnote holds a fortiori here: not only is it difficultto presentany measureof dispersionof power,it is difficultenoughto measurepowerat all, exceptin the purely formalsense of voting rights.He who comes up with a reallymeaningfulmeasurein this fieldwill contributegreatlyto crystallizationof political fightingas well as administrativeendeavors. 16 Again the same: the publications of these correlationswould contribute significantlyto increasedawareness,since the currentideology is preciselythat correlationsbetweenachievedand ascribedranksshould be as low as possible, preferablyzero. 17 Economic sanctions occupy interestingmiddleposition here. They are clearlyviolent in their ultimate consequences,which are starvation etc., but the hope is of course that they are slow enough to permitcapitulationmuchbeforethat. At the same time they areclearlyalso built into thestructure,for the mostvulnerablecountriesarealso thecountriesthattend to be at the bottom of the internationalstratificationin general: high in dependenceon trade, low in commodity dispersionand low on trade partnerdispersion.See Johan Galtung, 'On the Effects of International Economic Sanctions, With Examples from the Case of Rhodesia', WorldPolitics, 1967, pp. 387-416. 18 One expressionof what is meant by social justice is found in declarationsof human rights, wherea numberof normsaboutequalityarestated.However,theyveryoften sufferfrom the deficiency that they are personalmore than structural.They referto what individualscan do or can have,not to who or whatdecideswhattheycan do or have; theyreferto distributionof resources, not to poweroverthe distributionof resources.In otherwords,humanrightsas usuallyconceived of arequite compatiblewith paternalismwherebypower-holdersdistributeanythingbut ultimate power over the distributions,so that equalizationwithout any change in the power structureis obtained.It is almost painful to see how few seem to realizethat muchof the currentanti-establishment anti-authorityrevolt is precisely about this: concessions are not enough, not even equality is enough, it is the way in which decisions about distributionare arrivedat and implementedthat is basic. But thereis littlereasonto believethatthiswillnot alsoin duetimecrystallize into some kind of humanrightandbe addedto that list of philosophicalandpoliticalbattlefields. 19 Exploitationalsohasanambiguitywhichweactuallyhaveexploitedin thissection.Thereseems to be a liberalinterpretationin termsof distributionand inequality,and a Marxistinterpretation in terms of power, particularlyover the use of the surplus produced by others (in a capitalist economy). Clearlyone can have one type of exploitationwithout the other. 20 I am indebtedto Hans Riegerand otherparticipantsin the seminarat the GandhianInstitute of Studiesfor pointing out the possibility of using the manifest-latentdistinction in connection with both personaland structuralviolence. 21 This is a point whereGandhiand Mao Tse-Tung would agreein theory,althoughin practice they areboth so dominantin theirorganizationsthat it probablywasnot too meaningfulto speak cf realegalitarianism. This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Violence, Peace, and Peace Research 189 22 See Note 13 for Carmichael'sanalysis. The basic point in our communicationstructureis of course that personal violence much more easily 'can be recordedon TV cameras',although this is not correctstrictlyspeaking.Thereis no intrinsicreason why structuralviolence should not be registeredon TV cameras; in fact, really good cameramendelight in doing exactly this. But the concept of newsis againstits prominentdisplay;that concept is in itself gearedto personalrather than structuralviolence. For an analysis, see Johan Galtung and Mari Holmboe Ruge, 'The Structureof Foreign News', Journalof Peace Research,1965, pp. 64-91, especially on personvs Structure-orientednews. 23 Herman Schmid seems to be very correct when he points out (op. cit., p. 217) that peace researchgrew out of a certain historicalcondition and the basic concepts were colored by that condition. No doubt this explainssome of the emphasison symmetricconflict,and we would add, on personalviolenceboth becauseof warmemoriesandwarthreats.However,thethreatsof a major war in the North Atlantic areafailed to materialize,economic growthcontinued, but exploitation remainedconstant or increased.So, towardsthe end of the 'sixties the focus changes;'for some persons to a completely new focus (as when Schmid and others would argue in favor of conflictcreationresearch,of polarizationand revolutionresearch),for others (as the presentauthor) to an extension of focus, as arguedin the present article. 24 Thus, it is almost unbelievablehow little the gap between rich and poor seems to be affected by the generalincrease,withinnations and betweennations. 25 This is the generaltheme in Johan Galtung, 'A structuralTheory of Integration',Journalof Peace Research,1968, pp. 375-395. 