IRE 111 Week 10: Project workshop Colin Kimbrell Research fundamentals revisited 4 phases of research: preliminary, preparatory, analysis, reporting First step is to build background knowledge Extensive reading (aka - reviewing the literature) is the means Doing so will inspire your research. & help you to situate your research in the field e.g. the CARS model Research fundamentals & the final project 4 phases of research: preliminary, (preparatory), analysis, reporting Building background knowledge through Extensive reading (aka - reviewing the literature) Hopefully you will gain inspiration for your future research... As well as useful output to be used therein What output? • Primary: a literature review - Definition of literature a: writings in prose or verse - especially: writings having excellence of form or expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest b: the body of writings on a particular subject • Secondary: a research "proposal" What output? • - k r u t l a W i | ^ l « + I i • . .K tilt"' r id Weak justification of the topics relevance to IR/PoliSci + not supported with sources Commo n mistakes in previous years Lit review focuses on particular research question/case No discussion of operationalization Limited range of literature is covered Proposed application is insufficiently explained: - Justification of case selection/research question - Connection with particular conceptualization + operationalization is unclear - Data sources are not discussed - Other particular aspects are unclear, e.g. time period Conceptualization & operationalization • AKA definition & measurement • How would you define "democracy"? • Based on that definition, how can we measure "democracy"? • Is Russia a democracy? 4 phases of research: Your final projects & your bachelor studies/ thesis reporting preliminary, preparatory, analysis, Building background knowledge through Extensive reading (aka - reviewing the literature) Inspiration & useful outputs for your future research Skills development Remember, this is a continuous process. Your bachelor studies & future you Skills development Extensive background knowledge In-depth knowledge of a particular topic And (hopefully) inspiration and useful output Remember, continuous processes. Kristin Luker, Salsa Dancing into the Social Sciences: Research in an Age of Info-glut James Hayton, PhD: An uncommon guide to research, writing & PhD life Cal Newport, So Good They Can't Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love Questions?