Mgr. Eva Taterová, M.A., Ph.D. Politics and Society in the Middle East POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT OF LEBANON jker0 Lebanon's Hariri Resigns After Street Protests Turn Violent - Bloomberg CONSEQUNCES OF WW1 —After WW1 both Lebanon and Syria got under the mandate of France. — —The borders of modern states were set up à origins of the contemporary problems. — —The decision to separate Lebanon as the independent territorial unit (“stolen Syrian province“). — —Two basic options of the borders: —Small Lebanon – the only Christian state in the Middle East. —Bigger Lebanon – including the Shia Muslims. — RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY OF LEBANON —Maronites – about 900,000 people in Lebanon. — —Shia Muslims – came to Lebanon in 16th century from Persia. — —Sunni Muslims. — —Druzes. — — — INDEPENDENCE —September 1941: independence of Syria. — —Lebanon declared independence in 1943 à after the defeat of France WW2, Lebanon refused to support the collaborative Vichy regime. — —Lebanese leaders made so called National Pact (1943): —Verbal arrangement that define the representation of all religious and ethnic group in Lebanese parliament. —Christians vs. Muslims 6:5. —President shall be always Maronite, prime-minister always Sunni Muslim, Speaker of the Parliament Shia Muslim, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces always Druze. — — — INDEPENDENT LEBANON —Economically developed country: “Switzerland of the Middle East“. — —“Beirut = Paris of the Middle East“ — —Confessional system has been very frail since the beginning. — —During the time, the attempts of the Muslims for emancipation vs. Christian ressistence to change the existing system. — — — ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT AND THE IMPACTS ON LEBANON AND SYRIA —Since the beginning, Lebanon and Syria disapproved the establishment of the Jewish state à till today officially in war with Israel, just the armistice. — —Main problem the immigration of Palestine refugees after 1948 and 1967 à refugee camps in southern Lebanon and Syria. — —Syria found out very humiliating especially the loss of Golan Height in 1967. REFUGEES NEIGHBORHOOD IN BEIRUT CIVIL WAR IN LEBANON 1975-1990 —Radicalization of the Palestinians especially after PLO leaders moved from Jordan to Lebanon (southern Lebanon = Fatah land). — —1975 escalation of the sectarian violence. — —Breaking point: assassination of Bachir Gemayel in 1982. — —The others states such Israel and Syria intervened in the conflict as well. — Bachir Gemayel SABRA AND SHATILA MASSACRES —16-18 September 1982 massacres in refugees camps Sabra and Shatila in Beirut suburbs. — —About 400 – 2000 Palestinians murdered by the members of Phalangist Party. — —Responsibility of Israeli army – Ariel Sharon. CIVIL WAR — — — — BIRTH OF HEZBOLLAH —“Party of God“ established in 1985. — —Anti-Israeli and anti-USA shia movement supported by Iran and Assad‘s regime in Syria. — —2013: the military wing of Hezbollah (Jihad Council) was listed as a terrorist organization by EU. — Hassan Nasrallah advises Israel not to play with fire Hassan Nasrallah END OF CIVIL WAR —Taif Agreement1989: —Compromise negotiated by Saudi Arabia —Formal ending of the civil war even though limited violent clashes still appeared time to time. —The attempts to reduce the inequality between Christians and Muslims à changes in National Pact – mandates in parliament between Christians and Muslims 1:1. —Limitation of presidential power. — —General amnesty on crimes that were committed during the civil war. POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT IN LEBANON AFTER CIVIL WAR —Slow post-conflict reconstruction of the country (various social, economic, environmental problems) - Corruption and ill-governance — —Religious radicals in the society – Hezbollah (nowadays the political party that is represented in the parliament). — —Refugees from Syria à risk of the civil war in Lebanon – 25 % of refugees in Lebanese society. — Saad Hariri Lebanon's Hariri Resigns After Street Protests Turn Violent - Bloomberg ANTI-GOVERNMENT DEMONSTRATIONS 2019 EXPLOSION IN BEIRUT 2020 —On 4 August 2020, a large amount of ammonium nitrate stored at the port of the city of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, exploded. — — 204 deaths, 6,500 injuries, and US$15 billion in property damage, 300,000 people homeless. — —The ammonium nitrate was stored in the port since 2013 (ship MV Rhosus). — — — — —THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION