US Foreign Policy & Populism
Session 7: Polarization and the power of Congress (29 October)
Session 7 (Thursday 2:00-3:30 pm)
Polarization and the power of CongressRequired reading:
Rosati, Jerel, and James Scott. 2011. "Congress and Interbranch Politics." In The Politics of UnitedStates Foreign Policy, 291-326. Cengage Learning.
Schultz, Kenneth. 2017. “Perils of Polarization for U.S. Foreign Policy.” The Washington Quarterly
40 (4): 7-28.
Kupchan, Charles, and Peter Trubowitz. 2007. "Dead Center The Demise of Liberal
Internationalism in the United States." International Security no. 32 (2):7-44.
Breuning, Marijke. 2007. "Leaders in Context I: Domestic constraints on Foreign Policy Making."
In Foreign Policy Analysis: A Comparative Introduction, 115-139. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Carter, Ralph G., and James M. Scott. 2009. Choosing to lead: Understanding Congressional foreign policy
entrepreneurs. Durham, London: Duke University Press.
Chaudoin, Stephen, Helen V. Milner, and Dustin H. Tingley. 2010. "The Center Still Holds Liberal
Internationalism Survives." International Security no. 35 (1):75-94.
Hersman, Rebecca K.C. 2000. Friends and Foes: How Congress and the President Really Make Foreign
Policy. Washington, D.C.: Brookings.
Hook, Steven W. “Congress beyond the ‘Water´s Edge’.” 2011. In U.S. Foreign Policy: The Paradox
of World Power,136-170. 3 ed. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press.
Jacobson, Gary C. 2011. "Legislative Success and Political Failure: The Public's Reaction to Barack
Obama's Early Presidency." Presidential Studies Quarterly no. 41 (2):220–243.
Kriner, Douglas L. 2010. After the Rubicon: Congress, Presidents, and the Politics of Waging War. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
Lindsay, James M. 2008. "The Shifting Pendulum of Power: Executive-Legislative Relations on
American Foreign Policy." In The Domestic Sources of American Foreign Policy: Insights and Evidence,
edited by Eugene Wittkopf and James McCormick, 199-211. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield
Putnam, Robert. 1988. "Diplomacy and Domestic Politics." International Organization no. 42:427-
Snow, Donald. 2004. United States Foreign Policy: Politics Beyond the Water's Edge: Thomas Wadsworth:
Wittkopf, Eugene R., Christopher M. Jones, and Jr. Charles W. Kegley. 2008. "The Congress and
Foreign Policy Making." In American Foreign Policy: Pattern and Process, 413-451. Thomson