Job Interview Worksheets The Resource Center Materials contained in this handout are excerpted from: The Successful Job Interview Permission is granted to make one copy for each student in the classroom. Any other use is prohibited and protected by copyright law. Available from: The Resource Center Contents © Copyright 2004, The Resource Center for Technology, Inc. JOB OBJECTIVE WORKSHEET The questions below can help you determine what your job objectives should state: what type of employment you are seekingi what you can offer the companYi where you want to go with this position. Answer these questions, and write a job objective based on your answers. What kind of job would I like to have? Three choices would be: Job 1 ___________________________________________________ Job 2 ___________________________________________________ Job 3 _________________________________________________ What qualifications do I have for the jobs I listed above? Job 1 ___________________________________________________ Job 2 ___________________________________________________ Job 3 ___________________________________________________ What can I do to be better qualified for these jobs? Job 1 _________________________________________________ Job 2 _________________________________________________ Job 3 _________________________________________________ What are my future goals in these positions? Job 1 ___________________________________________________ Job 2 ________________________________________________ Job 3 _________________________________________________ EDUCATION WORKSHEET Use your answers to the following questions to compile information for Education Data on your resume. List courses you have taken in high school, vocational school, and college. Which of these courses have helped you prepare for the position you want? In which of these courses have you excelled? COVER LETTER WORKSHEET Answering the questions below will help you decide what information should be included in a cover letter. What do I want from this company? What can I offer this company? What experience do I have that will qualify me for this position? Practice Activity Choose advertisements from your local paper for three different positions you would like to have. Write a cover letter for each of these positions. Have a friend or classmate critique your letters for clarity, conciseness, and positive wording. Ask them how your letters can be improved. APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT PERSONAL Name_____________________Social Security # _______ Last First Middle Street Address_____________________ Phone ________ City__________________ State_______ Zip Code __-,-_ If less than one year, previous address_______________________ Type of employment desired: Permanent _Temporary Full-time Part-time Position desired______________________________ EDUCATION Dates Attended School Name and Address From - To ACTIVITIES List honorary, social, athletic activities. Do not list activities which indicate race, creed, color, national origin, or religious affiliation. EXPERIENCE List all previous employment, beginning with your most recent position. Company Name and Address Type of Business Your Position Supervisor's Name and Title Length of Employment: From To Salary: Start End Duties Reason for Leaving Company Name and Address Type of Business Your Position Supervisor's Name and Title Length of Employment: From To Salary: Start End Duties Reason for Leaving Company Name and Address Type of Business Your Position Supervisor's Name and Title Length of Employment: From To Salary: Start End Duties Reason for Leaving APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT Please PRINT in ink and complete ALL information. Name ________________________ Date _________ Current Address Phone________ CiW_____________ State _______ Zip ____ How long?____ Previous Address _______________________________ Social Security Number________________U.S. Citizen Yes No Type of Work Desired___________________ Date you can start____ EXPERIENCE Reason for . D .Comoanv NarneIAdd 0 From To From To From To From To EDUCATION ShiNc 00 arneIAddress M'alor Sub'Jlects Graduated GPA.. Degree Yes - No Yes -­ No Yes - No ACTIVITIES School Activities (Indicate high school or college) ___________________ Professional Activities_____________________________ Do you have any relatives or friends employed at his company at present?___________ If yes, give name, relationship, and division of employment________________ Have you ever worked for this company or any of its subsidiaries?______________ If yes, give date and name/location of division last worked ________________ NOTE: Before signing the following statement, please review this application to make certain that you have answered all the questions that apply to you. I declare that this application presents, to the best of my knowledge, an accurate statement of facts, and I have no objection to the company's conducting such investigation of these facts as it may deem advisable. This authorization shall be valid for one year from this date. AppliCant's signature___________________ Date _________ ress Dates TIvoe fBusmess utles S Ia arv Leavmg Practice Interview Questions What can you tell me about yourself? Why do you want to work for this company? Why have you chosen this field as your career? Why did you leave your last job? What salary do you expect? What are your career objectives five years from now? Ten years from now? What do you feel your strong points are? Your weak points? Which courses did you enjoy most in school? Have you had trouble with any courses in school? Why? How would you describe yourself? How has your education prepared you for this position? How do you define success? In what way do you think you can make a contribution to this company? What type of relationship do you feel should exist between a supervisor and subordinates? What was your most rewarding experience during school? Do you have plans to continue your education? What have you gained from your extracurricular activities/ Are you more comfortable working in a large group or with just a few people? How do you think you work under pressure? What do you know about this company/job? What do you feel is the most important aspect of a job? Are you willing to relocate? Travel? Work overtime? How do you spend your spare time? How well do you get along with other people? Why should I hire you? Have you ever had a conflict at work? How did you handle this conflict? What do you think about your previous manager? How do you feel about supervision? INTERVIEW RATING SHEET Listed below are some qualities used to rate potential employees during an interview. After practicing an interview, how do you think you rate on these? Above Average Average Below Average 5 3 1 Ability to Talk Aggressiveness Appearance Courtesy Enthusiasm Intelligence Maturity Personality Poise Using the values given under each category, add the score for your answers and determine your rating on the following scale: 36 - 45 Ready for the interview 27 - 35 Might handle it; could use more practice 9 - 26 Definitely need more practice SUMMARY To Do Or Not To Do. That Is The Difference DO o Prepare a complete, attractive resume that stresses your qualifications in a positive manner. o Get permission from people you plan to use as references. o Write an effective cover letter that really sells "you." o Fill out the application completely, accurately, and legibly. o Use the completed resume as a reference for filling out the application. o Arrive for the interview a few minutes early. o Dress appropriately for the interview. o Go to the interview alone. o Bring resume, social security card, work permits and licenses to the interview. o Greet the receptionist and the interviewer courteously. o Present yourself with confidence. o Research the company. o Be prepared to answer questions about yourself and your qualifications. o Be prepared to ask questions about the company. o Smile. o Follow the interview with a thank-you letter. DO NOT ~ Do not present a resume that was hastily put together or has typographical errors and smudges. ~ Do not use a general, all-purpose resume. ~ Do not give inaccurate information. ~ Do not present an application that is unreadable or incomplete. ~ Do not arrive late for an interview. ~ Do not wear jeans, wrinkled clothing, or outrageous jewelry to an interview. ~ Do not overdo perfume or aftershave. ~ Do not take friends or family to an interview. ~ Do not act as if the receptionist and interviewer are doing themselves a favor by seeing you. [gJ Do not forget your manners. ·. MOST COMMON REASONS WHY PEOPLE ARE NOT HIRED ~ Bad personal appearance ~ Too aggressive ~ Unable to express self clearly ~ Poor interest and enthusiasm ~ No career planning, no goals ~ Overly nervous, under confident ~ Too much emphasis on money ~ Not willing to start at the bottom ~ Discourteous ~ Immature ~ Speaks ill of former employers ~ Cannot make eye contact with interviewer ~ Messy application form ~ Late arrival for interview ~ Did not show appreciation for interviewer's time ~ Asked no questions about the company ~ Could not give direct answers when questioned