Session 9: U.S.-China Policy: U.S.-China trade war (30 October)
Session 9 (Friday 8:00-9:30 am)
U.S.-China Policy: U.S.-China trade war
Required reading:
Boucher, Jean-Christophe and Cameron G. Thies (2019). “I Am a Tariff Man”: The Power of
Populist Foreign Policy Rhetoric under President Trump, The Journal of Politics 81:2, 712-722
Schweller, Randall. 2018. “Opposite but Compatible Nationalisms: A Neoclassical Realist
Approach to the Future of US–China Relations.” The Chinese Journal of International Politics 11 (1):
Further reading:
Chan, Steve. 2012. Looking for Balance: China, the United States, and Power Balancing in East Asia [In
English]. Studies in Asian Security. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Gilpin, Robert. 2010. War and Change in World Politics. Cambridge University Press.
John J. Mearsheimer, and Stephen M. Walt. 2016. “The Case for Offshore Balancing: A Superior
U.S. Grand Strategy.” Foreign affairs 95 (4): 70–83.
Johnston, Alastair I. 2013. “How New and Assertive Is China's New Assertiveness?” International
Security 37 (4): 7–48.
Leonard, Mark. 2013. “Why Convergence Breeds Conflict: Growing More Similar Will Push
China and the United States Apart Essay.” [eng]. Foreign affairs 92 (5): [i]-135.
Rose, Gideon. 1998. “Neoclassical Realism and Theories of Foreign Policy.” World Politics 51 (1):
Ross, Robert S. 2013. “The Domestic Sources of China’s “Assertive Diplomacy,” 2009–
10Nationalism and Chinese Foreign Policy.” In China Across the Divide, ed. Rosemary Foot.
Oxford University Press, 72–88.
Shan, Weijian. 2019. “The Unwinnable Trade War Essays.” [eng]. Foreign affairs 98 (6): 99–108.
Waltz, Kenneth N. 2000. “Structural Realism after the Cold War.” International Security 25 (1): 5–
Wang, Zheng. 2014. Never forget national humiliation - historical memory in Chinese politics a.
CONTEMPORARY ASIA IN THE WORLD. Columbia University Press.
Weiss, Jessica C. 2014. Powerful Patriots. Oxford University Press.
Zhao, Suisheng. 2013. “Foreign Policy Implications of Chinese Nationalism Revisited: the
strident turn.” Journal of Contemporary China 22 (82): 535–53.