The idea (and reality) of Central Europe
3/ Great power dictates, limited options (December 15)
Bartošek, Karel. Could We Have Fought?:
The Munich Complex in Czech Policies and Czech Thinking. In: Norman Stone, Eduard Stouhal
(eds.). Czechoslovakia: Crossroads and Crises, 1918-88. Palgrave
Macmillan Press. 1989
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Bibó, István. The Miseries of East
European Small States. Ch. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
In: Bibó, István, and Iván Zoltán Dénes (ed.). The Art of Peacemaking :
Political Essays by István Bibó. World Thought in Translation. New Haven,
Connecticut: Yale University Press. 2015, pp. 130-180.
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