Problems of Research in Political Science causality, control of the examined relationship, distortion, experiment 2020 Research of social reality •Search for recurring schemas, regularity, patterns, logic of system functioning; •We try to isolate the phenomena and interpret them by observing the variables and the relationships between them - by inducing causal relations and then generalizing into rules - the laws; •Such generalization is a mean for explaining social reality, allowing us to understand the world. Causality in the social sciences •Natural vs. social sciences - degree of control of the system. • •Social sciences: the inability to isolate the system and the causal relationship; impossibility to formulate laws, only the probability character of the claim; limited possibility of intervention and experiment ... • •Causality: the causal link between (social) phenomena (dependent and independent variable) – its finding, exploring and understanding is key to the scientific knowledge of society. •MacIver: Whatever happens, it has a cause; each cause is a consequence of the preceding cause; each consequence is the cause of the consequence. •Pareto: As a result of the research, it is possible to obtain a set of statements that approximate the extraordinary complexity of the social world. • • • •Independent variable ---> Dependent variable cause – transmiting mechanism - consequence "Science" in the social sciences •Examples of great concepts - have the character of scientific knowledge: •Economics: General Theory of Employment (Keynes), Economic and Social Theory of Growth (Kuznets); •Sociology: Protestant ethics (Weber), Iron laws of the oligarchy (Michels), Social exchange (Homans, Blau); •Political Science: Cleavages (Rokkan), Electoral Laws (Duverger, Sartori), Economic Policy Theory (Downs); •International Relations: Hegemonic Stability (Kindleberger, Krasner) ... • monetary base -> inflation <-> employment, growth • •protestantism / catolicism -> economic systém performance • •proportional / majoritarian elect. system -> party system (no. of parties) -> gov.stability • •multipolar / unipolar (heg.) system -> stability of international economic system International system (natural system) contains elements: states (democracy / authoritative); contains their interactions: government relations (aggressive /cooperative). Variables Political regime (authoritative / democratic) - IV (cause) Behavior in international relations (militarism / cooperation) - DV (consequence) Democratic peace theory „Democracies do not wage wars on each other“ Democratic peace Analysis •We define the characteristics of democracy, the authoritarian system, the cooperative and aggressive behavior of the state; • •We are looking for occurrence of these features (to know which type it is); we identify connections between these elements and the consequences of their occurrence ... •mobilization of nation, internal and external threat, necessity to concentrate power -> provoking conflicts, predating and confronting, securing resources – autarky... •plurality, elections, economic and political freedom -> initiative, cooperation, predictability ... • •How many and what elements are needed to decide whether it is democracy? (operationalization); • •What is the relation between the policies of the state and its internal setting - why is it related? (link to theory) ... Exploration - Germany and the FRA are after 1945 „cooperative" states, formerly aggressive .... - North Korea, the USSR after 1945 use to provoke .... Generalization States that are democratic are „cooperative", those that are not often "evil". Theory •The defined change in the internal political system – mobilization, threat, concentration of power vs. freedom, enterpreneurship, initiative - has a systematic impact on the character of the state's conduct in international relations (foreign policy). •Change to democracy leads to strengthening of cooperation (inside and outside) at the expense of aggression in FP... Based on the theory, we make the statement (hypothesis): - Democratic internal organization of the country corresponds to cooperative, non-aggressive foreign policy. • Formulation of general rule (causality): Democratic organization is the cause of non-aggressive/ cooperative behavior of the state in FP. Confrontation with empirical reality: -Germany in 2019 has invaded France .... both are democratic states ...! -... the hypothesis is not kept -> the theory is unable to explain the concrete actions of the state ... The Most Unhealthy Countries in the World (problem of validity) 1. Alcohol consumption per person, per year; 2. Tobacco consumption per person, per year; 3. Obesity prevalence within the population. DV CASE IV? IV? 1 Honduras C L 2 Venezuela C L 3 Belize C L 8 Lesotho C L 11 RSA C M 12 Colombia C L 14 Kongo DR C L 18 Brazil C M 19 Rwanda C L 22 Mexico C M 27 Nigeria C, I L 33 Myanmar B L 35 South Sudan A, C, I L 36 Ivory Coast I, C, A L 39 Turkmenistán I M 47 Etiopie C, I L DV CASE IV? IV? 48 Sudan I L 66 Russia C M 68 Kyrgyzstan I M 70 Philippines C L 77 Somalia I L 79 Iraq I L 82 Kazakhstan I, C M 84 Pakistan I L 86 Mali I L 89 Palestine I L 91 Eritrea C, I L 92 Lithuania C M 95 Afghanistan I L 108 Albania I, C L 111 USA C H 121 Iran I M 125 Kosovo I N DV CASE IV? IV? 128 India H, I, C L 129 Egypt I L 138 Thai-wan B, T H 145 Bangladesh I L 147 Turkey I M 152 Malaysia I, B M 154 Syria I M 155 Norway C H 159 Jordan I L 165 Israel J H 166 Libya I L DV CASE IV? IV? 185 Oman I H 186 Qatar I H 188 China T M 191 Czech rep. C H 198 S. Arabia I H 201 Japan B H 203 Algeria I L 208 Indonesia I L 209 Switzerland C H 210 Bahrain I H 212 Kuwait I H