26 One of these implicationsis of course that it enhanceshis power: he monopolizes information from the level above and can convert this into power at his own level. Another implication is that he is very often untrainedfor or unfit for the task to be performedat the higherlevel since his frame of referenceall the time has been level n-1. The managerof a certaintype of products suddenlyfindshimselfon the boardof a big businesscorporationdoing quite differentthings; the teadingnation in a regionalalliancesuddenlyfindsitself responsiblefor world affairsand forced to think within a completelynew frame of reference,and so on. 27 We have not discussedthe possibilityof denyingrankdifferencescompletelyby makingeverybody equal, since there seem always to be some differencesthat elude equalizationattemptsand thesedifferencestend to becomesignificant.Makeeverybodycitizenswithequalvotingrights,and differencesin style of life become overwhelming,abolish class differenceson trainsand the upper classes go by plane, and so on. 28 Few haveexpressedthis imageas well as EldridgeCleaverin SoulonIce (London: Cape, 1969, p. 92): 'Both police and the armedforces follow orders. Orders.Ordersflow from the top down. Up there, behind closed doors, in antechambers,in conferencerooms, gavels bang on the tables, the tinkling of silverdecanterscan be heardas ice wateris pouredby well fed, conservatively dressed men in horn-rimmedglasses, fashionably dressed American widows with rejuvenatedfaces and tinted hair, the air permeatedwith the square humor of Bob Hope jokes. Here all the talking is done, all the thinking, all the deciding. Grayrabbitsof men scurryforth from the conferenceroom to spreaddecisions throughout the city, as News. Carryingout ordersis a job, a way of meetingthe paymentson the house, a way of providingfor one's kiddies.In the armedforcesit is also a duty,patriotism' Not to do so is treason.' 29 See Note 11 for Kahn's analysis, where he added that fighting with fists would be about as naturalfor the Irishcops as it is unnaturalfor the uppermiddle class student, and fightingwith words as naturalfor that studentas it is unnaturalfor the cop. Hence, when the studentdestroys propertyand heaps abuse on the police he challengesthe police muchbeyond the tolerancelevel, and the police respond with the reaction they know, violence; a reactionfor which the students are untrained.One does not need structuralexplanationsto account for an outburstof violence in suchcases.But one could ask whysuchpeoplearein the police department,and one explanation can supplementratherthan supersedeanother. 30 This coin metaphor, of course, is not to suggest that one side excludes the other. Indeed, as pointed out so many timesin the precedingsection: a givensocial ordermayexhibitboth, one or (perhaps)neither of them. The metaphor applies to the conceptualizationof peace, not to the empiricalworld. 31 Of course, I am very much aware of changes in my own presentationof these concepts, just This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 190 JohanGaltung as I am confidentthat new formulationswill follow in the wake of those presentedhere. Whereas 'negativepeace' remainsfairlyconstant, meaning'absenceof violence', I think it gains from the precision given to 'violence' in that context, a 'personal violence'. But 'positive peace' is constantly changing (as is 'positive health' in medicalscience). I used to see it in terms of integration and cooperation ('An Editorial', JPR, 1964, pp. 1-4), but now agree fully with Herman Schmid that this expressesa much too integratedand symmetricview of conflict groups, and probably reflectsthe East-West conflict or a certain ideology in connection with that conflict. I would now identify'positive peace' mainly with 'social justice', the latter taken in the double sense of this article- but I thinkone could also be open to othercandidatesfor inclusionsince the definitiongivenof violenceis broadenoughalso to point in otherdirections.Thisis to some extent attemptedin section 1.3 of Theoriesof Peace. Moreover,I think Schmidis basicallyright(op. cit. p. 221) in saying that thereis a tendencyto focus on negative peace becauseconsensus is more easily obtained - but I share his rejection of that tendency. To reveal and unmask the subtle mechanismsof structuralviolence and explore the conditions for theirremovalor neutralization is at least as important,although comparisonsof the two types of violence in termsof priorities seemsa little bit like discussingwhethermedicalresearchshouldfocus on canceror heartdiseases. And to this shouldbe added,emphatically,thata disciplinefully satisfiedwithits ownfoundations and definitionis probablya dead discipline. Fundamentaldebate and debate over fundamentals are the signs of health,not of disease.These issuesare difficult,and we shall makeprogressonly throughmore practicein analyzingthem and more praxisin workingwith them. 32 In Theoriesof Development,forthcoming. 33 Thus,thereis littledoubt that in generalpeaceresearch(Schmid,op. cit., p. 222)in this decade that has passed since it was launchedhas met with more approvalfrom the north-westernestablishmentin the world than from other quarters,but so has cancerresearch.From this it does not follow thatpeaceresearchis meaninglessto the thirdworldand to revolutionaryforces. Thesame skewed distributioncan be found almost anywhere, due to the skewed distribution of world resourcesand the generallyfeudal structureof the world. But Schmidis certainlyrightin setting peace researchin a social setting: 'who will pay for it', and 'who will be able to implementadvice from peace researcher'are basic questions. I only fail to see that there should be any implicit reasonwhypeaceresearchshouldfallinto thearmsof theestablishmentmorethaninto otherarms not to mention be able to retainconsiderableautonomy in its pursuits.This presupposesan academic structurethat does not steerall researchinto the arms of the power-holders,left or right, but leavesthe road open for pursuitsof insightsinto the mechanismsbehindany kind of violence, any kind of obstacleto humanself realization. 