Culture, Society and Politics in the German-speaking Countries

Week 3+4 (20/27.10.2020): Economy, Foreign Relations, and Luther’s Reformation

This teaching unit will finish the introduction to Germany of the last session and proceed to the second topic explored in the course- German political history. As such, the first part of the session will include an overview of the German economy, discuss Germany as a global economic power, the contemporary issue of the 'Nord Stream 2' pipeline, German foreign policy and German-US Relations. 

The second part of the session (and the next two sessions) will be dedicated to German political History. We will discuss Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation alongside the Catholic counter-Reformation, their effects in Europe, in general, and on the German-speaking populations in particular. We will end the session with a discussion of Religious Wars in the Holy Roman Empire that will set the ground for the next session.

Mandatory reading

Fischer, S. (2016). Nord Stream 2: Trust in Europe. CSS Policy Perspectives4(4).

Further Reading

Webber, D. (Ed.). (2014). New Europe, new Germany, old foreign policy?: German foreign policy since unification. Routledge.

Brecht, M. (2009). Martin Luther: Shaping and Defining the Reformation, 1521-1532 (Vol. 2). Fortress Press.

Access to Zoom sessions in the course is possible with the following info:

Direct link:

Meeting ID: 931 7676 1525

Passcode: ireb2014

Sessions will take place on Tuesdays, 10:00-11:40.