Session 3: Realism/Liberalism (28 October)
Session 3 (Wednesday 3:00-4:30 pm)
Realism & Liberalism
Required reading:
Wohlforth, William C. 2012. "Realism and foreign policy." In Foreign policy: theories, actors, cases, edited
by Steve Smith, Amelia Hadfield and Tim Dunne, 35-53. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Doyle, Michael C. 2012. "Liberalism and foreign policy." In Foreign policy: theories, actors, cases, edited
by Steve Smith, Amelia Hadfield and Tim Dunne, 54-77. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Further reading:
Beach, Derek. 2012. "System-Level Factors." In Analyzing Foreign Policy, 31-57. New York: Palgrave
Elman, Colin. 1996. "Horses for Courses: Why not Neorealist Theories of Foreign Policy." Security
Studies no. 6 (1):7-53.
Heinze, Eric A. 2008. "The New Utopianism: Liberalism, American Foreign Policy, and the War
in Iraq." Journal of International Political Theory no. 4 (1):105-125.
Karns, Margaret P., and Karen A. Mingst. 1987. "International Organizations and Foreign Policy:
Influence and Instrumentality." In New Directions in the Study of Foreign Policy, edited by Charles F.
Hermann, Jr. Charles W. Kegley and James N. Rosenau. Boston: Allen & Unwin.
Keohane, Robert O., and Joseph S. Nye. 2011. "Power and Interdependence." In, 3-18. London:
Lipson, Charles. 1984. "International Cooperation in Security and Economic Affairs." World Politics
no. 37:1-23.
Lobell, Steven E., Norrin M. Ripsman, and Jeffrey W. Taliaferro. 2009. Neoclassical Realism, the State,
and Foreign Policy. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
Mearsheimer, John J. 1994. "The False Promise of International Institutions." International Security
no. 19 (3):5-49.
Morgenthau, Hans. 2005. A Realist Theory of International Politics. Edited by Hans J.
Ripsman, M. Norrin, Jeffrey W. Taliaferro, and Steven E. Lobell. 2016. Neoclassical Realist Theory of
International Politics. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Rose, Gideon. 1998. "Neoclassical Realism and Theories of Foreign Policy." World Politics no. 51
Waltz, Kenneth N. 1988. "The Origins of War in Neorealist Theory." Journal of Interdisciplinary
History no. 18 (4):615-628.