34 Thus, peace researchis seen here as an effort to promote the realizationof values.To what extent these values coincide or not with the interestsof certaingroupsis another matter.Hence, peace researchcould not be identifiedwith the ideology of a group unless that group professed the same values.Itik also an open questionwhethergroupidentificationwith these valueswill in fact serve to promote these values. 35 Some of this is exploredin 'On the Meaning of Nonviolence', and infinitelymuch more can be done in this direction.However,the importantthing seems to be thatthereis no reason whatsoever why peace researchshould be tied to study of symmetricconflictonly, and to integrative, or as we preferto say, 'associative'(integrativebeing too strong a term)approaches.Any effort to explorestructuralviolencewill lead to awarenessof asymmetricconflict,betweenpartieshighly unequalin capabilities- and I think it is unfairto state that this is neglectedin the type of peace researchcarriedout at the InternationalPeace ResearchInstitute in Oslo. The terms 'topdogunderdog'may be unfamiliarand even be resentedby those who preferto do this researchin a Marxisttraditionandjargon,but it is neverthelessan effort.Moreprecisely,the efforthas beento understandbetter the structureof structuralviolence, one little indication of which is given in section 3 of this article.And thereis no implicitreason why the remedyshould be in associative policies only. On the contrary,I tend to feel in generalthat associativepoliciesarefor equals,i.e. for symmetricconflict, whereaspolarizationand dissociativepolicies are much betterstrategies for exploitedgroups.This is also reflectedin the doublenessof non-violentstrategies,all themesto be morefully developedin Theoriesof Conflict(forthcoming).WhenSchmidsays (op. cit., p. 219) that peaceresearch'should explain . .how latent conflictsare manifested- /and/how the present international ystem is seriouslychallengedor even broken down' he seems to betraythe same type of onesidednessthat he accuses peace researchof - interestin controlling manifestconflicts only, in bringingabout integration,in formulatingproblemsin termsmeaningfulto international This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Violence, Peace, and Peace Research 191 and supranationalinstitutions.But this onesidednesswill almost inevitablyresultif researchshall be gearedto servethe interestsof specificgroups,high or low, insteadof the promotion of values. It is as hardto believethat disintegration,polarization,dissociationis alwaysthe beststrategyas it is to believethe opposite. But this seems to be closely relatedto Schmid'sconflictology (op. cit., pp. 224-228), where he seems to believethat I have a subjectivisticconception of conflict.If there is anything the conflict trianglepurportsto achieveit is exactlythe opposite: the definitionof conflict independently of attitudes and behavior, and also independentlyof perceptions of the situation held by the parties(as differentfrom theirattitudesto each other).To me, conflictis incompatibilityof goals, but how these goals are establishedis a quitedifferentmatter.To ask the partiesfor theirperception of what they pursueand what, if anything,stands in the way is one, but only one approach. I have nothing against definitions in terms of 'interests' the concept of 'goal' is wide enough to encompass. The difficultyis, as Schmid readily and frankly admits (op. cit. p. 227) to 'decide what the interestsare' and I sharewith him the idea that 'this is a challengeratherthan a reason to abandon the idea of an interestdefinitionof conflict'.But I feel these interestshave to be postulated,as I think Marxto a largeextent did, and then one has to explorethe implications.I also thinktheycan be seenas expressionsof values,but not necessarilyheld by the actor,nor necessarily held by the investigator,just as postulated values.Thus, if one feels it is contraryto the interests of children,as autonomous humanbeings, to acceptthe tie as the childrenof theirbiological parents,then there is certainlyan incompatibilityin the presentfamily system: parentshave interestsas owners incompatiblewith the children'sinterestsas self-owners.The only differencebetween this example and Schmid'smaster-slaveexample is that he gives a paradigmfor a conflict of the past, I a paradigmfor a conflict of the future, and moreoverfor a conflictI thinkwill be manifestedfairly soon, in line with the generalwave towardsdefeudalizationof the social order. And I certainlyagreewith Schmidthat polarizationwill herebe a partof the solution. 36 For an effortin this direction,see Johan Galtung, CooperationinEurope(Strasbourg:Council of Europe, 1968). 37 An effort to give some reasons why are found in 'Two Approaches to Disarmament: The Legalist and the Structuralist',Journalof Peace Research1967,pp.161-195. 38 And it is of course not necessarythat all or most or much of this sails underthe flag of 'peace research'or any other flag for that matter- only the slightly totalitarian minded would be inclined to feel so. What is importantis that it is done, and that thereis contact between different approachesso that they and others can benefitfrom ideological and institutionalpluralism. This content downloaded from on Tue, 07 Apr 2015 01:57:19 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions