Requirements and grading
Course Requirements
(1) Active participation is the key. Check the literature and other required sources before each session and join us on time with your webcam on. Be ready for in-class polls and break-out room activities.
(2) Three questions or discussion topics needs to be submitted by each student a week before the final session. The questions shall be related to energy politics. They can, but do not have to, follow-up on issues covered in sessions or course sources. The questions shall be submitted in a doc(x) or odt format into a dedicated IS vault by January 5, 2020. Late submission will be penalized by a loss of 5 points per each day of delay.
Students need to pass final exam based on sessions and course sources. The lectures’ slides will be provided in the
Study Materials folder of the IS.
The final grade will be determined at an exam. The exam consists of questions related to the substance of the sessions and the compulsory literature.
A 40-37
B 36-34
C 33-31
D 30-28
E 27-25
F 24 and less