US Foreign Policy & Populism

Session 11: U.S.-Climate Policy: The Paris Agreement (30 October)

Session 11 (Friday 2:00-3:30 pm)

U.S.-Climate Policy: The Paris Agreement

Required reading:
Jotzo, Frank, Joanna Depledge, and Harald Winkler. 2018. “US and international climate policy
under President Trump.” Climate Policy 18 (7): 813–17.
Ritthaler-Andree, Ronja. 2016. The U.S. Climate Policy and the 2016 Presidential and Congressional
Elections. Kaiserslautern: Atlantische Akademie. Atlantische Themen, 1/2016.
2016/AA-R2E-No1.pdf (Accessed October 5, 2020).

Further reading:
Bomberg, Elizabeth. 2017. “Environmental politics in the Trump era: an early assessment.”
Environmental Politics 26 (5): 956–63.
Brewer, Thomas L. 2014. The United States in a Warming World. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Farber, Daniel. 2018. “A política climática dos EUA: Obama, Trump e o futuro.” Revista de Estudos
Constitucionais, Hermenêutica e Teoria do Direito 10 (2).
Guliyev, Farid. 2020. “Trump's "America first" energy policy, contingency and the reconfiguration
of the global energy order.” [eng]. Energy policy 140: 111435.
Kemp, Luke. 2017. “US-proofing the Paris Climate Agreement.” Climate Policy 17 (1): 86–101.
Mehling, Michael A., and Antto Vihma. 2017. 'Mourning for America' - Donald Trump's Climate Change
Policy. 8th ed. Helsinki: e Finnish Institute of International Affairs. FIIA Analysis. (Accessed October 5, 2020).
Pavone, Ilja R. 2018. “The Paris Agreement and the Trump administration: Road to nowhere?”
Journal of International Studies 11 (1): 34–49.
Selby, Jan. 2019. “The Trump presidency, climate change, and the prospect of a disorderly energy
transition.” Review of International Studies 45 (3): 471–90.
Steinhauer, Valentin. 2018. Leaving the Paris Agreement:: The United States’ Disengagement from the Global
Climate Regime and its Impact on EU Climate Diplomacy. Bruges: Collège d'Europe. EU Diplomacy
2018_steinhauer_final.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=47214&force= (Accessed October 5, 2020).